A new build of CHIRP-next is available. This includes changes made directly to
the tree since yesterday and may include additional features, bug fixes, etc.
Unless you have a reason not to, we recommend using the latest build of
CHIRP-next at all times.
You can get it from here:
A list of changes since the last build are here:
96f6a3d0 uvk5: Sanity check image firmware on load
c5104f2d uvk5: Add in some docs for setting values
de12d2ac Expose settings docs as tooltips in propgrid
7b8d367c uvk5: Structure some settings as subgroups
879c5e99 Add radio setting subgroup functionality
585f546a Allow exposing backups directory in help menu
5f633b2b Add radio class and module to info tab
109f4dd4 vx6: Fix DCS/TSQL-R reversal
d1ce2af2 Allow invalid settings to remain uninitialized
4a0f59d6 Refactor setting initialization for serviceability
3ccfa651 Fix some test images with broken settings
8a92c2a6 kguv9*: Fix double-wrapped setting value objects
e33a3e1f uv5r: Attempt to harden settings loading
758ae2ed Sort tone and dtcs values in the UI
6dc31c87 Update gitignore
666fd687 Fix broken log message in error_proof helper
81287ba5 th_uv88 : Fix CTCSS and DTCS Code list - Add non standard 62.5 CTCSS
code - Add non standard 169.9 CTSS code (available in official software
probably by mistake instead of 167.9) - Uses only standard DTCS codes instead
865b2131 th_uv88 : Fix access to the last channel memory. The effective number
of channel is 200 not 199.
67326be2 th_uv88 : remove _clean_buffer at identification start to fix an error
when using redirected serial port with RDP in windows. Buffers are already
flushed during port open in
6b7c0a5f uvk5: egzumer firmware, "Auto reset time" bug fix
Issues addressed in this build:
[Bug 11125] Saved files not able to reload up to radio.
[Bug 11130] Chirp does not set VX-6R DCS correctly
[Feature 10505] uv-5r setting tab not working in chirp
[Feature 11127] Allow lightweight setting subgroups
[Feature 11129] Expose backups directory in the help menu
[Feature 11138] More robust handling of out-of-range settings
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