sammccall added a comment.

In, @malaperle wrote:

> Very nice! I tried "std" and got much less (unimportant) results. I see 
> something a bit weird with "getStandardResourceDir" but it might be VSCode. 
> Here, I guess it's the "d" in Dir that matches but what's odd is that VS Code 
> will highlight the first "d", i.e. in "standard". But it doesn't look like 
> there is any way to control this in the LSP, is there?

That's right. VSCode applies its fuzzymatch again client-side to determine 
which characters to highlight, and it chooses the wrong (IMO) "d" here. We 
wouldn't match [std] against "getStandardResourceZir".
(Worse, they use the same algorithm to rerank our results if client-side 
filtering applies...)

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