ilya-biryukov updated this revision to Diff 148355.
ilya-biryukov added a comment.

- Reimplemented LRU cache with shared_ptr and weak_ptr.

  rCTE Clang Tools Extra


Index: test/clangd/trace.test
--- test/clangd/trace.test
+++ test/clangd/trace.test
@@ -8,14 +8,14 @@
 # CHECK:   "args": {
 # CHECK:     "File": "{{.*(/|\\)}}foo.c"
 # CHECK:   },
-# CHECK:   "name": "Preamble",
+# CHECK:   "name": "BuildPreamble",
 # CHECK:   "ph": "X",
 # CHECK: }
 # CHECK: {
 # CHECK:   "args": {
 # CHECK:     "File": "{{.*(/|\\)}}foo.c"
 # CHECK:   },
-# CHECK:   "name": "Build",
+# CHECK:   "name": "BuildAST",
 # CHECK:   "ph": "X",
 # CHECK: }
 # CHECK: },
Index: clangd/TUScheduler.h
--- clangd/TUScheduler.h
+++ clangd/TUScheduler.h
@@ -42,6 +42,15 @@
         /// within a bounded amount of time.
+/// Configuration of the AST retention policy. This only covers retention of
+/// *idle* ASTs. If queue has operations requiring the AST, they might be
+/// kept in memory.
+struct ASTRetentionParams {
+  /// Maximum number of ASTs to be retained in memory when there are no pending
+  /// requests for them.
+  unsigned MaxRetainedASTs = 3;
 /// Handles running tasks for ClangdServer and managing the resources (e.g.,
 /// preambles and ASTs) for opened files.
 /// TUScheduler is not thread-safe, only one thread should be providing updates
@@ -53,7 +62,8 @@
   TUScheduler(unsigned AsyncThreadsCount, bool StorePreamblesInMemory,
               ASTParsedCallback ASTCallback,
-              std::chrono::steady_clock::duration UpdateDebounce);
+              std::chrono::steady_clock::duration UpdateDebounce,
+              ASTRetentionParams RetentionConfig = {});
   /// Returns estimated memory usage for each of the currently open files.
@@ -98,12 +108,17 @@
   /// This class stores per-file data in the Files map.
   struct FileData;
+  /// Responsible for retaining and rebuilding idle ASTs. An implementation is
+  /// an LRU cache.
+  class IdleASTs;
   const bool StorePreamblesInMemory;
   const std::shared_ptr<PCHContainerOperations> PCHOps;
   const ASTParsedCallback ASTCallback;
   Semaphore Barrier;
   llvm::StringMap<std::unique_ptr<FileData>> Files;
+  std::unique_ptr<IdleASTs> ASTCache;
   // None when running tasks synchronously and non-None when running tasks
   // asynchronously.
   llvm::Optional<AsyncTaskRunner> PreambleTasks;
Index: clangd/TUScheduler.cpp
--- clangd/TUScheduler.cpp
+++ clangd/TUScheduler.cpp
@@ -45,16 +45,155 @@
 #include "TUScheduler.h"
 #include "Logger.h"
 #include "Trace.h"
+#include "clang/Frontend/CompilerInvocation.h"
 #include "clang/Frontend/PCHContainerOperations.h"
+#include "llvm/ADT/ScopeExit.h"
 #include "llvm/Support/Errc.h"
 #include "llvm/Support/Path.h"
+#include <algorithm>
 #include <memory>
 #include <queue>
 #include <thread>
 namespace clang {
 namespace clangd {
 using std::chrono::steady_clock;
+namespace {
+/// The value cached in the TUScheduler::IdleASTs. If the AST was evicted from
+/// the cache, it will be recomputed on calls to get(). This class is **not**
+/// thread-safe, except getASTBytes() method. Users are responsible for
+/// synchronizing calls to update() and get().
+class CachedAST {
+  CachedAST(TUScheduler::IdleASTs &Owner) : Owner(Owner) {}
+  ~CachedAST();
+  /// Update the function used to compute the value.
+  void update(std::function<llvm::Optional<ParsedAST>()> ComputeF);
+  /// Get the value stored in the cache (or recompute it) and mark it as used.
+  std::shared_ptr<llvm::Optional<ParsedAST>> get();
+  /// Get the size of the stored AST. Returns 0 if no AST is cached.
