Changeset: b655c0dcb243 for MonetDB
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Branch: sfcgal
Log Message:

merged with default

diffs (108 lines):

diff --git a/sql/benchmarks/tpch/Tests/02-plan.stable.out 
--- a/sql/benchmarks/tpch/Tests/02-plan.stable.out
+++ b/sql/benchmarks/tpch/Tests/02-plan.stable.out
@@ -90,7 +90,7 @@ top N (
 | | | | | | | | | | | table(sys.partsupp) [ partsupp.ps_supplycost NOT NULL, 
partsupp.%partsupp_ps_suppkey_fkey NOT NULL JOINIDX 
sys.partsupp.partsupp_ps_suppkey_fkey, partsupp.%partsupp_ps_partkey_fkey NOT 
NULL JOINIDX sys.partsupp.partsupp_ps_partkey_fkey ] COUNT ,
 | | | | | | | | | | | select (
 | | | | | | | | | | | | table(sys.part) [ part.p_partkey NOT NULL HASHCOL , 
part.p_mfgr NOT NULL, part.p_type NOT NULL, part.p_size NOT NULL, part.%TID% 
-| | | | | | | | | | | ) [ part.p_size NOT NULL = int "15", (char[part.p_type 
NOT NULL] as part.p_type) FILTER like (char "%BRASS", char "") ]
+| | | | | | | | | | | ) [ part.p_size NOT NULL = int "15", 
(clob[char[part.p_type NOT NULL]] as part.p_type) FILTER like (clob "%BRASS", 
clob "") ]
 | | | | | | | | | | ) [ partsupp.%partsupp_ps_partkey_fkey NOT NULL = 
part.%TID% NOT NULL JOINIDX sys.partsupp.partsupp_ps_partkey_fkey ],
 | | | | | | | | | | table(sys.supplier) [ supplier.s_name NOT NULL, 
supplier.s_address NOT NULL, supplier.s_phone NOT NULL, supplier.s_acctbal NOT 
NULL, supplier.s_comment NOT NULL, supplier.%TID% NOT NULL, 
supplier.%supplier_s_nationkey_fkey NOT NULL JOINIDX 
sys.supplier.supplier_s_nationkey_fkey ] COUNT 
 | | | | | | | | | ) [ partsupp.%partsupp_ps_suppkey_fkey NOT NULL = 
supplier.%TID% NOT NULL JOINIDX sys.partsupp.partsupp_ps_suppkey_fkey ],
diff --git a/sql/benchmarks/tpch/Tests/09-plan.stable.out 
--- a/sql/benchmarks/tpch/Tests/09-plan.stable.out
+++ b/sql/benchmarks/tpch/Tests/09-plan.stable.out
@@ -65,7 +65,7 @@ project (
 | | | | | | | join (
 | | | | | | | | select (
 | | | | | | | | | table(sys.part) [ part.p_partkey NOT NULL HASHCOL , 
part.p_name NOT NULL ] COUNT 
-| | | | | | | | ) [ (char[part.p_name NOT NULL] as part.p_name) FILTER like 
(char "%green%", char "") ],
+| | | | | | | | ) [ (clob[char[part.p_name NOT NULL]] as part.p_name) FILTER 
like (clob "%green%", clob "") ],
 | | | | | | | | table(sys.lineitem) [ lineitem.l_partkey NOT NULL, 
lineitem.l_suppkey NOT NULL, lineitem.l_quantity NOT NULL, 
lineitem.l_extendedprice NOT NULL, lineitem.l_discount NOT NULL, 
lineitem.%lineitem_l_orderkey_fkey NOT NULL JOINIDX 
lineitem.%lineitem_l_partkey_l_suppkey_fkey NOT NULL JOINIDX 
sys.lineitem.lineitem_l_partkey_l_suppkey_fkey ] COUNT 
 | | | | | | | ) [ part.p_partkey NOT NULL HASHCOL  = lineitem.l_partkey NOT 
 | | | | | | | table(sys.supplier) [ supplier.s_suppkey NOT NULL HASHCOL , 
supplier.%supplier_s_nationkey_fkey NOT NULL JOINIDX 
sys.supplier.supplier_s_nationkey_fkey ] COUNT 
