This revision was automatically updated to reflect the committed changes.
Closed by commit rL281456: [clang-rename] Merge rename-{at|all} & optimize. 
(authored by omtcyfz).

Changed prior to commit:



Index: clang-tools-extra/trunk/clang-rename/tool/ClangRename.cpp
--- clang-tools-extra/trunk/clang-rename/tool/ClangRename.cpp
+++ clang-tools-extra/trunk/clang-rename/tool/ClangRename.cpp
@@ -38,28 +38,12 @@
 #include <system_error>
 using namespace llvm;
 using namespace clang;
-cl::OptionCategory ClangRenameAtCategory("clang-rename rename-at options");
-cl::OptionCategory ClangRenameAllCategory("clang-rename rename-all options");
-const char RenameAtUsage[] = "A tool to rename symbols in C/C++ code.\n\
-clang-rename renames every occurrence of a symbol found at <offset> in\n\
-<source0>. If -i is specified, the edited files are overwritten to disk.\n\
-Otherwise, the results are written to stdout.\n";
-const char RenameAllUsage[] = "A tool to rename symbols in C/C++ code.\n\
-clang-rename performs renaming given pairs {offset | old-name} -> new-name.\n";
-static int renameAtMain(int argc, const char *argv[]);
-static int renameAllMain(int argc, const char *argv[]);
-static int helpMain(int argc, const char *argv[]);
 /// \brief An oldname -> newname rename.
 struct RenameAllInfo {
-  std::string OldName;
   unsigned Offset = 0;
+  std::string QualifiedName;
   std::string NewName;
@@ -72,81 +56,51 @@
 /// (de)serialized.
 template <> struct MappingTraits<RenameAllInfo> {
   static void mapping(IO &IO, RenameAllInfo &Info) {
-    IO.mapOptional("OldName", Info.OldName);
     IO.mapOptional("Offset", Info.Offset);
+    IO.mapOptional("QualifiedName", Info.QualifiedName);
     IO.mapRequired("NewName", Info.NewName);
 } // end namespace yaml
 } // end namespace llvm
-int main(int argc, const char **argv) {
-  if (argc > 1) {
-    using MainFunction = std::function<int(int, const char *[])>;
-    MainFunction Func = StringSwitch<MainFunction>(argv[1])
-                            .Case("rename-at", renameAtMain)
-                            .Case("rename-all", renameAllMain)
-                            .Cases("-help", "--help", helpMain)
-                            .Default(nullptr);
-    if (Func) {
-      std::string Invocation = std::string(argv[0]) + " " + argv[1];
-      argv[1] = Invocation.c_str();
-      return Func(argc - 1, argv + 1);
-    } else {
-      return renameAtMain(argc, argv);
-    }
-  }
+static cl::OptionCategory ClangRenameOptions("clang-rename common options");
-  helpMain(argc, argv);
-  return 1;
+static cl::list<unsigned> SymbolOffsets(
+    "offset",
+    cl::desc("Locates the symbol by offset as opposed to <line>:<column>."),
+    cl::ZeroOrMore, cl::cat(ClangRenameOptions));
+static cl::opt<bool> Inplace("i", cl::desc("Overwrite edited <file>s."),
+                             cl::cat(ClangRenameOptions));
+static cl::list<std::string>
+    QualifiedNames("qualified-name",
+                   cl::desc("The fully qualified name of the symbol."),
+                   cl::ZeroOrMore, cl::cat(ClangRenameOptions));
+static cl::list<std::string>
+    NewNames("new-name", cl::desc("The new name to change the symbol to."),
+             cl::ZeroOrMore, cl::cat(ClangRenameOptions));
+static cl::opt<bool> PrintName(
+    "pn",
+    cl::desc("Print the found symbol's name prior to renaming to stderr."),
+    cl::cat(ClangRenameOptions));
+static cl::opt<bool> PrintLocations(
+    "pl", cl::desc("Print the locations affected by renaming to stderr."),
+    cl::cat(ClangRenameOptions));
+static cl::opt<std::string>
+    ExportFixes("export-fixes",
+                cl::desc("YAML file to store suggested fixes in."),
+                cl::value_desc("filename"), cl::cat(ClangRenameOptions));
+static cl::opt<std::string>
+    Input("input", cl::desc("YAML file to load oldname-newname pairs from."),
+          cl::Optional, cl::cat(ClangRenameOptions));
-int subcommandMain(bool isRenameAll, int argc, const char **argv) {
-  cl::OptionCategory *Category = nullptr;
-  const char *Usage = nullptr;
-  if (isRenameAll) {
-    Category = &ClangRenameAllCategory;
-    Usage = RenameAllUsage;
-  } else {
-    Category = &ClangRenameAtCategory;
