rnk added inline comments.

Comment at: include/clang/Basic/DiagnosticSemaKinds.td:4556-4558
+  "%0 is a %select{non-tag type|typedef|type alias|template|type alias "
+  "template|template template argument}1 that cannot be referenced with a "
+  "%select{struct|interface|union|class|enum}2 tag">;
rsmith wrote:
> "tag" is C terminology that C++ doesn't share;  "specifier" would be correct 
> in both languages.
> Also, this wording suggests that *some* templates / template template 
> arguments / ... can be referenced by, say, a `struct` specifier. How about:
>   %select{non-struct type|non-class type|non-union type|non-enum 
> type|typedef|type alias|template|[...]}1 %0 cannot be referenced with 
> %select{struct|interface|union|class|enum}2 specifier
> (where we use "non-enum type" when the tag is `enum`, "non-union type" when 
> the tag is `union`, and otherwise use "non-struct type" in C and "non-class 
> type" in C++)?
OK, sounds good.


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