+  size_t getASTBytes() const;
+  TUScheduler::IdleASTs &Owner;
+  std::function<llvm::Optional<ParsedAST>()> ComputeF;
+  // We only need synchronization for getting the AST size.
+  mutable std::mutex Mut;
+  std::weak_ptr<llvm::Optional<ParsedAST>> AST; /* GUARDED_BY(Mut) */
+  size_t LastASTSize = 0;       /* GUARDED_BY(Mut) */
+} // namespace
+/// Provides an LRU cache of ASTs.
+class TUScheduler::IdleASTs {
+  friend class CachedAST;
+  IdleASTs(unsigned MaxRetainedASTs) : MaxRetainedASTs(MaxRetainedASTs) {}
+  std::unique_ptr<CachedAST> create() {
+    return llvm::make_unique<CachedAST>(*this);
+  }
+  void remove(CachedAST &Key) {
+    std::unique_lock<std::mutex> Lock(Mut);
+    auto Existing = std::find_if(
+        LRU.begin(), LRU.end(),
+        [&Key](const std::pair<CachedAST *,
+                               std::shared_ptr<llvm::Optional<ParsedAST>>> &P) {
+          return P.first == &Key;
+        });
+    if (Existing == LRU.end())
+      return;
+    std::shared_ptr<llvm::Optional<ParsedAST>> ForCleanup =
+        std::move(Existing->second);
+    LRU.erase(Existing);
+    // If destructor of AST needs to run, we want it to happen outside the lock.
+    Lock.unlock();
+    ForCleanup.reset();
+  }
+  void markAccessed(CachedAST &Key,
+                    std::shared_ptr<llvm::Optional<ParsedAST>> Value) {
+    std::unique_lock<std::mutex> Lock(Mut);
+    auto Existing = std::find_if(
+        LRU.begin(), LRU.end(),
+        [&Key](const std::pair<CachedAST *,
+                               std::shared_ptr<llvm::Optional<ParsedAST>>> &P) {
+          return P.first == &Key;
+        });
+    if (Existing != LRU.end()) {
+      // Move existing value to the front of the LRU list.
+      assert(Existing->second == Value);
+      std::rotate(LRU.begin(), Existing, Existing + 1);
+      return;
+    }
+    // Add a new value to the LRU list.
+    LRU.insert(LRU.begin(), {&Key, Value});
+    if (LRU.size() <= MaxRetainedASTs)
+      return;
+    // The list has grown too large. Remove the last element from it.
+    std::shared_ptr<llvm::Optional<ParsedAST>> ForCleanup = std::move(LRU.back().second);
+    LRU.pop_back();
+    // If destructor of AST needs to run, we want it to happen outside the lock.
+    Lock.unlock();
+    ForCleanup.reset();
+  }
+  std::mutex Mut;
+  unsigned MaxRetainedASTs;
+  /// Items sorted in LRU order, i.e. first item is the most recently accessed
+  /// one.
+  std::vector<std::pair<CachedAST *, std::shared_ptr<llvm::Optional<ParsedAST>>>>
+      LRU; /* GUARDED_BY(Mut) */
+CachedAST::~CachedAST() { Owner.remove(*this); }
+void CachedAST::update(std::function<llvm::Optional<ParsedAST>()> ComputeF) {
+  this->ComputeF = std::move(ComputeF);
+  AST.reset();
+  Owner.remove(*this);
+std::shared_ptr<llvm::Optional<ParsedAST>> CachedAST::get() {
+  // Check if there's a cached AST.
+  {
+    std::unique_lock<std::mutex> Lock(Mut);
+    if (auto Existing = AST.lock()) {
+      LastASTSize = !*Existing ? 0 : (*Existing)->getUsedBytes();
+      // Mark the AST as accessed. We don't need the lock for that.
+      Lock.unlock();
+      Owner.markAccessed(*this, Existing);
+      return Existing;
+    }
+  }
+  // Recompute the AST.
+  auto NewAST = std::make_shared<llvm::Optional<ParsedAST>>(ComputeF());
+  // Updated our weak_ptr references.
+  {
+    std::lock_guard<std::mutex> Lock(Mut);
+    AST = NewAST;
+    LastASTSize = !*NewAST ? 0 : (*NewAST)->getUsedBytes();
+  }
+  // Mark the AST as accessed. We don't need the lock for that.