-    Usage = RenameAtUsage;
-  }
-  cl::list<std::string> NewNames(
-      "new-name", cl::desc("The new name to change the symbol to."),
-      (isRenameAll ? cl::ZeroOrMore : cl::Required), cl::cat(*Category));
-  cl::list<unsigned> SymbolOffsets(
-      "offset",
-      cl::desc("Locates the symbol by offset as opposed to <line>:<column>."),
-      (isRenameAll ? cl::ZeroOrMore : cl::Required), cl::cat(*Category));
-  cl::list<std::string> OldNames(
-      "old-name",
-      cl::desc(
-          "The fully qualified name of the symbol, if -offset is not used."),
-      (isRenameAll ? cl::ZeroOrMore : cl::Optional),
-      cl::cat(ClangRenameAllCategory));
-  cl::opt<bool> Inplace("i", cl::desc("Overwrite edited <file>s."),
-                        cl::cat(*Category));
-  cl::opt<bool> PrintName(
-      "pn",
-      cl::desc("Print the found symbol's name prior to renaming to stderr."),
-      cl::cat(ClangRenameAtCategory));
-  cl::opt<bool> PrintLocations(
-      "pl", cl::desc("Print the locations affected by renaming to stderr."),
-      cl::cat(ClangRenameAtCategory));
-  cl::opt<std::string> ExportFixes(
-      "export-fixes", cl::desc("YAML file to store suggested fixes in."),
-      cl::value_desc("filename"), cl::cat(*Category));
-  cl::opt<std::string> Input(
-      "input", cl::desc("YAML file to load oldname-newname pairs from."),
-      cl::Optional, cl::cat(ClangRenameAllCategory));
-  tooling::CommonOptionsParser OP(argc, argv, *Category, Usage);
+int main(int argc, const char **argv) {
+  tooling::CommonOptionsParser OP(argc, argv, ClangRenameOptions);
   if (!Input.empty()) {
-    // Populate OldNames and NewNames from a YAML file.
+    // Populate QualifiedNames and NewNames from a YAML file.
     ErrorOr<std::unique_ptr<MemoryBuffer>> Buffer =
     if (!Buffer) {
@@ -159,83 +113,65 @@
     llvm::yaml::Input YAML(Buffer.get()->getBuffer());
     YAML >> Infos;
     for (const auto &Info : Infos) {
-      if (!Info.OldName.empty())
-        OldNames.push_back(Info.OldName);
+      if (!Info.QualifiedName.empty())
+        QualifiedNames.push_back(Info.QualifiedName);
   // Check the arguments for correctness.
   if (NewNames.empty()) {
-    errs() << "clang-rename: either -new-name or -input is required.\n\n";
+    errs() << "clang-rename: -new-name must be specified.\n\n";
   // Check if NewNames is a valid identifier in C++17.
+  LangOptions Options;
+  Options.CPlusPlus = true;
+  Options.CPlusPlus1z = true;
+  IdentifierTable Table(Options);
   for (const auto &NewName : NewNames) {
-    LangOptions Options;
-    Options.CPlusPlus = true;
-    Options.CPlusPlus1z = true;
-    IdentifierTable Table(Options);
     auto NewNameTokKind = Table.get(NewName).getTokenID();
     if (!tok::isAnyIdentifier(NewNameTokKind)) {
       errs() << "ERROR: new name is not a valid identifier in C++17.\n\n";
-  if (!OldNames.empty() && OldNames.size() != NewNames.size()) {
-    errs() << "clang-rename: number of old names (" << OldNames.size()
-           << ") do not equal to number of new names (" << NewNames.size()
+  if (SymbolOffsets.size() + QualifiedNames.size() != NewNames.size()) {
+    errs() << "clang-rename: number of symbol offsets(" << SymbolOffsets.size()
+           << ") + number of qualified names (" << QualifiedNames.size()
+           << ") must be equal to number of new names(" << NewNames.size()
            << ").\n\n";
-  if (!SymbolOffsets.empty() && SymbolOffsets.size() != NewNames.size()) {
-    errs() << "clang-rename: number of symbol offsets (" << SymbolOffsets.size()
-           << ") do not equal to number of new names (" << NewNames.size()
-           << ").\n\n";
-    cl::PrintHelpMessage();
-    exit(1);
-  }
-  std::vector<std::vector<std::string>> USRList;
-  std::vector<std::string> PrevNames;
   auto Files = OP.getSourcePathList();
   tooling::RefactoringTool Tool(OP.getCompilations(), Files);
-  unsigned Count = OldNames.size() ? OldNames.size() : SymbolOffsets.size();
-  for (unsigned I = 0; I < Count; ++I) {
-    unsigned SymbolOffset = SymbolOffsets.empty() ? 0 : SymbolOffsets[I];
-    const std::string &OldName = OldNames.empty() ? std::string() : OldNames[I];
-    // Get the USRs.
