amaiorano added a comment.

Hello everyone, so after a few more tests, I've uncovered a bug and perhaps a 
different meaning for fallback style. First, the bug: if you set fallback style 
to "none", clang-format will perform no replacements. This happens because 
getStyle will first initialize its local Style variable to LLVM style, and then 
because a fallback style is set, will then set it to the "none" style, will 
ends up setting Style.DisableFormatting to true. After that, when we parse YAML 
(either from Style arg or a config file), we use the Style variable as the 
"template" for fields that haven't been set. In this case, the "none" fallback 
style causes DisableFormatting to remain true, so no formatting will take place.

As it happens, my first diff patch uploaded here fixed this issue by accident. 
Instead of reusing the same local Style variable, I declared one for each case 
where we'd need to parse. The fallback style case would use its own variable, 
FallbackStyle, which would not be used as the template style when parsing the 
YAML config.

What's interesting is that the way the code is originally written allows you to 
use fallback style as a way to set the "base" configuration for which the 
subsequently parsed YAML overlays. For example, if I don't set fallback style, 
the assumed base style is "LLVM", and any YAML parsed modifies this LLVM base 
style. But if I pass a fallback style of "Mozilla", then this becomes the base 
style over which the YAML overlays.

So to my mind, we have 2 approaches to fix the "none" style bug:

1. Go with a similar approach to what I did originally; that is, we always 
assume LLVM as the base style, and make sure that the fallback style is not 
used as the base style, but rather only as the style to return if none is 
found. I think this is what FallbackStyle was originally intended for.

2. Allow fallback style to maintain its current meaning - that is, as a way to 
set the base style when "style" is "file" or YAML. In this case, I believe the 
right thing is to treat FallbackStyle set to "none" as though no fallback style 
were passed in at all. Concretely, we might want t to modify getPredefinedStyle 
to return LLVM style when "none" is passed in, instead of what it does now. I 
personally think this is more confusing, and also introduces more risk.

Let me know what you think. If we go with option 1, I could fold the fix into 
this change.

Comment at: lib/Format/Format.cpp:1900
-  if (!getPredefinedStyle(FallbackStyle, Style.Language, &Style)) {
-    llvm::errs() << "Invalid fallback style \"" << FallbackStyle
-                 << "\" using LLVM style\n";
-    return Style;
-  }
+  FormatStyle FallbackStyle = getNoStyle();
+  if (!getPredefinedStyle(FallbackStyleName, Style.Language, &FallbackStyle))
Going over my diff, I realize that I didn't revert this local FormatStyle 
instance to make use of the top-level declared "FormatStyle Style" local 
variable. I will revert this one too.

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