alexfh added a comment.

I apologize for completely ignoring this for a long time.

I'm totally fine taking full control of clang-diagnostic- "checks", i.e. 
automatically adding corresponding -W flags and removing all other -W flags (or 
prepending -Wno-everything).

However, could we split the aliases stuff to a separate patch? My concerns 
w.r.t. the current implementation:

1. it doesn't allow more than one alias to each diagnostic
2. it's not clear that clang diagnostic aliases need to be separate from 
aliases for native clang-tidy checks. It might be better to add a more 
high-level API to register aliases (e.g. `registerCheckAlias(<alias name>, 
<check name>, <custom check options>)`).

Comment at: clang-tidy/ClangTidy.cpp:406
+  for (const auto &Diag : Context.getEnabledClangDiagnostics())
+    CheckNames.push_back("clang-diagnostic-" + Diag);
The "clang-diagnostic-" string is now repeated multiple times. Could you pull 
it out to a constant (or maybe `llvm::StringRef getClangDiagnosticPrefix()`)?

Comment at: clang-tidy/ClangTidyModule.h:96
+  virtual void addWarningCheckAliases(
+      llvm::DenseMap<llvm::StringRef, llvm::StringRef> &WarningCheckAliases) {}
Consider using `llvm::StringMap`.

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