On 6 Jun 2021 at 17:27, Chuck Barnett wrote:

> This is the cable that D.J.J.Ring Jr. advised me to get in place of the other.

Well, if D.J.J. Ring told you that, you can rely completely on practically 
anything he tells you. I
have known him since shortly after there was hair, and sometime after there was 
dirt. He is a
very good fellow very knowledgeable and very reliable. He is also a veteran, 
which, in my
opinion, gives him more credence, yet.

>  Amazon had it for
> $22.xx.  Until I looked at the listing more closely, just now, I had no idea 
> what chip was in it.  Now I
> see that the name contains FTDI.

Yes. That is the good one.
> "Once you have the correct driver loaded, plug your cable into a USB port, in 
> Device Manager,
> look under Ports (Comm and LPT) to find which port Windows has assigned to 
> your cable."
> I've looked in Device Manager several times in this process and have never 
> seen Ports...

Hmmm....what version of WinDOZE (heh heh!) are you using?

> This last time, the only one that showed up when I clicked on the Find Radio 
> or Download from
> Radio command was COM3, and no error messages.  Then it started to clone

Well then, COM3 it must be.

As long as you got it working, I would guess there is no more need for my 
comments. Carry

vy 73 for now,


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