+  Owner.markAccessed(*this, NewAST);
+  return NewAST;
+size_t CachedAST::getASTBytes() const {
+  std::lock_guard<std::mutex> Lock(Mut);
+  if (AST.expired())
+    return 0;
+  return LastASTSize;
 namespace {
 class ASTWorkerHandle;
@@ -70,17 +209,19 @@
 /// worker.
 class ASTWorker {
   friend class ASTWorkerHandle;
-  ASTWorker(llvm::StringRef File, Semaphore &Barrier, CppFile AST, bool RunSync,
+  ASTWorker(ASTBuilder Builder, TUScheduler::IdleASTs &LRUCache,
+            Semaphore &Barrier, bool RunSync,
             steady_clock::duration UpdateDebounce);
   /// Create a new ASTWorker and return a handle to it.
   /// The processing thread is spawned using \p Tasks. However, when \p Tasks
   /// is null, all requests will be processed on the calling thread
   /// synchronously instead. \p Barrier is acquired when processing each
   /// request, it is be used to limit the number of actively running threads.
-  static ASTWorkerHandle Create(llvm::StringRef File, AsyncTaskRunner *Tasks,
-                                Semaphore &Barrier, CppFile AST,
+  static ASTWorkerHandle Create(ASTBuilder Builder,
+                                TUScheduler::IdleASTs &ASTCache,
+                                AsyncTaskRunner *Tasks, Semaphore &Barrier,
                                 steady_clock::duration UpdateDebounce);
@@ -119,21 +260,19 @@
     llvm::Optional<WantDiagnostics> UpdateType;
-  const std::string File;
+  // Handles building and retention of ASTs.
+  std::unique_ptr<CachedAST> ASTCache;
   const bool RunSync;
   // Time to wait after an update to see whether another update obsoletes it.
   const steady_clock::duration UpdateDebounce;
   Semaphore &Barrier;
-  // AST and FileInputs are only accessed on the processing thread from run().
-  CppFile AST;
   // Inputs, corresponding to the current state of AST.
   ParseInputs FileInputs;
+  ASTBuilder Builder;
   // Guards members used by both TUScheduler and the worker thread.
   mutable std::mutex Mutex;
   std::shared_ptr<const PreambleData> LastBuiltPreamble; /* GUARDED_BY(Mutex) */
-  // Result of getUsedBytes() after the last rebuild or read of AST.
-  std::size_t LastASTSize; /* GUARDED_BY(Mutex) */
   // Set to true to signal run() to finish processing.
   bool Done;                    /* GUARDED_BY(Mutex) */
   std::deque<Request> Requests; /* GUARDED_BY(Mutex) */
@@ -182,24 +321,28 @@
   std::shared_ptr<ASTWorker> Worker;
-ASTWorkerHandle ASTWorker::Create(llvm::StringRef File, AsyncTaskRunner *Tasks,
-                                  Semaphore &Barrier, CppFile AST,
+ASTWorkerHandle ASTWorker::Create(ASTBuilder Builder,
+                                  TUScheduler::IdleASTs &ASTCache,
+                                  AsyncTaskRunner *Tasks, Semaphore &Barrier,
                                   steady_clock::duration UpdateDebounce) {
-  std::shared_ptr<ASTWorker> Worker(new ASTWorker(
-      File, Barrier, std::move(AST), /*RunSync=*/!Tasks, UpdateDebounce));
+  std::shared_ptr<ASTWorker> Worker(new ASTWorker(std::move(Builder), ASTCache,
+                                                  Barrier, /*RunSync=*/!Tasks,
+                                                  UpdateDebounce));
   if (Tasks)
-    Tasks->runAsync("worker:" + llvm::sys::path::filename(File),
-                    [Worker]() { Worker->run(); });
+    Tasks->runAsync(
+        "worker:" + llvm::sys::path::filename(Worker->Builder.getFileName()),
+        [Worker]() { Worker->run(); });
   return ASTWorkerHandle(std::move(Worker));
-ASTWorker::ASTWorker(llvm::StringRef File, Semaphore &Barrier, CppFile AST,
-                     bool RunSync, steady_clock::duration UpdateDebounce)
-    : File(File), RunSync(RunSync), UpdateDebounce(UpdateDebounce),
-      Barrier(Barrier), AST(std::move(AST)), Done(false) {
-  if (RunSync)
-    return;
+ASTWorker::ASTWorker(ASTBuilder Builder, TUScheduler::IdleASTs &LRUCache,
+                     Semaphore &Barrier, bool RunSync,
+                     steady_clock::duration UpdateDebounce)
+    : ASTCache(LRUCache.create()), RunSync(RunSync), UpdateDebounce(UpdateDebounce),
+      Barrier(Barrier), Builder(std::move(Builder)), Done(false) {
+  // Register and empty AST in the cache.
