On Wed, Sep 03, 2003 at 09:28:08AM +0200, Stefan Kaltenbrunner wrote:

> >I have been running clamd 0.60 for quite some time now on our mail
> >gateway in a milter setup (not the ClamAV milter, but our own one that
> >"speaks" the clamd protocol).
> >
> >clamd in this version is not stable and I wonder if it is the server
> >part or libclamav thats causing the trouble.
> hmm - we use it together with exiscan, and we have only seen it break 
> under extremly high loads/unusual situations (i.e. enormous connection 
> backlog due to the LDAP-loadbalancer going down). I suspect this 
> problems occour when the maximum thread/backlog limits inside the 
> clamd-daemon are reached.
> During light/normal load (we only have some 250k mails/day) the more 
> recent snapshots do work reliable for us.

Well, we have about 4 Mio mails/day on 6 machines, one being under
Sobig.F-fire (560 worms/minute).

In this situation clamd was *really* instable, breaking nearly daily (exim
4.22/exiscan/michael's exiscan-fixes).

Since today we are testing the snapshot daemon. We'll see...


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