teemperor accepted this revision.
teemperor added a comment.
This revision is now accepted and ready to land.

Please check the last inline comment and then feel free to commit it with the 
suggested fix. And I wanted to wait for review on the other performance 
patches, so you can push this now.

Thanks for the work!

Comment at: lib/Analysis/CloneDetection.cpp:375
+  std::string Error;
+  llvm::Regex R(StringRef("^(" + IgnoredFilesPattern.str() + "$)"));
+  if (!R.isValid(Error))
Sorry, I what I wanted to suggest is: make this a member variable of the 
`AutoGeneratedCloneConstraint` class. Moving this out of the loop actually 
doesn't change anything for the checker (because the first constraint get's a 
list of single-sequence groups, so we still call this function N times for N 
functions). So something like `llvm::Regex 
AutoGeneratedCloneConstraint::IgnoredFilesRegex` :)



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