---- Original Message ----
> From Raymond Norton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Date: Monday, 09 Jun 2003, 16:56
> I am trying to see how this is a benefit to run over sophos.
> I need to cover 500 + mailboxes, so even a
> few bucks per user is a big deal..

I think you've just found a benefit.  I can't afford to run a commercial
virus scanner on the mailing list server I run for a couploe of
non-commercial reasons (eg for the benefit of my local Scout Group) ...
however clamav should provide reasonable protection against members of
the lists infecting each other via the messages to one of the lists.

I don't need to disinfect the messages, I just want to make a reasonable
attempt to stop infected ones being delivered to the intended
victims^Wrecipients.  The sender will see the bounce, disinfect their
computer (with whatever anti-virus software they have, or purchase some
if not) and send out a clean version themselves.  It's not my job to
clean the attachments, in fact that's entirely counter productive
because it removes one of the immediate reasons that the sender would
have for disinfecting themselves - and if the email isn't disinfected
properly it would shift some of the reponsibility for the distribution
of the virus onto me.  I'm suspect that 90% of mailserver administrators 
probably have similar objectives.

Stephen White <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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