On 2023-06-28 06:33:-0700, you wrote:
>Hi Rich,
>> 2. In the standalone version, such files can be written to 
>> "...\chirp-next-20230628-win32\chirp\stock_configs", <...>
>You _can_ do this, but you shouldn't.<...>then your personal files will be 
>erased when you upgrade.<...>If you put them in %APPDATA% then they will stay 
>around across upgrades in perpetuity.

Yes. These are important notes. And my reply, while wordy, is not meant to 
disagree :-) I have never been happy with APPDATA, because I manage my data on 
my own, and have done so since the 1970s, when I first began using computers. I 
don't find APPDATA convenient at all, but more of an annoyance. Nonetheless, I 
see its value for many casual users. And the point of not using 
"...\chirp-next-20230628-win32\chirp\stock_configs" is also a good one to think 
about. I meant it only as an indicator of how things might be done, not a 
recommendation. For me, however, putting files there is preferable to APPDATA, 
because a) I am comfortable with managing data files on a computer, and b) the 
install of the chirp zip file doesna delete the old version, as the installer 
apparently does, near as I can tell. Of course, as I mentioned in the past, I 
/actually/ keep my files in two areas: a radio-specific dir, and a 'catch-all' 
dir, rather than APPDATA, not  in '\stock_configs'.

72/73 de Rich NE1EE
The Dusty Key
On the banks of the Piscataqua

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