diff --git a/sql/benchmarks/tpch/Tests/09-plan.stable.out.int128 
--- a/sql/benchmarks/tpch/Tests/09-plan.stable.out.int128
+++ b/sql/benchmarks/tpch/Tests/09-plan.stable.out.int128
@@ -65,7 +65,7 @@ project (
 | | | | | | | join (
 | | | | | | | | select (
 | | | | | | | | | table(sys.part) [ part.p_partkey NOT NULL HASHCOL , 
part.p_name NOT NULL ] COUNT 
-| | | | | | | | ) [ (char[part.p_name NOT NULL] as part.p_name) FILTER like 
(char "%green%", char "") ],
+| | | | | | | | ) [ (clob[char[part.p_name NOT NULL]] as part.p_name) FILTER 
like (clob "%green%", clob "") ],
 | | | | | | | | table(sys.lineitem) [ lineitem.l_partkey NOT NULL, 
lineitem.l_suppkey NOT NULL, lineitem.l_quantity NOT NULL, 
lineitem.l_extendedprice NOT NULL, lineitem.l_discount NOT NULL, 
lineitem.%lineitem_l_orderkey_fkey NOT NULL JOINIDX 
lineitem.%lineitem_l_partkey_l_suppkey_fkey NOT NULL JOINIDX 
sys.lineitem.lineitem_l_partkey_l_suppkey_fkey ] COUNT 
 | | | | | | | ) [ part.p_partkey NOT NULL HASHCOL  = lineitem.l_partkey NOT 
 | | | | | | | table(sys.supplier) [ supplier.s_suppkey NOT NULL HASHCOL , 
supplier.%supplier_s_nationkey_fkey NOT NULL JOINIDX 
sys.supplier.supplier_s_nationkey_fkey ] COUNT 
diff --git a/sql/benchmarks/tpch/Tests/13-plan.stable.out 
--- a/sql/benchmarks/tpch/Tests/13-plan.stable.out
+++ b/sql/benchmarks/tpch/Tests/13-plan.stable.out
@@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ Ready.
 % .plan # table_name
 % rel # name
 % clob # type
-% 225 # length
+% 231 # length
 project (
 | group by (
 | | project (
@@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ project (
 | | | | left outer join (
 | | | | | table(sys.customer) [ customer.c_custkey NOT NULL HASHCOL , 
customer.%TID% NOT NULL ] COUNT ,
 | | | | | table(sys.orders) [ orders.o_orderkey NOT NULL HASHCOL , 
orders.o_comment NOT NULL, orders.%orders_o_custkey_fkey NOT NULL JOINIDX 
sys.orders.orders_o_custkey_fkey ] COUNT 
-| | | | ) [ orders.%orders_o_custkey_fkey NOT NULL = customer.%TID% NOT NULL 
JOINIDX sys.orders.orders_o_custkey_fkey, (char[orders.o_comment NOT NULL] as 
orders.o_comment) ! FILTER like (char "%special%requests%", char "") ]
+| | | | ) [ orders.%orders_o_custkey_fkey NOT NULL = customer.%TID% NOT NULL 
JOINIDX sys.orders.orders_o_custkey_fkey, (clob[char[orders.o_comment NOT 
NULL]] as orders.o_comment) ! FILTER like (clob "%special%requests%", clob "") ]
 | | | ) [ customer.c_custkey NOT NULL HASHCOL  ] [ customer.c_custkey NOT NULL 
HASHCOL , sys.count no nil (orders.o_orderkey NOT NULL HASHCOL ) NOT NULL as 
L1.L1 ]
 | | ) [ L1 NOT NULL as c_orders.c_count ]
 | ) [ c_orders.c_count NOT NULL ] [ c_orders.c_count NOT NULL, sys.count() NOT 
NULL as L2.L2 ]
diff --git a/sql/benchmarks/tpch/Tests/16-plan.stable.out 
--- a/sql/benchmarks/tpch/Tests/16-plan.stable.out
+++ b/sql/benchmarks/tpch/Tests/16-plan.stable.out
@@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ Ready.
