Wednesday, March 12, 2003, 8:29:51 PM, Cory wrote:

This is getting a bit offtopic, but I hope you won't mind...

> Applying the QMAILQUEUE patch is extremely easy and simple.
> cd qmail-1.03
> wget
> patch < qmailqueue-patch

OK I tried it again and it worked this time (I have no idea why it
didn't want to patch before 8/), so now off to reinstalling the qmail
binaries, getting qmail-scanner and testing it - thanks everyone!

> I also use clam with qmail/qmail-scanner and have had a great experience
> with it.

That would be my favourite choice as well 8]

tomasz 'tonid' nidecki, zoliborz, warszawa, poland

* Heghlu'meH QaQ jajvam

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