The logging mechanisms in libclamav (cli_errmsg, etc.) use
"fprintf(stderr,...)"... this is especially inappropriate for clamd.  For
the new "botched ZIP files", we see the "LibClamAV Error:..."  messages
every other time we run clamdscan on the same directory repeatedly (i.e.
no "LibClamAV Error" lines the first time, error lines the second time, no
error lines the third time, error lines the fourth time, etc.).

Anyone else seen this?

Having spurious messages inserted into clamd's output is not conducive to
making things like MIMEDefang process it's output.


clamav-20031104, Sparc, Solaris 9, gcc 3.3.2

Ed Phillips <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> University of Delaware (302) 831-6082
Systems Programmer III, Network and Systems Services

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