amaiorano added inline comments.

Comment at: unittests/Format/FormatTestObjC.cpp:72
 TEST_F(FormatTestObjC, DetectsObjCInHeaders) {
-  Style = getStyle("LLVM", "a.h", "none", "@interface\n"
+  Style = *getStyle("LLVM", "a.h", "none", "@interface\n"
                                           "- (id)init;");
amaiorano wrote:
> ioeric wrote:
> > amaiorano wrote:
> > > In these tests, I'm assuming getStyle returns a valid FormatSyle. I could 
> > > add the same types of validation as in the FormatStyle.GetStyleOfFile 
> > > tests.
> > Please add proper checking as above for returned values.
> Hmm, so I could replace the Style member of the fixture class with 
> Expected<FormatStyle>, and then change all "Style." with "Style->" in the 
> rest of the test file, or only in this specific test, I could store the 
> result in a local Expected<FormatStyle>, check that it's valid, and then 
> assign to Style. The latter is simpler; only question I have is how to name 
> the local variable - can I go with StyleOrError? Style2?
Another option here is to make this a non-fixture TEST and just declare a local 
Expected<FormatStyle> Style for this specific test, which would work fine.

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