+  ASTCache->update([]() { return llvm::None; });
 ASTWorker::~ASTWorker() {
@@ -213,20 +356,42 @@
 void ASTWorker::update(ParseInputs Inputs, WantDiagnostics WantDiags,
                        UniqueFunction<void(std::vector<Diag>)> OnUpdated) {
   auto Task = [=](decltype(OnUpdated) OnUpdated) mutable {
+    tooling::CompileCommand OldCommand = std::move(FileInputs.CompileCommand);
     FileInputs = Inputs;
-    auto Diags = AST.rebuild(std::move(Inputs));
+    log("Updating file " + Builder.getFileName() + " with command [" +
+        Inputs.CompileCommand.Directory + "] " +
+        llvm::join(Inputs.CompileCommand.CommandLine, " "));
+    // Rebuild the preamble and the AST.
+    std::unique_ptr<CompilerInvocation> CI =
+        Builder.buildCompilerInvocation(Inputs);
+    if (!CI) {
+      ASTCache->update([]() { return llvm::None; });
+      return;
+    }
+    std::shared_ptr<const PreambleData> NewPreamble = Builder.buildPreamble(
+        *CI, getPossiblyStalePreamble(), OldCommand, Inputs);
       std::lock_guard<std::mutex> Lock(Mutex);
-      if (AST.getPreamble())
-        LastBuiltPreamble = AST.getPreamble();
-      LastASTSize = AST.getUsedBytes();
+      if (NewPreamble)
+        LastBuiltPreamble = NewPreamble;
+    // Make our ASTCache aware of the AST change, it will build the AST when
+    // it is needed.
+    CompilerInvocation ASTCI = std::move(*CI);
+    auto BuildAST = [this, NewPreamble, Inputs, ASTCI]() {
+      auto CI = llvm::make_unique<CompilerInvocation>(ASTCI);
+      return Builder.buildAST(std::move(CI), NewPreamble, Inputs);
+    };
+    ASTCache->update(BuildAST);
     // We want to report the diagnostics even if this update was cancelled.
     // It seems more useful than making the clients wait indefinitely if they
     // spam us with updates.
-    if (Diags && WantDiags != WantDiagnostics::No)
-      OnUpdated(std::move(*Diags));
+    if (WantDiags != WantDiagnostics::No) {
+      std::shared_ptr<llvm::Optional<ParsedAST>> AST = ASTCache->get();
+      if (*AST)
+        OnUpdated((*AST)->getDiagnostics());
+    }
   startTask("Update", Bind(Task, std::move(OnUpdated)), WantDiags);
@@ -236,20 +401,12 @@
     llvm::StringRef Name,
     UniqueFunction<void(llvm::Expected<InputsAndAST>)> Action) {
   auto Task = [=](decltype(Action) Action) {
-    ParsedAST *ActualAST = AST.getAST();
-    if (!ActualAST) {
-      Action(llvm::make_error<llvm::StringError>("invalid AST",
-                                                 llvm::errc::invalid_argument));
-      return;
-    }
-    Action(InputsAndAST{FileInputs, *ActualAST});
-    // Size of the AST might have changed after reads too, e.g. if some decls
-    // were deserialized from preamble.
