tra added inline comments.

Comment at: lib/Driver/ToolChains/Cuda.cpp:353
+  if (mustEmitDebugInfo(Args) && Args.hasArg(options::OPT_g_Flag))
+    CmdArgs.push_back("-g");
ABataev wrote:
> tra wrote:
> > There's more than one -g option. Presumably you still want -g here for 
> > -g{1,2,3} or -ggdb{1,2,3} or -gdwarf2.
> > 
> > Speaking of dwarf, what's going to happen if someone passes -gdwarf5?  
> > Should we downgrade it to -gdwarf2 on device side and issue a warning?
> > 
> That's exactly what I want to avoid. I think we can ignore these options and 
> handle only `-g` option.
> Or I can add a function to ToolChain class to force using the default 
> settings for debugger tuning and DWARF version rather than take them from the 
> driver options.
You should handle at least -gN/-gline-tables-only/-g. Now that we can emit 
dwarf debug info, I would want to be able to control it to some degree -- 

I'm still not sure what's the plan for -gdwarfN unsupported on device side? 
- do we ignore it and always emit dwarf2?
- do we accept it, emit requested version and let user stare at ptxas (or 
cuda-gdb) errors when it fails to deal with it?

  rC Clang

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