vladimir.plyashkun updated this revision to Diff 103353.
vladimir.plyashkun added a comment.

correct revision with all changes




Index: unittests/Tooling/DiagnosticsYamlTest.cpp
--- /dev/null
+++ unittests/Tooling/DiagnosticsYamlTest.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,170 @@
+//===- unittests/Tooling/DiagnosticsYamlTest.cpp - Serialization tests ---===//
+//                     The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
+// This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
+// License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
+// Tests for serialization of Diagnostics.
+#include "clang/Tooling/Core/Diagnostic.h"
+#include "clang/Tooling/DiagnosticsYaml.h"
+#include "clang/Tooling/ReplacementsYaml.h"
+#include "gtest/gtest.h"
+using namespace llvm;
+using namespace clang::tooling;
+TEST(DiagnosticsYamlTest, SerializesDiagnostics) {
+  TranslationUnitDiagnostics TUD;
+  TUD.MainSourceFile = "path/to/source.cpp";
+  DiagnosticMessage Message1;
+  Message1.Message = "message #1";
+  Message1.FileOffset = 55;
+  Message1.FilePath = "path/to/source.cpp";
+  StringMap<Replacements> Fix1{
+      {"path/to/source.cpp", Replacements(Replacement("path/to/source.cpp", 100,
+                                                      12, "replacement #1"))}};
+  DiagnosticMessage Message2;
+  Message2.Message = "message #2";
+  Message2.FileOffset = 60;
+  Message2.FilePath = "path/to/header.h";
+  StringMap<Replacements> Fix2{
+      {"path/to/header.h",
+       Replacements(Replacement("path/to/header.h", 62, 2, "replacement #2"))}};
+  SmallVector<DiagnosticMessage, 1> EmptyNotes;
+  TUD.Diagnostics.emplace_back("diagnostic#1", Message1, Fix1, EmptyNotes,
+                               Diagnostic::Warning, "path/to/build/directory");
+  TUD.Diagnostics.emplace_back("diagnostic#2", Message2, Fix2, EmptyNotes,
+                               Diagnostic::Error,
+                               "path/to/another/build/directory");
+  std::string YamlContent;
+  raw_string_ostream YamlContentStream(YamlContent);
+  yaml::Output YAML(YamlContentStream);
+  YAML << TUD;
+  ASSERT_STREQ("---\n"
+               "MainSourceFile:  path/to/source.cpp\n"
+               "Diagnostics:     \n"
+               "  - DiagnosticName:  \"diagnostic#1\"\n"
+               "    Message:         \"message #1\"\n"
+               "    FileOffset:      55\n"
+               "    FilePath:        path/to/source.cpp\n"
+               "    Replacements:    \n"
+               "      - FilePath:        path/to/source.cpp\n"
+               "        Offset:          100\n"
+               "        Length:          12\n"
+               "        ReplacementText: \"replacement #1\"\n"
+               "  - DiagnosticName:  \"diagnostic#2\"\n"
+               "    Message:         \"message #2\"\n"
+               "    FileOffset:      60\n"
+               "    FilePath:        path/to/header.h\n"
+               "    Replacements:    \n"
+               "      - FilePath:        path/to/header.h\n"
+               "        Offset:          62\n"
+               "        Length:          2\n"
+               "        ReplacementText: \"replacement #2\"\n"
+               "...\n",
+               YamlContentStream.str().c_str());
+TEST(DiagnosticsYamlTest, SerializesDiagnosticWithNoFix) {
+  TranslationUnitDiagnostics TUD;
+  TUD.MainSourceFile = "path/to/source.cpp";
+  DiagnosticMessage Message;
+  Message.Message = "message #1";
+  Message.FileOffset = 55;
+  Message.FilePath = "path/to/source.cpp";
+  StringMap<Replacements> EmptyReplacements;
+  SmallVector<DiagnosticMessage, 1> EmptyNotes;
+  TUD.Diagnostics.emplace_back("diagnostic#1", Message, EmptyReplacements,
+                               EmptyNotes, Diagnostic::Warning,
+                               "path/to/build/directory");
+  std::string YamlContent;
+  raw_string_ostream YamlContentStream(YamlContent);
+  yaml::Output YAML(YamlContentStream);
+  YAML << TUD;
+  ASSERT_STREQ("---\n"
+               "MainSourceFile:  path/to/source.cpp\n"
+               "Diagnostics:     \n"
+               "  - DiagnosticName:  \"diagnostic#1\"\n"
+               "    Message:         \"message #1\"\n"
+               "    FileOffset:      55\n"
+               "    FilePath:        path/to/source.cpp\n"
+               "...\n",
+               YamlContentStream.str().c_str());
+TEST(DiagnosticsYamlTest, DeserializesDiagnostics) {
+  std::string YamlContent = "---\n"
+                            "MainSourceFile:  path/to/source.cpp\n"
+                            "Diagnostics:     \n"
