
Thank you, you're most welcome.

If you do wind up running a second machine, take a look into getting what's called a KVM switch, it allows you to share one keyboard/mouse/display with two computers, you simply press a button or press a 'hot-key' combination on the keyboard to switch systems.

They cost anywhere from $25 on up to several hundreds for sophisticated datacenter solutions.

You need to make sure you get a unit with the proper connections for your equipment.

I like these units for simple two-system setups:

IOGEAR 2-Port USB VGA Miniview Micro Cabled KVM Switch - 2048 x 1536 - Hot Keys Switch - w/Audio - Plug n Play - PC, MAC, SUN - GCS632U

It's about $33 from Amazon.

Good luck!

Ken, N2VIP

On Jan 3, 2023, at 10:41, Dean Berglund <> wrote:

 Ken, Thank you for your response. Very nicely suggested. I will look into getting another machine or as some others have suggested, to install Linux or Ubuntu in a VM. I have to say you, and most people have given good and friendly advice and I thank all of you for this. Although I don't use Chirp often, it has been a nice program to go to when i needed it and when helping others get their HTs programmed.
Dean - KC9REN

On 1/2/2023 10:21 AM, Ken Hansen wrote:

Your Win7 license/COA allows you to upgrade your Win7 machine to Win10 for free. If your machine is incapable of running Win10, it is likely quite old and a hardware upgrade may be in order.

Windows 7 was released Oct. 2009, and was EOL on Jan 2020. Win 10 was released in July of 2015 and will go EOL Oct 2025. If your computer shipped with Win7, it is easily 7 years old, and lacking on-going support/security patches, is a security problem waiting to happen.

You can certainly choose to continue running Win 7 if you like, but if that machine is connected to the internet, the security risks are high, and the number of programs that have compatibility issues will only increase over time.

If you choose not to upgrade your current system, it is your choice to remain in an environment that is unsupported by CHIRP for reasons that are based on technical realities, not the capricious whim of the developers that can be influenced by the dangling of withheld donations.

The Windows 10 upgrade can be done in-place, assuming your Win7 machine has sufficient free space on the hard drive. You may want to swap a solid state drive (SSD) for your current spinning hard drive (HDD) - Win10 has been known to set the machine to "thrashing" when running off a HDD, but not when run off an SSD, and an SSD will make your old Win7 system more responsive no matter which version of Windows you run.

I'm happy to help if want some pointers on upgrading your Win7 system to Win10 - my suggestion would be to get an SSD, transfer your Win7 HDD contents to the SSD, remove the Win7 HDD as a backup, then, once you are ready to upgrade, ask windows for an upgrade (several methods possible) and see how it goes - you can always fall back to your Win7 HDD.

There are numerous free programs to transfer your Win7 system HD contents to a new drive, I quite like the free version of Macrium:

I hope this is helpful,

Good luck, take care,


On Jan 2, 2023, at 09:14, Dean Berglund <> wrote:

 Tony, you are correct although just because Microsoft doesn't support Windows 7 doesn't mean a program can't still work on Windows 7. there are a lot of hams I know that are still using Win-7 like I am and it runs very stable for all my applications except Chirp-Next. So now I have to use the older version of Chirp and am forced to get a newer machine with Windows 10 or 11 just to use the Next version of Chirp. Then I have to reinstall all the other programs onto the new machine. We hams are cheap and/or live on a fixed income. Look at the majority of hams. I do like the fact there is a new version of Chirp, I just wish I could use it on my machine. i was even tempted to send in a donation until I found out I couldn't use it. Like I said, I do wish it would have been more apparent that the new next version of Chirp will not run on Win-7.

On 1/2/2023 8:59 AM, Tony Ling wrote:
To be more accurate, it is made for Linux, Mac OS-X and Windows.
Microsoft no longer support Windows 7.

On Mon, 2 Jan 2023 at 14:31, Dean Berglund <> wrote:
I would think it would be good to make it clear this "next" version of
Chirp is made for Windows 10 and doesn't work on Windows 7.
Dean - KC9REN

On 1/2/2023 6:25 AM, Rich NE1EE wrote:
> On 2023-01-02 02:09:-0800, you wrote:
> Might be convenient if this dir were in reverse date order...
> ~R~
> 72/73 de Rich NE1EE
> The Dusty Key
> On the banks of the Piscataqua
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