ilya-biryukov accepted this revision.
ilya-biryukov added a comment.
This revision is now accepted and ready to land.

LGTM with a few nits. And comment requests for things that were unclear when 
reading the code.

Comment at: clangd/FuzzyMatch.cpp:269
+                   : AwfulScore,
+           MissMatchScore = allowMatch(P, W, Miss)
+                                ? PreMatch[Miss].Score + matchBonus(P, W, Miss)
NIT: maybe split into two declarations?
auto MatchMatchScore = ...;
auto MissMatchScore = ....;

Comment at: clangd/FuzzyMatch.h:56
   //   - GCC 4.8 complains not all values fit if the type is unsigned
   using Action = bool;
   constexpr static Action Miss = false, Match = true;
Maybe add a small doc comment for `Action`? Found myself figuring out what it 
is while reading this patch.

Comment at: clangd/FuzzyMatch.h:79
   CharRole WordRole[MaxWord]; // Word segmentation info
   int WordTypeSet;            // Bitmask of 1<<CharType
   bool WordContainsPattern;   // Simple substring check
Maybe add a doc comment that this is the union of `CharType` of all chars in 
the word?
Seems obvious now, but was also a bit confusing when reading the code.

  rCTE Clang Tools Extra

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