-    std::lock_guard<std::mutex> Lock(Mutex);
-    LastASTSize = ActualAST->getUsedBytes();
+    std::shared_ptr<llvm::Optional<ParsedAST>> AST = ASTCache->get();
+    if (!*AST)
+      return Action(llvm::make_error<llvm::StringError>(
+          "invalid AST", llvm::errc::invalid_argument));
+    Action(InputsAndAST{FileInputs, **AST});
   startTask(Name, Bind(Task, std::move(Action)),
@@ -261,8 +418,10 @@
 std::size_t ASTWorker::getUsedBytes() const {
-  std::lock_guard<std::mutex> Lock(Mutex);
-  return LastASTSize;
+  std::size_t Result = ASTCache->getASTBytes();
+  if (auto Preamble = getPossiblyStalePreamble())
+    Result += Preamble->Preamble.getSize();
+  return Result;
 void ASTWorker::stop() {
@@ -278,7 +437,8 @@
                           llvm::Optional<WantDiagnostics> UpdateType) {
   if (RunSync) {
     assert(!Done && "running a task after stop()");
-    trace::Span Tracer(Name + ":" + llvm::sys::path::filename(File));
+    trace::Span Tracer(Name + ":" +
+                       llvm::sys::path::filename(Builder.getFileName()));
@@ -415,10 +575,12 @@
 TUScheduler::TUScheduler(unsigned AsyncThreadsCount,
                          bool StorePreamblesInMemory,
                          ASTParsedCallback ASTCallback,
-                         steady_clock::duration UpdateDebounce)
+                         std::chrono::steady_clock::duration UpdateDebounce,
+                         ASTRetentionParams RetentionConfig)
     : StorePreamblesInMemory(StorePreamblesInMemory),
       ASTCallback(std::move(ASTCallback)), Barrier(AsyncThreadsCount),
+      ASTCache(llvm::make_unique<IdleASTs>(RetentionConfig.MaxRetainedASTs)),
       UpdateDebounce(UpdateDebounce) {
   if (0 < AsyncThreadsCount) {
@@ -454,9 +616,9 @@
   if (!FD) {
     // Create a new worker to process the AST-related tasks.
     ASTWorkerHandle Worker = ASTWorker::Create(
-        File, WorkerThreads ? WorkerThreads.getPointer() : nullptr, Barrier,
-        CppFile(File, StorePreamblesInMemory, PCHOps, ASTCallback),
-        UpdateDebounce);
+        ASTBuilder(File, StorePreamblesInMemory, PCHOps, ASTCallback),
+        *ASTCache, WorkerThreads ? WorkerThreads.getPointer() : nullptr,
+        Barrier, UpdateDebounce);
     FD = std::unique_ptr<FileData>(new FileData{
         Inputs.Contents, Inputs.CompileCommand, std::move(Worker)});
   } else {
Index: clangd/ClangdUnit.h
--- clangd/ClangdUnit.h
+++ clangd/ClangdUnit.h
@@ -47,6 +47,7 @@
                std::vector<serialization::DeclID> TopLevelDeclIDs,
                std::vector<Diag> Diags, std::vector<Inclusion> Inclusions);
+  tooling::CompileCommand CompileCommand;
   PrecompiledPreamble Preamble;
   std::vector<serialization::DeclID> TopLevelDeclIDs;
   std::vector<Diag> Diags;
@@ -128,48 +129,41 @@
 using ASTParsedCallback = std::function<void(PathRef Path, ParsedAST *)>;
-/// Manages resources, required by clangd. Allows to rebuild file with new
-/// contents, and provides AST and Preamble for it.
-class CppFile {
+/// A helper class that handles building preambles and ASTs for a file. Also
+/// adds some logging.
+class ASTBuilder {
-  CppFile(PathRef FileName, bool StorePreamblesInMemory,
-          std::shared_ptr<PCHContainerOperations> PCHs,
-          ASTParsedCallback ASTCallback);
-  /// Rebuild the AST and the preamble.
-  /// Returns a list of diagnostics or llvm::None, if an error occured.
-  llvm::Optional<std::vector<Diag>> rebuild(ParseInputs &&Inputs);
-  /// Returns the last built preamble.
-  const std::shared_ptr<const PreambleData> &getPreamble() const;
-  /// Returns the last built AST.
-  ParsedAST *getAST() const;
-  /// Returns an estimated size, in bytes, currently occupied by the AST and the
-  /// Preamble.
-  std::size_t getUsedBytes() const;
+  ASTBuilder(PathRef FileName, bool StorePreambleInMemory,
+             std::shared_ptr<PCHContainerOperations> PCHs,
+             ASTParsedCallback ASTCallback);
-  /// Build a new preamble for \p Inputs. If the current preamble can be reused,
-  /// it is returned instead.
-  /// This method is const to ensure we don't incidentally modify any fields.
+  PathRef getFileName() const;
+  /// Builds compiler invocation that could be used to build AST or preamble.
