sammccall added a comment. Thanks, this looks a lot better! There do seem to be a lot of little classes that exist exactly one-per-TU (ASTWorker, ASTBuilder, CachedAST, to a lesser extent ParsedAST) and I'm not sure the balance of responsibilities is quite right. Some comments below.
================ Comment at: clangd/ClangdUnit.h:132 -/// Manages resources, required by clangd. Allows to rebuild file with new -/// contents, and provides AST and Preamble for it. -class CppFile { +/// A helper class that handles building preambles and ASTs for a file. Also +/// adds some logging. ---------------- ilya-biryukov wrote: > sammccall wrote: > > This may be change aversion, but I'm not sure this class does enough after > > this change - it doesn't store the inputs or the outputs/cache, so it kind > > of seems like it wants to be a function. > > > > I guess the motivation here is that storing the outputs means dealing with > > the cache, and the cache is local to TUScheduler. > > But `CppFile` is only used in TUScheduler, so we could move this there too? > > It feels like expanding the scope more than I'd like. > > > > The upside is that I think it's a more natural division of responsibility: > > `CppFile` could continue to be the "main" holder of the > > `shared_ptr<Preamble>` (which we don't limit, but share), and instead of > > `Optional<ParsedAST>` it'd have a `weak_ptr<ParsedAST>` which is controlled > > and can be refreshed through the cache. > > > > As discussed offline, the cache could look something like: > > ``` > > class Cache { > > shared_ptr<ParsedAST> put(ParsedAST); > > void hintUsed(ParsedAST*); // optional, bumps LRU when client reads > > void hintUnused(ParsedAST*); // optional, releases when client abandons > > } > > > > shared_ptr<ParsedAST> CppFile::getAST() { > > shared_ptr<ParsedAST> AST = WeakAST.lock(); > > if (AST) > > Cache.hintUsed(AST.get()); > > else > > WeakAST = AST = Cache.put(build...); > > return AST; > > } > > ``` > I've reimplemented the cache with weak_ptr/shared_ptr. > With a slightly different interface to hide more stuff in the cache API. > Please take a look and let me know what you think. > > Nevertheless, I still find `CppFile` refactoring useful. It unties preambles > from the ASTs and I believe this is a good thing, given that their lifetimes > are different. I'm not sure how much they were tangled before, they were computed in the same place, but accessed separately, and it's not sure you ever *want* to compute them separately? (possibly in unit tests?) I do think making ASTWorker maintain the old preamble and pass it in is confusing. The remaining members are trivial and unrelated enough that I do think if the references to the preamble/ast are removed, then moving the remaining members to ASTWorker or to a dumb struct, and making these free functions would make it easier to navigate the class structure. ================ Comment at: clangd/TUScheduler.cpp:71 + + /// Update the function used to compute the value. + void update(std::function<llvm::Optional<ParsedAST>()> ComputeF); ---------------- I think I understand this more as "updates the value" but the value is lazy... I find this API somewhat hard to follow, maybe just because it's unfamiliar. I've mostly seen cache APIs look like one of: 1. `Cache(function<Value(Input)> Compute)`, `Value Cache::get(Input)` 2. `void Cache::put(Key, Value)`, `Optional<Value> Cache::get(Key)` 3. `Handle Cache::put(Value)`, `Optional<Value> Handle::get()` This one is `Slot Cache::create()`, `void Slot::update(function<Value()> LazyV)`, `Value Slot::get()`. It's similar-ish to 3, but has 3 nontrivial operations instead of 2, and the slot object is externally mutable instead of immutable, so it seems more complex. What does it buy us in exchange? (1 & 2 work well with a natural key or inputs that are easy to compare, which we don't particularly have) ================ Comment at: clangd/TUScheduler.cpp:91 +/// Provides an LRU cache of ASTs. +class TUScheduler::IdleASTs { + friend class CachedAST; ---------------- naming: `IdleASTs` doesn't mention the function of this class, which is a cache. I'd suggest swapping the names: call the class `ASTCache` and the *instance* `IdleASTs` as that reflects its role within the TUScheduler. For `CachedAST`, I think the relationship would be well-exposed by nesting it as `ASTCache::Entry`. This also gives you the `friend` for free, which seems like a hint that it's an appropriate structure. (Though I'm not sure CachedAST is that useful) ================ Comment at: clangd/TUScheduler.cpp:153 + /// one. + std::vector<std::pair<CachedAST *, std::shared_ptr<llvm::Optional<ParsedAST>>>> + LRU; /* GUARDED_BY(Mut) */ ---------------- as discussed offline, using a CachedAST* as a key shouldn't be necessary, the ParsedAST* should be enough I think. ================ Comment at: clangd/TUScheduler.cpp:157 + +CachedAST::~CachedAST() { Owner.remove(*this); } + ---------------- document why ================ Comment at: clangd/TUScheduler.h:48 +/// kept in memory. +struct ASTRetentionParams { + /// Maximum number of ASTs to be retained in memory when there are no pending ---------------- nit: `Policy` would be more specific than `Params` Repository: rCTE Clang Tools Extra _______________________________________________ cfe-commits mailing list