
A new build of CHIRP-next is available. This includes changes made directly to 
the tree since yesterday and may include additional features, bug fixes, etc. 
Unless you have a reason not to, we recommend using the latest build of 
CHIRP-next at all times.

You can get it from here:

A list of changes since the last build are here:

902043a9 Update US Marine stock config to current
20fd6ecf Fix radioreference link
679c1434 Give live radios the serial detection interface
e6685dfa uvk5: Bless 1o11 firmwares in base uvk5 driver
e579e7e1 kg935g: Remove overly verbose debug log on load
b85efbd4 Add commit check banning the use of eval()
58be159b kg935g: Remove uses of eval()
7fbc5a31 kguv980: Remove uses of eval()
d05c9a29 uvk5: Clean up some style and consistency issues
c3d9614a bitwise: Add get_path() symbolic traversal
623fa16f Add some more RadioSettingValue operator overrides
0d57b2c1 uvk5: Fix setting typo in egzumer variant
10608596 uvk5: Shorten names of setting subgroups
1d0427a5 tk8180: Nest zone and OST settings in subgroups
a655efef Allow setting subgroups to nest properly
e3ad23cf bitwise: Avoid duplicate definitions on one scope
10683a46 Allow log history of multiple roots
bb9c46ff icv80: Fix bitwise errors
9fc12b6d leixen: Fix duplicate bitwise definitions
b09556ae th_uv88 : bitwise definitions cleanup and duplicate rename

Issues addressed in this build:

[Bug 11139] Quamsheng UV-K5 1o11 firmware issue
[Bug 11140] Bitwise allows duplicate names in a single scope
[Bug 11142] Kenwood TH-F7e internal driver error
[Feature 11127] Allow lightweight setting subgroups
[Feature 11143] radio reference link not working

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