zturner added inline comments.

Comment at: clang/test/CodeGenCXX/debug-info-nested-exprs.cpp:44
+  int a = bar(x, y) +
+          baz(x, z) +
+          qux(y, z);
inglorion wrote:
> zturner wrote:
> > inglorion wrote:
> > > zturner wrote:
> > > > Can you make a function called `int foo()` and make this `int a = 
> > > > bar(foo(), y) + ...`
> > > Yes. Why? To test an additional level of nesting?
> > Yes.  for that matter, even better would be if this call to `foo()` spans 
> > multiple lines.  Right here you've got a single statement which spans 
> > multiple lines, but no individual sub-expression spans multiple lines.  And 
> > FWICT there is no nesting at all, since + is just a builtin operator.
> The nesting here is the calls to bar, baz, and qux inside the declaration of 
> a. The old behavior would emit separate locations for each of the calls, the 
> new behavior annotates each of the calls with the same location as the 
> declaration. This causes the debugger to stop only once for the entire 
> statement when using step over, and makes step into specific work.
Sure, but does that execute the same codepath as:

int a = bar(

a = bar(baz());

for (const auto &X : foo(bar()))

for (int x = foo(); x < bar(); baz(x))

if (foo() && bar())

if (createObject().func())

etc?  And what if one or more of these functions get inlined?  For example, 
what if you have:

int a = foo(bar(baz()), bar(buzz()));


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