I downloaded the latest snapshot this morning, clamav-devel-20031105.tar.gz, and 
everything compiled and installed fine (Red Hat Linux 8.0).

But, I got an error when I ran clamscan on my quarantine directory.

# clamscan --unzip att-photos.zip-3fa67982.OO
LibClamAV Error: zziplib: directory entry incorrect: 324a - search 324b...
/var/spool/quarantine/att-photos.zip-3fa67982.OO: Worm.Mimail.C FOUND
----------- SCAN SUMMARY -----------
Known viruses: 19837
Scanned directories: 0
Scanned files: 1
Infected files: 1
Data scanned: 0.01 MB
I/O buffer size: 131072 bytes
Time: 0.785 sec (0 m 0 s)

It did it's job and found the virus, but I'm not sure what the LibClamAV error means 
or how big or small a problem it is.

If I run clamscan on the entire directory I get:

LibClamAV Error: zziplib: directory entry incorrect: 324a - search 324b...
Segmentation fault

This isn't so good, because the scan fails...

Clamscan doesn't exhibit this problem when I run it against the test files. So, it may 
just be this particular file that is causing the problem.

Clamdscan doesn't have the problem, it scans everything just fine. If you'd like to 
look at the particular file in question, please let me know...


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