On Fri, 15 Aug 2003 at 17:21:22 -0500, Lynn Duerksen wrote:
> Was wondering if anyone had any more suggestions.
> At this point I would even accept a script that would run from crontab
> to check if clamd is running.  If not start it up again.
> I tried the script below and works well from a command line but not from
> crontab.  It starts multiple clamd daemons.
> ****************
> #!/bin/sh
> exec 1>>/var/log/messages
> exec 2>&1
> TIMESTAMP=`date +"%b %e %H:%M:%S"`
> # check for clamd daemon
> if skill -n clamd
> then
>         echo $TIMESTAMP " clamd is running"
> else
>         echo $TIMESTAMP " restarting clamd daemon"
>         rm /var/amavisd/clamd.sock
>         chroot -u amavisd /var/amavisd /usr/sbin/clamd
> fi
> *******************

[ I'm omitting the rest of your message because I don't use OpenBSD and
don't know its chroot synopsis, so I've got nothing to comment on it. ]

Lynn, what do you mean saying "It starts multiple clamd daemons"?
Isn't this, by chance, the normal clamd behaviour, like in:

14528 ?        S      0:03 /usr/sbin/clamd
14529 ?        S      0:14 /usr/sbin/clamd
14530 ?        S      0:24 /usr/sbin/clamd

There are multiple (3) processes (or maybe threads) and it's normal.

Sorry if I'm asking obvious questions.

 Tomasz Papszun   SysAdm @ TP S.A. Lodz, Poland  | And it's only
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]   http://www.lodz.tpsa.pl/   | ones and zeros.

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