Hello everyone I have been trying to get amavis-ng-0.1.4 setup on my system (SuSE 7.3 2.4.10-4GB kernel). We run sendmail-8.12.7/procmail/CLAMav. Hopefully someone can take a peek at my config file and let me know where I've made my mistake. When I start amavis I get the following error message -- though it appears that amavisd does start -- though I don't know if its working: Use of uninitialzed value in string ne at /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.6.1/AMAVIS/Logging.pm line 85. Use of uninitialzed value in concatenation (.) or string at /usr/lib/per5/site_perl/5.6.1/AMAVIS/Logging.pm line 89 Use of uninitialzed value in concatenation (.) or string at /usr/lib/per5/site_perl/5.6.1/AMAVIS/Logging.pm line 89 Warning: No logging enabled.
And on a second note, would I be better off using something besides amavis-ng? Maybe MIMEDefang or Mailscanner? I would appreciate any suggestions Here is my /etc/amavis/amavis.conf (stripped down to just the essentials) ; $Id: amavis.conf,v 1.24 2002/07/24 22:59:08 bengen Exp $ ; Configuration file for amavis [global] ;; Which MTA to use. Specify one. mail-transfer-agent = Milter ;; Which virus scanner to use. Use more than one if you desire virus-scanner = CLAM ;; Extractor modules. ;; "Mail" should definitely be used, it is used for decoding MIME ;; attachments extractors=Mail, Text, GZIP, BZIP2, LHA, ARC, Zip, Tar, ZOO, RAR ;; Who should be notified? notifiers=Sender, Recipients, Admin ;; What should be inserted into the message's headers if it is let ;; through? x-header = true x-header-tag = X-Scanned-By x-header-line = AMaViS. umask = 002 [paths] ;; Where should mails be unpacked to? unpack dir = /tmp/ ;; Where should infected mail be stored? (Only the actual mail, not ;; the unpacked attachments) quarantine dir = /var/spool/amavis/quarantine ;; If problems occur, put message into this directory problem dir = /var/spool/amavis/problems ;; Should the unpacking directory be removed afterwards? Set to 'no' ;; only for debugging purposes cleanup = yes [Logging] ;; Use syslog? Facility (e.g. mail|info) or "no" syslog = mail|info syslog loglevel = 7 ;; Log to which file? And atwhat level? logfile = /var/log/amavis.log logfile loglevel = 6 [Notify] ;; Which domains should be considered local? Recipients are notified ;; about mail that was stopped only if they are local. The domain name ;; is matches against this Perl regular expression. local domain = .simutronics\.com ;; What address will appear in the From:-header of warning messages mail from = [EMAIL PROTECTED] ;; Who is the mail admin? Comma separated list if multiple admins admin = [EMAIL PROTECTED] [Sendmail] ;; Location and arguments of the binary sendmail = /usr/sbin/sendmail args = -i -C /etc/mail/sendmail.cf -f [SMTP] ; input address = localhost input port = 10025 ; output address = localhost output port = 10026 ;; SMTP session timeout. ;; unset: accept message immediately ;; =0: no timeout. Response is sent to client after processing ;; >0: timeout is set to n seconds. After n seconds, processing ;; is aborted if it has not been finished. ; session timeout = 240 pidfile = /var/run/amavis/amavisd.pid [Milter] ;; Currently, an external C program amavis-milter is needed for Milter ;; support. ;; This is the socket AMaViS will listen on. amavis-milter will ;; connect to this socket if it wants a message to be checked. amavis socket = /var/run/amavis/socket.amavis ;; This is the socket amavs-milter will listen on. milter socket = /var/run/amavis/socket.milter ;; The path to amavis-milter amavis-milter = /usr/sbin/amavis-milter ;; amavis-milter pid file amavis-milter pidfile = /var/run/amavis/amavis-milter.pid ;; The AMaViS pid file pidfile = /var/run/amavis/amavisd.pid daemon = yes ;; For sending out messages sendmail = /usr/sbin/sendmail args = -i -f [DebugMTA] input file = /dev/stdin output file = /dev/stdout [external] arc = /usr/bin/arc bzip2 = /usr/bin/bzip2 lha = /usr/bin/lha unarj = /usr/bin/unarj unrar = /usr/bin/unrar zoo = /usr/bin/zoo [security] ;; Resource limits for unpacking each message ;; How many levels of unpacking do we do? maxlevels = 20 ;; How many files do we want to write? maxfiles = 1000 ;; How much diskspace do we want to consume? maxspace = 300M ;; If amavis is run as UID root, drop root privileges to uid, gid. uid = mail gid = mail [CLAM] clamscan = /usr/bin/clamscan Thanks, Jim --------------------------------------------------------------------- To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]