Hi all,

I've just finished building clamav-0.60 on an RH5.2 vanilla box.
Unfortunately it wasn't quite straightforward.  Fortunately it wasn't too
much trouble to come up with a fix.  I'm not sure how much interest there is
in fixing the configure.in for such an old system but I have attached a
patch for both it and clamscan/others.c to better detect the presence of

Unfortunately I have not got at my disposal a suitable version of
auto{conf/make} so I have been unable to test the changes to configure.in, I
also have no experience with such things and so made the change in a
"follow-the-pattern" way.  Feel free to deride any oversights.

Anyway, they're here if anybody else might find them of use.


Attachment: others.c.patch
Description: Binary data

Attachment: conf.in.patch
Description: Binary data

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