+  std::unique_ptr<CompilerInvocation>
+  buildCompilerInvocation(const ParseInputs &Inputs) const;
+  /// Rebuild the preamble for the new inputs unless the old one can be reused.
+  /// If \p OldPreamble can be reused, it is returned unchanged.
+  /// If \p OldPreamble is null, always builds the preamble.
   std::shared_ptr<const PreambleData>
-  rebuildPreamble(CompilerInvocation &CI,
-                  const tooling::CompileCommand &Command,
-                  IntrusiveRefCntPtr<vfs::FileSystem> FS,
-                  llvm::MemoryBuffer &ContentsBuffer) const;
-  const Path FileName;
-  const bool StorePreamblesInMemory;
-  /// The last CompileCommand used to build AST and Preamble.
-  tooling::CompileCommand Command;
-  /// The last parsed AST.
-  llvm::Optional<ParsedAST> AST;
-  /// The last built Preamble.
-  std::shared_ptr<const PreambleData> Preamble;
-  /// Utility class required by clang
+  buildPreamble(CompilerInvocation &CI,
+                std::shared_ptr<const PreambleData> OldPreamble,
+                const tooling::CompileCommand &OldCompileCommand,
+                const ParseInputs &Inputs) const;
+  /// Builds the AST using an existing \p Preamble. Note that \p Preamble is
+  /// always used, without the checks that it is not outdated.
+  /// To get the correct preamble, use buildPreamble.
+  llvm::Optional<ParsedAST>
+  buildAST(std::unique_ptr<CompilerInvocation> CI,
+           std::shared_ptr<const PreambleData> Preamble,
+           const ParseInputs &Inputs) const;
+  Path FileName;
+  bool StorePreambleInMemory;
   std::shared_ptr<PCHContainerOperations> PCHs;
-  /// This is called after the file is parsed. This can be nullptr if there is
-  /// no callback.
   ASTParsedCallback ASTCallback;
Index: clangd/ClangdUnit.cpp
--- clangd/ClangdUnit.cpp
+++ clangd/ClangdUnit.cpp
@@ -13,6 +13,7 @@
 #include "Logger.h"
 #include "SourceCode.h"
 #include "Trace.h"
+#include "clang/Basic/LangOptions.h"
 #include "clang/Frontend/CompilerInstance.h"
 #include "clang/Frontend/CompilerInvocation.h"
 #include "clang/Frontend/FrontendActions.h"
@@ -25,7 +26,6 @@
 #include "clang/Sema/Sema.h"
 #include "clang/Serialization/ASTWriter.h"
 #include "clang/Tooling/CompilationDatabase.h"
-#include "clang/Basic/LangOptions.h"
 #include "llvm/ADT/ArrayRef.h"
 #include "llvm/ADT/SmallVector.h"
 #include "llvm/Support/CrashRecoveryContext.h"
@@ -182,8 +182,12 @@
   std::vector<const Decl *> ParsedDecls = Action->takeTopLevelDecls();
+  std::vector<Diag> Diags = ASTDiags.take();
+  // Add diagnostics from the preamble, if any.
+  if (Preamble)
+    Diags.insert(Diags.begin(), Preamble->Diags.begin(), Preamble->Diags.end());
   return ParsedAST(std::move(Preamble), std::move(Clang), std::move(Action),
-                   std::move(ParsedDecls), ASTDiags.take(),
+                   std::move(ParsedDecls), std::move(Diags),
@@ -275,19 +279,16 @@
-CppFile::CppFile(PathRef FileName, bool StorePreamblesInMemory,
-                 std::shared_ptr<PCHContainerOperations> PCHs,
-                 ASTParsedCallback ASTCallback)
-    : FileName(FileName), StorePreamblesInMemory(StorePreamblesInMemory),
-      PCHs(std::move(PCHs)), ASTCallback(std::move(ASTCallback)) {
-  log("Created CppFile for " + FileName);
+ASTBuilder::ASTBuilder(PathRef FileName, bool StorePreambleInMemory,
+                       std::shared_ptr<PCHContainerOperations> PCHs,
+                       ASTParsedCallback ASTCallback)
+    : FileName(FileName), StorePreambleInMemory(StorePreambleInMemory),
+      PCHs(std::move(PCHs)), ASTCallback(std::move(ASTCallback)) {}
-llvm::Optional<std::vector<Diag>> CppFile::rebuild(ParseInputs &&Inputs) {
-  log("Rebuilding file " + FileName + " with command [" +
-      Inputs.CompileCommand.Directory + "] " +
-      llvm::join(Inputs.CompileCommand.CommandLine, " "));
+PathRef ASTBuilder::getFileName() const { return FileName; }
+ASTBuilder::buildCompilerInvocation(const ParseInputs &Inputs) const {
   std::vector<const char *> ArgStrs;
   for (const auto &S : Inputs.CompileCommand.CommandLine)
@@ -298,101 +299,46 @@
     // working dirs.