-    rename::USRFindingAction USRAction(SymbolOffset, OldName);
-    // Find the USRs.
-    const auto &USRs = USRAction.getUSRs();
-    USRList.push_back(USRs);
-    const auto &PrevName = USRAction.getUSRSpelling();
-    PrevNames.push_back(PrevName);
-    if (PrevName.empty()) {
-      // An error should have already been printed.
-      exit(1);
+  rename::USRFindingAction FindingAction(SymbolOffsets, QualifiedNames);
+  const std::vector<std::vector<std::string>> &USRList =
+      FindingAction.getUSRList();
+  const std::vector<std::string> &PrevNames = FindingAction.getUSRSpellings();
+  if (PrintName) {
+    for (const auto &PrevName : PrevNames) {
+      outs() << "clang-rename found name: " << PrevName << '\n';
+  }
-    if (PrintName) {
-      errs() << "clang-rename: found name: " << PrevName << '\n';
-    }
+  if (FindingAction.errorOccurred()) {
+    // Diagnostics are already issued at this point.
+    exit(1);
   // Perform the renaming.
   rename::RenamingAction RenameAction(NewNames, PrevNames, USRList,
                                       Tool.getReplacements(), PrintLocations);
-  auto Factory = tooling::newFrontendActionFactory(&RenameAction);
+  std::unique_ptr<tooling::FrontendActionFactory> Factory =
+      tooling::newFrontendActionFactory(&RenameAction);
   int ExitCode;
   if (Inplace) {
@@ -287,24 +223,3 @@
-/// \brief Top level help.
-/// FIXME It would be better if this could be auto-generated.
-static int helpMain(int argc, const char *argv[]) {
-  errs() << "Usage: clang-rename {rename-at|rename-all} [OPTION]...\n\n"
-            "A tool to rename symbols in C/C++ code.\n\n"
-            "Subcommands:\n"
-            "  rename-at:  Perform rename off of a location in a file. (This "
-            "is the default.)\n"
-            "  rename-all: Perform rename of all symbols matching one or more "
-            "fully qualified names.\n";
-  return 0;
-static int renameAtMain(int argc, const char *argv[]) {
-  return subcommandMain(false, argc, argv);
-static int renameAllMain(int argc, const char *argv[]) {
-  return subcommandMain(true, argc, argv);
Index: clang-tools-extra/trunk/clang-rename/USRFindingAction.h
--- clang-tools-extra/trunk/clang-rename/USRFindingAction.h
+++ clang-tools-extra/trunk/clang-rename/USRFindingAction.h
@@ -15,7 +15,11 @@
-#include "clang/Frontend/FrontendAction.h"
+#include "clang/Basic/LLVM.h"
+#include "llvm/ADT/ArrayRef.h"
+#include <string>
+#include <vector>
 namespace clang {
 class ASTConsumer;
@@ -25,20 +29,22 @@
 namespace rename {
 struct USRFindingAction {
-  USRFindingAction(unsigned Offset, const std::string &Name)
-      : SymbolOffset(Offset), OldName(Name) {}
+  USRFindingAction(ArrayRef<unsigned> SymbolOffsets,
+                   ArrayRef<std::string> QualifiedNames)
+      : SymbolOffsets(SymbolOffsets), QualifiedNames(QualifiedNames),
+        ErrorOccurred(false) {}
   std::unique_ptr<ASTConsumer> newASTConsumer();
-  // \brief get the spelling of the USR(s) as it would appear in source files.
