On Sun, Jun 6, 2021 at 8:29 PM Chuck Barnett <charlesfbarn...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Thanks, Kenneth, for your time and help.  Jim's instructions were enough to 
> get me in.
> This is the cable that D.J.J.Ring Jr. advised me to get in place of the 
> other.  Amazon had it for $22.xx.  Until I looked at the listing more 
> closely, just now, I had no idea what chip was in it.  Now I see that the 
> name contains FTDI.
> "Once you have the correct driver loaded, plug your cable into a USB port, in 
> Device Manager,
> look under Ports (Comm and LPT) to find which port Windows has assigned to 
> your cable."
> I've looked in Device Manager several times in this process and have never 
> seen Ports...
> This last time, the only one that showed up when I clicked on the Find Radio 
> or Download from Radio command was COM3, and no error messages.  Then it 
> started to clone
> Thanks, again!
> Chuck K7CFB

This is what it looks like for my Prolific type chip based programming
cable. The entry for an FTDI chip should be similar. If you have more
than one serial device, the best way to find the one for your cable
would be to open Device Manager first, then plug in the programming
cable so you can watch for the new entry that appears.

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