JDevlieghere added inline comments.

Comment at: clang-tidy/hicpp/MultiwayPathsCoveredCheck.cpp:76
+std::size_t twoPow(std::size_t Bits) {
+  const std::size_t DiscreteValues = 1ul << Bits;
Add a comment describing what this function does. I'd move and rephrase the 
comment below. 

Comment at: clang-tidy/hicpp/MultiwayPathsCoveredCheck.cpp:98
+  // hold.
+  const std::size_t BitCount = [&T, &Context]() {
+    if (T->isIntegralType(Context))
Unless you expect a whole bunch of logic to be added here, I'd un-const and 
initialize BitCount to zero, then just have if-clause reassign it and get rid 
of the lambda. This will save you a few lines of code and complexity. 

Comment at: clang-tidy/hicpp/MultiwayPathsCoveredCheck.cpp:149
+  llvm::SmallVector<std::string, 2> DegenerateMsgs = {
+      "degenerated switch with default label only",
If there's only going to be two messages, you could use the ternary operator 
and save an instantiation of the `SmallVector`.

Comment at: clang-tidy/hicpp/MultiwayPathsCoveredCheck.cpp:195
+  // matcher used for here does not match on degenerate 'switch'
+  assert(CaseCount > 0 && "Switch stmt without any case found. This case "
+                          "should be excluded by the matcher and is handled "
Let's move this to right after where you define CaseCount 


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