teemperor added inline comments.

Comment at: cfe/trunk/include/clang/Analysis/CloneDetection.h:324
+struct AutoGeneratedCloneConstraint {
+  StringRef IgnoredFilesPattern;
xiangzhai wrote:
> v.g.vassilev wrote:
> > Shouldn't the name be more generic. What this essentially does is to filter 
> > out false positives according to a regex...
> At the very beginning, it is by regex match the filename, it is still very 
> rough! but in future it is able to filter by looking for 
> `QT_BEGIN_MOC_NAMESPACE` macro or `qt_meta_ prefix` function in the 
> ASTContext? and there might be other auto-generated mechanism for different 
> framework, such as Gtk and sort of open source GUI libraries. so perhaps 
> `AutoGeneratedCloneConstraint` is better name, I am not good at naming, it is 
> difficult to name my little kid :)
Yeah, maybe we should have named this FilenamePatternConstraint or something 
like that...



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