We see the following behavior:

Checking for a new database - started at Tue May 13 13:09:55 2003
viruses.db is up to date.
viruses.db2 is up to date.

Checking for a new database - started at Tue May 13 16:09:55 2003
ERROR: Can't connect to port 80 of host clamav.elektrapro.com
ERROR: Connection with clamav.elektrapro.com failed.
Checking for a new database - started at Tue May 13 16:09:55 2003
ERROR: Can't create md5 checksum of the viruses.db database.

Checking for a new database - started at Tue May 13 19:09:55 2003
ERROR: Can't create md5 checksum of the viruses.db database.

Checking for a new database - started at Tue May 13 22:09:56 2003
ERROR: Can't create md5 checksum of the viruses.db database.

Checking for a new database - started at Wed May 14 01:09:56 2003
ERROR: Can't create md5 checksum of the viruses.db database.

It seems that once freshclam fails a connection, it can never successfully
work again until it is restarted.  Is there a fix for this problem?
Should we just run it in a mode to "do a one-time update and quit" out of
cron instead trying to let it run continuously?

We're running clamav-20030317 on Solaris 9.



Ed Phillips <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> University of Delaware (302) 831-6082
Systems Programmer III, Network and Systems Services
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