On 2023-06-27 20:13:-0700, you wrote:
> I've been thinking that it might be nice to have a set of very short 
> to-the-point videos that cover some of the more obscure features.

I use chirp-next-20230628-win32. I think the vids need to distinguish twixt the 
installed and standalone versions, to the degree that they differ in how they 
are used.

1. With both the installed and standalone, files can be saved anywhere, and 
don't need to be saved in %appdata%...I keep mine in radio-specific dirs, along 
with other files and docs pertaining to each radio. This includes radio image 
files saved by other programs, such as Kenwood's MCP-2A.

2. In the standalone version, such files can be written to 
"...\chirp-next-20230628-win32\chirp\stock_configs", where ... is any dir tree 
leading to a specified dir, with no loss of functionality. My habit of putting 
them in radio-specific dirs keeps them independent of version changes of chirp 
and independent of radio. See also "...\Amateur Radio\generic radio channel 
config files", where I save config file "snippets", such as those supplied in 
chirp's "...\stock_configs".

3. I encourage the use of longer filenames, because I have found in the past 
that after a while I don't recall what a file actually contains. See "TH-F6A 
HAM NOAA FRS GMRS MURS yyyymmdda", for example, where yyyymmdd is the date of 
the file, and a is an a-z alpha addition in case I save several versions on one 

4. I understand the convenience of storing config files where chirp can find 
them by default.

5. You blew past the warning about unsaved file. I think a comment is deserved 

6. I have not viewed other chirp vids for quite a while. I think your 
presentation is tops. Very nice diction. Nicely organized, and well-prepared, 
exactly the hallmarks of a good teaching presentation, vid or whatever. I 
appreciate no background music, and the calm tone of presentation. Nice pace. I 
do pause such vids to do things related to the vid, but it is nice not to feel 

7. I don't subscribe to any channels, but I did save the link, and will keep my 
eye out for more.

72/73 de Rich NE1EE
The Dusty Key
On the banks of the Piscataqua

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