-  const std::string &getUSRSpelling() { return SpellingName; }
-  const std::vector<std::string> &getUSRs() { return USRs; }
+  ArrayRef<std::string> getUSRSpellings() { return SpellingNames; }
+  ArrayRef<std::vector<std::string>> getUSRList() { return USRList; }
+  bool errorOccurred() { return ErrorOccurred; }
-  unsigned SymbolOffset;
-  std::string OldName;
-  std::string SpellingName;
-  std::vector<std::string> USRs;
+  std::vector<unsigned> SymbolOffsets;
+  std::vector<std::string> QualifiedNames;
+  std::vector<std::string> SpellingNames;
+  std::vector<std::vector<std::string>> USRList;
+  bool ErrorOccurred;
 } // namespace rename
Index: clang-tools-extra/trunk/clang-rename/USRFindingAction.cpp
--- clang-tools-extra/trunk/clang-rename/USRFindingAction.cpp
+++ clang-tools-extra/trunk/clang-rename/USRFindingAction.cpp
@@ -28,6 +28,7 @@
 #include "clang/Tooling/CommonOptionsParser.h"
 #include "clang/Tooling/Refactoring.h"
 #include "clang/Tooling/Tooling.h"
 #include <algorithm>
 #include <set>
 #include <string>
@@ -45,11 +46,10 @@
 // to virtual method.
 class AdditionalUSRFinder : public RecursiveASTVisitor<AdditionalUSRFinder> {
-  explicit AdditionalUSRFinder(const Decl *FoundDecl, ASTContext &Context,
-                               std::vector<std::string> *USRs)
-      : FoundDecl(FoundDecl), Context(Context), USRs(USRs) {}
+  AdditionalUSRFinder(const Decl *FoundDecl, ASTContext &Context)
+      : FoundDecl(FoundDecl), Context(Context) {}
-  void Find() {
+  std::vector<std::string> Find() {
     // Fill OverriddenMethods and PartialSpecs storages.
     if (const auto *MethodDecl = dyn_cast<CXXMethodDecl>(FoundDecl)) {
@@ -66,7 +66,7 @@
     } else {
-    USRs->insert(USRs->end(), USRSet.begin(), USRSet.end());
+    return std::vector<std::string>(USRSet.begin(), USRSet.end());
   bool VisitCXXMethodDecl(const CXXMethodDecl *MethodDecl) {
@@ -129,69 +129,98 @@
   const Decl *FoundDecl;
   ASTContext &Context;
-  std::vector<std::string> *USRs;
   std::set<std::string> USRSet;
   std::vector<const CXXMethodDecl *> OverriddenMethods;
   std::vector<const ClassTemplatePartialSpecializationDecl *> PartialSpecs;
 } // namespace
-struct NamedDeclFindingConsumer : public ASTConsumer {
-  void HandleTranslationUnit(ASTContext &Context) override {
-    const SourceManager &SourceMgr = Context.getSourceManager();
-    // The file we look for the USR in will always be the main source file.
+class NamedDeclFindingConsumer : public ASTConsumer {
+  NamedDeclFindingConsumer(ArrayRef<unsigned> SymbolOffsets,
+                           ArrayRef<std::string> QualifiedNames,
+                           std::vector<std::string> &SpellingNames,
+                           std::vector<std::vector<std::string>> &USRList,
+                           bool &ErrorOccurred)
+      : SymbolOffsets(SymbolOffsets), QualifiedNames(QualifiedNames),
+        SpellingNames(SpellingNames), USRList(USRList),
+        ErrorOccurred(ErrorOccurred) {}
+  bool FindSymbol(ASTContext &Context, const SourceManager &SourceMgr,
+                  unsigned SymbolOffset, const std::string &QualifiedName) {
+    DiagnosticsEngine &Engine = Context.getDiagnostics();
     const SourceLocation Point =
-    if (!Point.isValid())
-      return;
-    const NamedDecl *FoundDecl = nullptr;
-    if (OldName.empty())
-      FoundDecl = getNamedDeclAt(Context, Point);
-    else
-      FoundDecl = getNamedDeclFor(Context, OldName);
+    if (!Point.isValid()) {
+      ErrorOccurred = true;
+      unsigned InvalidOffset = Engine.getCustomDiagID(
+          DiagnosticsEngine::Error,
+          "SourceLocation in file %0 at offset %1 is invalid");
+      Engine.Report(Point, InvalidOffset) << SourceMgr.getFilename(Point)
+                                          << SymbolOffset;
+      return false;
+    }
+    const NamedDecl *FoundDecl = QualifiedName.empty()