+                            "  - DiagnosticName:  'diagnostic#1'\n"
+                            "    Message:         'message #1'\n"
+                            "    FileOffset:      55\n"
+                            "    FilePath:        path/to/source.cpp\n"
+                            "    Replacements:    \n"
+                            "      - FilePath:        path/to/source.cpp\n"
+                            "        Offset:          100\n"
+                            "        Length:          12\n"
+                            "        ReplacementText: 'replacement #1'\n"
+                            "  - DiagnosticName:  'diagnostic#2'\n"
+                            "    Message:         'message #2'\n"
+                            "    FileOffset:      60\n"
+                            "    FilePath:        path/to/header.h\n"
+                            "    Replacements:    \n"
+                            "      - FilePath:        path/to/header.h\n"
+                            "        Offset:          62\n"
+                            "        Length:          2\n"
+                            "        ReplacementText: 'replacement #2'\n"
+                            "...\n";
+  TranslationUnitDiagnostics TUDActual;
+  yaml::Input YAML(YamlContent);
+  YAML >> TUDActual;
+  ASSERT_FALSE(YAML.error());
+  ASSERT_EQ(2u, TUDActual.Diagnostics.size());
+  ASSERT_EQ("path/to/source.cpp", TUDActual.MainSourceFile);
+  auto getFixes = [](const StringMap<Replacements> &Fix) {
+    std::vector<Replacement> Fixes;
+    for (auto &Replacements : Fix) {
+      for (auto &Replacement : Replacements.second) {
+        Fixes.push_back(Replacement);
+      }
+    }
+    return Fixes;
+  };
+  Diagnostic D1 = TUDActual.Diagnostics[0];
+  ASSERT_EQ("diagnostic#1", D1.DiagnosticName);
+  ASSERT_EQ("message #1", D1.Message.Message);
+  ASSERT_EQ(55u, D1.Message.FileOffset);
+  ASSERT_EQ("path/to/source.cpp", D1.Message.FilePath);
+  std::vector<Replacement> Fixes1 = getFixes(D1.Fix);
+  ASSERT_EQ(1u, Fixes1.size());
+  ASSERT_EQ("path/to/source.cpp", Fixes1[0].getFilePath());
+  ASSERT_EQ(100, Fixes1[0].getOffset());
+  ASSERT_EQ(12, Fixes1[0].getLength());
+  ASSERT_EQ("replacement #1", Fixes1[0].getReplacementText());
+  Diagnostic D2 = TUDActual.Diagnostics[1];
+  ASSERT_EQ("diagnostic#2", D2.DiagnosticName);
+  ASSERT_EQ("message #2", D2.Message.Message);
+  ASSERT_EQ(60, D2.Message.FileOffset);
+  ASSERT_EQ("path/to/header.h", D2.Message.FilePath);
+  std::vector<Replacement> Fixes2 = getFixes(D2.Fix);
+  ASSERT_EQ(1u, Fixes2.size());
+  ASSERT_EQ("path/to/header.h", Fixes2[0].getFilePath());
+  ASSERT_EQ(62, Fixes2[0].getOffset());
+  ASSERT_EQ(2, Fixes2[0].getLength());
+  ASSERT_EQ("replacement #2", Fixes2[0].getReplacementText());
\ No newline at end of file
Index: include/clang/Tooling/DiagnosticsYaml.h
--- include/clang/Tooling/DiagnosticsYaml.h
+++ include/clang/Tooling/DiagnosticsYaml.h
@@ -56,7 +56,9 @@
     MappingNormalization<NormalizedDiagnostic, clang::tooling::Diagnostic> Keys(
         Io, D);
     Io.mapRequired("DiagnosticName", Keys->DiagnosticName);
+    Io.mapRequired("Message", Keys->Message.Message);
+    Io.mapRequired("FileOffset", Keys->Message.FileOffset);
+    Io.mapRequired("FilePath", Keys->Message.FilePath);
     // FIXME: Export properly all the different fields.
     std::vector<clang::tooling::Replacement> Fixes;
@@ -65,7 +67,7 @@
-    Io.mapRequired("Replacements", Fixes);
+    Io.mapOptional("Replacements", Fixes);
     for (auto &Fix : Fixes) {
       llvm::Error Err = Keys->Fix[Fix.getFilePath()].add(Fix);
       if (Err) {
@@ -82,17 +84,7 @@
 template <> struct MappingTraits<clang::tooling::TranslationUnitDiagnostics> {
   static void mapping(IO &Io, clang::tooling::TranslationUnitDiagnostics &Doc) {
     Io.mapRequired("MainSourceFile", Doc.MainSourceFile);
-    std::vector<clang::tooling::Diagnostic> Diagnostics;
-    for (auto &Diagnostic : Doc.Diagnostics) {
-      // FIXME: Export all diagnostics, not just the ones with fixes.
-      // Update MappingTraits<clang::tooling::Diagnostic>::mapping.
-      if (Diagnostic.Fix.size() > 0) {
-        Diagnostics.push_back(Diagnostic);
-      }
-    }
-    Io.mapRequired("Diagnostics", Diagnostics);
-    Doc.Diagnostics = Diagnostics;
+    Io.mapRequired("Diagnostics", Doc.Diagnostics);
 } // end namespace yaml
Index: unittests/Tooling/CMakeLists.txt
--- unittests/Tooling/CMakeLists.txt
+++ unittests/Tooling/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -13,6 +13,7 @@
+  DiagnosticsYamlTest.cpp
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