 % .plan # table_name
 % rel # name
 % clob # type
-% 258 # length
+% 264 # length
 project (
 | group by (
 | | group by (
@@ -69,12 +69,12 @@ project (
 | | | | | | project (
 | | | | | | | select (
 | | | | | | | | table(sys.supplier) [ supplier.s_suppkey NOT NULL HASHCOL , 
supplier.s_comment NOT NULL ] COUNT 
-| | | | | | | ) [ (char[supplier.s_comment NOT NULL] as supplier.s_comment) 
FILTER like (char "%Customer%Complaints%", char "") ]
+| | | | | | | ) [ (clob[char[supplier.s_comment NOT NULL]] as 
supplier.s_comment) FILTER like (clob "%Customer%Complaints%", clob "") ]
 | | | | | | ) [ supplier.s_suppkey NOT NULL HASHCOL  as L3.L2 ]
 | | | | | ) [ partsupp.ps_suppkey NOT NULL = L3.L2 NOT NULL HASHCOL  ],
 | | | | | select (
 | | | | | | table(sys.part) [ part.p_brand NOT NULL, part.p_type NOT NULL, 
part.p_size NOT NULL, part.%TID% NOT NULL ] COUNT 
-| | | | | ) [ part.p_brand NOT NULL != char(10) "Brand#45", (char[part.p_type 
NOT NULL] as part.p_type) ! FILTER like (char "MEDIUM POLISHED%", char ""), 
part.p_size NOT NULL in (int "49", int "14", int "23", int "45", int "19", int 
"3", int "36", int "9") ]
+| | | | | ) [ part.p_brand NOT NULL != char(10) "Brand#45", 
(clob[char[part.p_type NOT NULL]] as part.p_type) ! FILTER like (clob "MEDIUM 
POLISHED%", clob ""), part.p_size NOT NULL in (int "49", int "14", int "23", 
int "45", int "19", int "3", int "36", int "9") ]
 | | | | ) [ partsupp.%partsupp_ps_partkey_fkey NOT NULL = part.%TID% NOT NULL 
JOINIDX sys.partsupp.partsupp_ps_partkey_fkey ]
 | | | ) [ partsupp.ps_suppkey NOT NULL, part.p_brand NOT NULL, part.p_type NOT 
NULL, part.p_size NOT NULL ]
 | | ) [ part.p_brand NOT NULL, partsupp.ps_suppkey NOT NULL as L5.L5, 
part.p_size NOT NULL, part.p_type NOT NULL ] [ part.p_brand NOT NULL, 
part.p_type NOT NULL, part.p_size NOT NULL, L5.L5 NOT NULL ]
diff --git a/sql/benchmarks/tpch/Tests/20-plan.stable.out 
--- a/sql/benchmarks/tpch/Tests/20-plan.stable.out
+++ b/sql/benchmarks/tpch/Tests/20-plan.stable.out
@@ -80,7 +80,7 @@ project (
 | | | | | | | | | | | | project (
 | | | | | | | | | | | | | select (
 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | table(sys.part) [ part.p_partkey NOT NULL HASHCOL 
, part.p_name NOT NULL ] COUNT 
-| | | | | | | | | | | | | ) [ (char[part.p_name NOT NULL] as part.p_name) 
FILTER like (char "forest%", char "") ]
+| | | | | | | | | | | | | ) [ (clob[char[part.p_name NOT NULL]] as 
part.p_name) FILTER like (clob "forest%", clob "") ]
 | | | | | | | | | | | | ) [ part.p_partkey NOT NULL HASHCOL  as L11.L10 ]
 | | | | | | | | | | | ) [ partsupp.ps_partkey NOT NULL HASHCOL  = L11.L10 NOT 
 | | | | | | | | | | ) [ partsupp.ps_partkey NOT NULL HASHCOL , 
partsupp.ps_suppkey NOT NULL, partsupp.ps_availqty NOT NULL, 
partsupp.%partsupp_ps_partkey_ps_suppkey_pkey NOT NULL HASHIDX  ]
diff --git a/sql/benchmarks/tpch/Tests/20-plan.stable.out.int128 
--- a/sql/benchmarks/tpch/Tests/20-plan.stable.out.int128
+++ b/sql/benchmarks/tpch/Tests/20-plan.stable.out.int128
@@ -80,7 +80,7 @@ project (
 | | | | | | | | | | | | project (
 | | | | | | | | | | | | | select (
 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | table(sys.part) [ part.p_partkey NOT NULL HASHCOL 
, part.p_name NOT NULL ] COUNT 
-| | | | | | | | | | | | | ) [ (char[part.p_name NOT NULL] as part.p_name) 
FILTER like (char "forest%", char "") ]
+| | | | | | | | | | | | | ) [ (clob[char[part.p_name NOT NULL]] as 
part.p_name) FILTER like (clob "forest%", clob "") ]
 | | | | | | | | | | | | ) [ part.p_partkey NOT NULL HASHCOL  as L11.L10 ]
 | | | | | | | | | | | ) [ partsupp.ps_partkey NOT NULL HASHCOL  = L11.L10 NOT 
 | | | | | | | | | | ) [ partsupp.ps_partkey NOT NULL HASHCOL , 
partsupp.ps_suppkey NOT NULL, partsupp.ps_availqty NOT NULL, 
partsupp.%partsupp_ps_partkey_ps_suppkey_pkey NOT NULL HASHIDX  ]
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