I'm sorry for taking up so much of your time over the past day! 
Sometimes, I am a slow learner.  I finally got clamav working great,
along with clamav-milter and Sendmail 8.2.19.  Everything was working
great! For about 16 hours. 

Then, I started experiencing time out issues sending mail through the
server, as did a few of my clients.  From the maillog file:

Aug 26 23:17:00 ns sendmail[6858]: h7R3D0UM006858: Milter (clmilter):
timeout before data read
Aug 26 23:17:00 ns sendmail[6858]: h7R3D0UM006858: Milter (clmilter): to
error state
Aug 26 23:17:00 ns sendmail[6858]: h7R3D0UM006858: Milter (clmilter):
init failed to open
Aug 26 23:17:00 ns sendmail[6858]: h7R3D0UM006858: Milter (clmilter): to
error state
Aug 26 23:17:00 ns sendmail[6858]: h7R3D0UM006858: [] did
not issue MAIL/EXPN/VRFY/ETRN during connection to MTA
Aug 26 23:17:18 ns sendmail[6911]: h7R3DEUM006911: Milter (clmilter):
timeout before data read
Aug 26 23:17:18 ns sendmail[6911]: h7R3DEUM006911: Milter (clmilter): to
error state
Aug 26 23:17:18 ns sendmail[6911]: h7R3DEUM006911: Milter (clmilter):
init failed to open
Aug 26 23:17:18 ns sendmail[6911]: h7R3DEUM006911: Milter (clmilter): to
error state
Aug 26 23:17:18 ns sendmail[6911]: h7R3DEUM006911:
cpe-24-242-21-236.elp.rr.com [] did not issue
MAIL/EXPN/VRFY/ETRN during connection to MT

So, I tried restarting Sendmail, and everything else, but still the same
error messages in the logs.  

It's a very quiet time, so I thought I'd just reboot the darn machine,
to see what would happen.  In my /etc/rc.d/rc.local file, I have:

# update clamav databases
freshclam -d -c 2 -l /var/log/clam-update.log

# start clamd antivirus daemaon

# Start clamd milter
/usr/local/sbin/clamav-milter -lo /var/run/clmilter.sock
killall -HUP sendmail

But now in my email headers, I"m seeing this:
X-Virus-Scanned:  sh: clamdscan: command not found

And after spending two full days on getting this to work, my brain is a
bit numb, I have to admit.  Anyone point out what I've done wrong?

Thanks again!

Goal Centered Internet Solutions

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