On 2023-01-04 at 16:40, D.J.J. Ring, Jr. (n...@arrl.net) wrote:

> "sudo" is useful for blind people and forgetful people to avoid the
> terminal being in "root" mode.  All sorts of damage or at least unexpected
> things can happen when commands are given in a root terminal and "sudo"
> minimizes this danger.

        It also has the advantage of controlling who uses root.

        Back in olden daze when AT&T controlled Unix much the
annoyance of many to go to root, you entered su then the root

> I've been lazy in the past, and didn't use "sudo" thinking I was a "big
> boy" and wanted to wear "big boy pants" only to run commands under root
> that made my system unusable.

        There are two things you learn early. Are you root? and
what system are you logged into?

"The only problem with Microsoft is that they just have no taste,
they have absolutely no taste." - Steve Jobs 1995 TV interview
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