asb wrote:

> I do have some worries about the definition as-is, as the core in the repo 
> has optional features (configurable at tape-out time). Reading the RP2350 
> datasheet, not all of the optional features for Hazard3 are enabled (and I'm 
> of the opinion that the lack of arm-like `-mcpu=<core>+<optional 
> stuff>+no<disabled stuff>` equivalent for RISC-V is a good thing) so I'm not 
> sure exactly what we do here.
> Maybe a better approach would be to abandon this PR and contribute a 
> `-mcpu=raspberrypi-rp2350`, which would make it clearer which HDL 
> configuration the compiler option specifically corresponds to?
> Happy to discuss this next week, thought I'd put some ideas about specific 
> directions down in advance of that.

Yeah, I was just looking at the RP2350 datasheet and was about to flag that it 
indicates no zbc support.
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