Thank you much for the link Jim.
On pressing it tight, I have strong hands, and if I squeeze it any harder, I 
might break the radio.
I have programmed this particular radio before.
For some reason, all the memories disappeared, but I was planning on 
reprogramming it anyway, I might have done something in the semi usable 
menus for the Blind when trying to set something else, but the full reset 
should have fixed whatever I could have messed up.
Strange I could do one and moments later not be able to do the other radio.
Oh well, maybe the Baofeng software you linked me to will do something, and 
then maybe it will work with Chirp after that.
----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Jim Unroe" <>
To: "Discussion of CHIRP" <>
Sent: Tuesday, July 19, 2022 9:06 PM
Subject: Re: [chirp_users] Baofeng HP9+ won't read

On Tue, Jul 19, 2022 at 8:55 PM K0LNY_Glenn <> wrote:
> I have a cable that I can unplug from the USB and connect another cable, 
> but
> I just looked at and it is also a male that goes into the USB part, and 
> the
> three single cables that came with the set are male at both ends, so 
> there's
> no way to join them.
> My cable kit also came with two two pin plugs, and only one of those fit 
> the
> Baofengs, and that is what I was using.
> I was just looking in the BF F9u+ manual and it mentioned cloning from one
> to the other, but I only have a UV5R to clone from, and it might not be 
> good
> to clone between different models anyway.
> I thought I'd look for some Baofeng software, but I don't find a download
> link on their site, maybe their site isn't screenreader friendly.
> Glenn

If you have a programming cable that works for your UV-5R, then the
same programming cable will work for the BF-F9. The fit and finish of
these radios are not the best so it is common for the 2 pins of the
cable to not fully insert and fully make contact with the 2 holes of
the socket. Sometimes you have to press on the plug (sometimes really
hard) during the cloning process to make full contact.

You can get the OEM software from the website. Here's a
link to the page:

It is saved in .RAR format so you may need a file archival program
that supports *.rar files (but you should be OK if you are using
Ubuntu to download and extract the file). But the OEM software will
only run on Windows and I don't think Windows supports *.rar files. I
use 7-zip as my utility to handle ZIP, TAR, RAR, etc archive files.

But no programming software can work until you provide a working
connection between the computer and radio.

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