-  // Prepare CompilerInvocation.
-  std::unique_ptr<CompilerInvocation> CI;
-  {
-    // FIXME(ibiryukov): store diagnostics from CommandLine when we start
-    // reporting them.
-    IgnoreDiagnostics IgnoreDiagnostics;
-    IntrusiveRefCntPtr<DiagnosticsEngine> CommandLineDiagsEngine =
-        CompilerInstance::createDiagnostics(new DiagnosticOptions,
-                                            &IgnoreDiagnostics, false);
-    CI = createInvocationFromCommandLine(ArgStrs, CommandLineDiagsEngine,
-                                         Inputs.FS);
-    if (!CI) {
-      log("Could not build CompilerInvocation for file " + FileName);
-      AST = llvm::None;
-      Preamble = nullptr;
-      return llvm::None;
-    }
-    // createInvocationFromCommandLine sets DisableFree.
-    CI->getFrontendOpts().DisableFree = false;
-    CI->getLangOpts()->CommentOpts.ParseAllComments = true;
-  }
-  std::unique_ptr<llvm::MemoryBuffer> ContentsBuffer =
-      llvm::MemoryBuffer::getMemBufferCopy(Inputs.Contents, FileName);
-  // Compute updated Preamble.
-  std::shared_ptr<const PreambleData> NewPreamble =
-      rebuildPreamble(*CI, Inputs.CompileCommand, Inputs.FS, *ContentsBuffer);
-  // Remove current AST to avoid wasting memory.
-  AST = llvm::None;
-  // Compute updated AST.
-  llvm::Optional<ParsedAST> NewAST;
-  {
-    trace::Span Tracer("Build");
-    SPAN_ATTACH(Tracer, "File", FileName);
-    NewAST = ParsedAST::Build(std::move(CI), NewPreamble,
-                              std::move(ContentsBuffer), PCHs, Inputs.FS);
-  }
-  std::vector<Diag> Diagnostics;
-  if (NewAST) {
-    // Collect diagnostics from both the preamble and the AST.
-    if (NewPreamble)
-      Diagnostics = NewPreamble->Diags;
-    Diagnostics.insert(Diagnostics.end(), NewAST->getDiagnostics().begin(),
-                       NewAST->getDiagnostics().end());
-  }
-  if (ASTCallback && NewAST) {
-    trace::Span Tracer("Running ASTCallback");
-    ASTCallback(FileName, NewAST.getPointer());
+  // FIXME(ibiryukov): store diagnostics from CommandLine when we start
+  // reporting them.
+  IgnoreDiagnostics IgnoreDiagnostics;
+  IntrusiveRefCntPtr<DiagnosticsEngine> CommandLineDiagsEngine =
+      CompilerInstance::createDiagnostics(new DiagnosticOptions,
+                                          &IgnoreDiagnostics, false);
+  std::unique_ptr<CompilerInvocation> CI = createInvocationFromCommandLine(
+      ArgStrs, CommandLineDiagsEngine, Inputs.FS);
+  if (!CI) {
+    log("Could not build CompilerInvocation for file " + FileName);
+    return nullptr;
-  // Write the results of rebuild into class fields.
-  Command = std::move(Inputs.CompileCommand);
-  Preamble = std::move(NewPreamble);
-  AST = std::move(NewAST);
-  return Diagnostics;
-const std::shared_ptr<const PreambleData> &CppFile::getPreamble() const {
-  return Preamble;
-ParsedAST *CppFile::getAST() const {
-  // We could add mutable to AST instead of const_cast here, but that would also
-  // allow writing to AST from const methods.
-  return AST ? const_cast<ParsedAST *>(AST.getPointer()) : nullptr;
-std::size_t CppFile::getUsedBytes() const {
-  std::size_t Total = 0;
-  if (AST)
-    Total += AST->getUsedBytes();
-  if (StorePreamblesInMemory && Preamble)
-    Total += Preamble->Preamble.getSize();
-  return Total;
+  // createInvocationFromCommandLine sets DisableFree.
