benhamilton added inline comments.
================ Comment at: lib/Format/Format.cpp:765 GoogleStyle.ColumnLimit = 100; + GoogleStyle.BinPackObjCProtocolList = FormatStyle::BPS_Never; } ---------------- benhamilton wrote: > jolesiak wrote: > > If I understand correctly this is meant to be ObjC-specific flag. I feel > > like this should be put in general config (next to > > GoogleStyle.ObjcSpaceAfterProperty and > > GoogleStyle.ObjCSpaceBeforeProtocolList; ~50 lines above). > > To me putting it inside 'if' check means different value is used for ObjC > > than for other languages (what isn't the case here, as this flag shouldn't > > be used in formatting other languages code). > Done. It looked like all the modifications were alphabetized, so I moved it > between `GoogleStyle.AlwaysBreakTemplateDeclarations` and > `GoogleStyle.ConstructorInitializerAllOnOneLineOrOnePerLine`. Actually, on second thought, I've just renamed it to `ObjCBinPackProtocolList`. Repository: rC Clang _______________________________________________ cfe-commits mailing list