[Please don't top-post. If you don't know what top-posting is, check

Brian Read <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>Not at all, [subject tags] are ideal to use for email rules to sort
>into different folders.

No, they suck for filtering messages into different folders for
exactly the reason that this thread is taking place: they're not
guaranteed to be unique. A much better field to filter upon is
Return-Path. If your MUA is lame and can't filter by regular
expressions--which is necessary for lists that use VERPs--then you can
use Mailing-List.

I use qmail extension addresses: I subscribe to each list with a
unique address and file incoming messages without filtering using a
.qmail file dedicated to the list's subscribed address. No filtering
overhead, no unreliable heuristics, and no trash necessary in the
Subject field.

The eight characters devoted to "[users] " is noise that just serves
to push some of the real information in the Subject off the screen.

>I get between 50-100 emails a day, and need to prioritise which i
>read immediatly, and which I leave until later.

That's a small fraction of the number I get, but let's not start a
mailbox size contest.


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