+  CI->getFrontendOpts().DisableFree = false;
+  CI->getLangOpts()->CommentOpts.ParseAllComments = true;
+  return CI;
 std::shared_ptr<const PreambleData>
-CppFile::rebuildPreamble(CompilerInvocation &CI,
-                         const tooling::CompileCommand &Command,
-                         IntrusiveRefCntPtr<vfs::FileSystem> FS,
-                         llvm::MemoryBuffer &ContentsBuffer) const {
-  const auto &OldPreamble = this->Preamble;
-  auto Bounds = ComputePreambleBounds(*CI.getLangOpts(), &ContentsBuffer, 0);
-  if (OldPreamble && compileCommandsAreEqual(this->Command, Command) &&
-      OldPreamble->Preamble.CanReuse(CI, &ContentsBuffer, Bounds, FS.get())) {
+ASTBuilder::buildPreamble(CompilerInvocation &CI,
+                          std::shared_ptr<const PreambleData> OldPreamble,
+                          const tooling::CompileCommand &OldCompileCommand,
+                          const ParseInputs &Inputs) const {
+  // Note that we don't need to copy the input contents, preamble can live
+  // without those.
+  auto ContentsBuffer = llvm::MemoryBuffer::getMemBuffer(Inputs.Contents);
+  auto Bounds =
+      ComputePreambleBounds(*CI.getLangOpts(), ContentsBuffer.get(), 0);
+  if (OldPreamble &&
+      compileCommandsAreEqual(Inputs.CompileCommand, OldCompileCommand) &&
+      OldPreamble->Preamble.CanReuse(CI, ContentsBuffer.get(), Bounds,
+                                     Inputs.FS.get())) {
     log("Reusing preamble for file " + Twine(FileName));
     return OldPreamble;
   log("Preamble for file " + Twine(FileName) +
       " cannot be reused. Attempting to rebuild it.");
-  trace::Span Tracer("Preamble");
+  trace::Span Tracer("BuildPreamble");
   SPAN_ATTACH(Tracer, "File", FileName);
   StoreDiags PreambleDiagnostics;
   IntrusiveRefCntPtr<DiagnosticsEngine> PreambleDiagsEngine =
@@ -406,17 +352,16 @@
   CppFilePreambleCallbacks SerializedDeclsCollector;
   auto BuiltPreamble = PrecompiledPreamble::Build(
-      CI, &ContentsBuffer, Bounds, *PreambleDiagsEngine, FS, PCHs,
-      /*StoreInMemory=*/StorePreamblesInMemory, SerializedDeclsCollector);
+      CI, ContentsBuffer.get(), Bounds, *PreambleDiagsEngine, Inputs.FS, PCHs,
+      /*StoreInMemory=*/StorePreambleInMemory, SerializedDeclsCollector);
   // When building the AST for the main file, we do want the function
   // bodies.
   CI.getFrontendOpts().SkipFunctionBodies = false;
   if (BuiltPreamble) {
     log("Built preamble of size " + Twine(BuiltPreamble->getSize()) +
         " for file " + Twine(FileName));
     return std::make_shared<PreambleData>(
@@ -427,6 +372,26 @@
+ASTBuilder::buildAST(std::unique_ptr<CompilerInvocation> CI,
+                     std::shared_ptr<const PreambleData> Preamble,
+                     const ParseInputs &Inputs) const {
+  trace::Span Tracer("BuildAST");
+  SPAN_ATTACH(Tracer, "File", FileName);
+  llvm::Optional<ParsedAST> AST;
+  {
+    trace::Span ParseTracer("ParseAST");
+    AST = ParsedAST::Build(
+        std::move(CI), std::move(Preamble),
+        llvm::MemoryBuffer::getMemBufferCopy(Inputs.Contents), PCHs, Inputs.FS);
+  }
+  if (ASTCallback) {
+    trace::Span Tracer("Running ASTCallback");
+    ASTCallback(FileName, AST ? AST.getPointer() : nullptr);
+  }
+  return AST;
 SourceLocation clangd::getBeginningOfIdentifier(ParsedAST &Unit,
                                                 const Position &Pos,
                                                 const FileID FID) {
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