lebedev.ri added a comment.

Nice work!
It will be great to have a replacement for doxygen, which is actually modern 
and usable.

Some review notes for some of the code below:

Comment at: clang-doc/ClangDocBinary.cpp:17
+enum BlockIds {
I wonder if you could add a map from `BlockIds` enumerator to the textual 
e.g. `NAMESPACE_BLOCK_ID` -> "NamespaceBlock"
`RECORD_BLOCK_ID` -> "RecordBlock"

This would allow to only pass the `BlockId`, and avoid passing hardcoded string 
each time.

Comment at: clang-doc/ClangDocBinary.cpp:72
+  assert(Abbrevs.find(recordID) == Abbrevs.end() &&
+         "Abbreviation already set.");
+  Abbrevs[recordID] = abbrevID;
So it does not *set* the abbreviation, since it is not supposed to be called if 
the abbreviation is already set, but it *adds* a unique abbreviation.
I think it should be called `void AbbreviationMap::add(unsigned recordID, 
unsigned abbrevID)` then

Comment at: clang-doc/ClangDocBinary.cpp:88
+  Stream.Emit((unsigned)'C', 8);
+  Stream.Emit((unsigned)'S', 8);
General comment: shouldn't the bitcode be versioned?

Comment at: clang-doc/ClangDocBinary.cpp:99
+  // Emit the block name if present.
+  if (!Name || Name[0] == 0) return;
+  Record.clear();
So you are actually checking that there is either no string, or the string is 
of zero length here.
Is this function ever going to be called with a null `Name`?
All calls in this Differential always pass a static C string here.

Also see my comments about passing enumerator, and having a map that would 
avoid passing string altogether.

Comment at: clang-doc/ClangDocBinary.cpp:120
+  Abbrev->Add(BitCodeAbbrevOp(D));
+  Abbrev->Add(BitCodeAbbrevOp(BitCodeAbbrevOp::Fixed, 16));  // String size
+  Abbrev->Add(BitCodeAbbrevOp(BitCodeAbbrevOp::Blob));       // String
These constants are somewhat vague.
Maybe consolidate them somewhere somehow, e.g.:

namespace {
struct BitCodeConstants {
static constexpr int LineNumFixedSize = 16;

Comment at: clang-doc/ClangDocBinary.cpp:178
+                                              BitstreamWriter &Stream) {
+  Stream.EnterSubblock(NAMED_TYPE_BLOCK_ID, 5);
+  emitIntRecord(ID, NAMED_TYPE_ID, Stream);
From the docs i can see that `5` is `CodeLen`, but how is this decided, etc?
Seems like a magical constant, maybe consolidate them somewhere, like in the 
previous note?

Comment at: clang-doc/ClangDocBinary.h:57
+  void emitRecordID(unsigned ID, const char *Name, BitstreamWriter &Stream);
+  void emitBlockID(unsigned ID, const char *Name, BitstreamWriter &Stream);
Should these take `StringRef` instead of `const char *` ?

Comment at: clang-doc/ClangDocBinary.h:57
+  void emitRecordID(unsigned ID, const char *Name, BitstreamWriter &Stream);
+  void emitBlockID(unsigned ID, const char *Name, BitstreamWriter &Stream);
lebedev.ri wrote:
> Should these take `StringRef` instead of `const char *` ?
Also, isn't the first param always a `BlockIds`? Why not pass enumerators, and 
make it more obvious?

Comment at: clang-doc/ClangDocBinary.h:62
+  void emitIntAbbrev(unsigned D, unsigned Block, BitstreamWriter &Stream);
+  RecordData Record;
^ I think all these `unsigned Block` is actually a `BlockIds Block` ?
And `unsigned D` is actually `DataTypes D` ?

Comment at: clang-doc/tool/ClangDocMain.cpp:41
+static cl::opt<std::string> OutDirectory(
+    "docs", cl::desc("Directory for outputting docs."), cl::init("docs"),
+    cl::cat(ClangDocCategory));
Hmm, are you sure about `docs` being the param to specify where to output the 
I'd //expect// to see `-o / --output` or a positional argument.
Or is that impossible due to some parent LLVM/clang implicit requirements?

Comment at: clang-doc/tool/ClangDocMain.cpp:45
+static cl::opt<std::string> Format(
+    "format", cl::desc("Format for outputting docs. (options are md)"),
+    cl::init("md"), cl::cat(ClangDocCategory));
`options are: md`
Though this appears to be a dead code right now

Comment at: clang-doc/tool/ClangDocMain.cpp:97
+  // Mapping phase
+  errs() << "Mapping decls...\n";
+  auto Err =
This does not seem to be a erroneous situation to be in

Comment at: clang-doc/tool/ClangDocMain.cpp:107
+      sys::path::native(OutDirectory, IRRootPath);
+      std::error_code DirectoryStatus = 
+      if (DirectoryStatus != OK) {
I'm having trouble following.
`DumpResult` description says `Dump results to stdout.`
Why does it need `OutDirectory`?

Comment at: docs/clang-doc.rst:37
+As currently implemented, the tool is only able to parse TUs that can be 
+stored in-memory. Future additions will extend the current framewwork to use
+map-reduce frameworks to allow for use with large codebases.

Comment at: docs/clang-doc.rst:44
+       $ clang-doc --help
+       USAGE: clang-doc [options] <source0> [... <sourceN>]
This does not seem to talk about the path where to store the generated docs.


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