Glenn, Locate the file first.
As root in a terminal: updatedb Then let it update the file location database. Then try the command: locate chirpw Change to the folder where chirpw is found and issue the command' ./chirpw You need the ./ to tell your system that the command is to be found in the current folder not necessarily in the path. Chirp should attempt to run. David On Wed, Jan 4, 2023, 00:40 K0LNY_Glenn <> wrote: > Were you able to read the menus, like they radio menu? > That is alt R. > I could not get it to run. > The install file read to type > ./chirpw > It cannot find that file. > I considered the file you ran, but haven't tried it yet. > I was hoping that installing it would have put something in the > accessories or other menu. > Glenn >
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