+                                     ? getNamedDeclAt(Context, Point)
+                                     : getNamedDeclFor(Context, QualifiedName);
     if (FoundDecl == nullptr) {
-      if (OldName.empty()) {
+      if (QualifiedName.empty()) {
         FullSourceLoc FullLoc(Point, SourceMgr);
-        errs() << "clang-rename: could not find symbol at "
-               << SourceMgr.getFilename(Point) << ":"
-               << FullLoc.getSpellingLineNumber() << ":"
-               << FullLoc.getSpellingColumnNumber() << " (offset "
-               << SymbolOffset << ").\n";
-      } else {
-        errs() << "clang-rename: could not find symbol " << OldName << ".\n";
+        unsigned CouldNotFindSymbolAt = Engine.getCustomDiagID(
+            DiagnosticsEngine::Error,
+            "clang-rename could not find symbol (offset %0)");
+        Engine.Report(Point, CouldNotFindSymbolAt) << SymbolOffset;
+        ErrorOccurred = true;
+        return false;
-      return;
+      unsigned CouldNotFindSymbolNamed = Engine.getCustomDiagID(
+          DiagnosticsEngine::Error, "clang-rename could not find symbol %0");
+      Engine.Report(CouldNotFindSymbolNamed) << QualifiedName;
+      ErrorOccurred = true;
+      return false;
-    // If FoundDecl is a constructor or destructor, we want to instead take the
-    // Decl of the corresponding class.
+    // If FoundDecl is a constructor or destructor, we want to instead take
+    // the Decl of the corresponding class.
     if (const auto *CtorDecl = dyn_cast<CXXConstructorDecl>(FoundDecl))
       FoundDecl = CtorDecl->getParent();
     else if (const auto *DtorDecl = dyn_cast<CXXDestructorDecl>(FoundDecl))
       FoundDecl = DtorDecl->getParent();
-    *SpellingName = FoundDecl->getNameAsString();
+    SpellingNames.push_back(FoundDecl->getNameAsString());
+    AdditionalUSRFinder Finder(FoundDecl, Context);
+    USRList.push_back(Finder.Find());
+    return true;
+  }
-    AdditionalUSRFinder Finder(FoundDecl, Context, USRs);
-    Finder.Find();
+  void HandleTranslationUnit(ASTContext &Context) override {
+    const SourceManager &SourceMgr = Context.getSourceManager();
+    for (unsigned Offset : SymbolOffsets) {
+      if (!FindSymbol(Context, SourceMgr, Offset, ""))
+        return;
+    }
+    for (const std::string &QualifiedName : QualifiedNames) {
+      if (!FindSymbol(Context, SourceMgr, 0, QualifiedName))
+        return;
+    }
-  unsigned SymbolOffset;
-  std::string OldName;
-  std::string *SpellingName;
-  std::vector<std::string> *USRs;
+  ArrayRef<unsigned> SymbolOffsets;
+  ArrayRef<std::string> QualifiedNames;
+  std::vector<std::string> &SpellingNames;
+  std::vector<std::vector<std::string>> &USRList;
+  bool &ErrorOccurred;
 std::unique_ptr<ASTConsumer> USRFindingAction::newASTConsumer() {
-  std::unique_ptr<NamedDeclFindingConsumer> Consumer(
-      new NamedDeclFindingConsumer);
-  SpellingName = "";
-  Consumer->SymbolOffset = SymbolOffset;
-  Consumer->OldName = OldName;
-  Consumer->USRs = &USRs;
-  Consumer->SpellingName = &SpellingName;
-  return std::move(Consumer);
+  return llvm::make_unique<NamedDeclFindingConsumer>(
+      SymbolOffsets, QualifiedNames, SpellingNames, USRList, ErrorOccurred);
 } // namespace rename
Index: clang-tools-extra/trunk/docs/clang-rename.rst
--- clang-tools-extra/trunk/docs/clang-rename.rst
+++ clang-tools-extra/trunk/docs/clang-rename.rst
@@ -52,21 +52,29 @@
 Although a command line interface exists, it is highly recommended to use the
 text editor interface instead for better experience.
-You can also identify one or more symbols to be renamed by giving the fully qualified
+You can also identify one or more symbols to be renamed by giving the fully
+qualified name:
 .. code-block:: console
-  $ clang-rename rename-all -old-name=foo -new-name=bar test.cpp
+  $ clang-rename -qualified-name=foo -new-name=bar test.cpp
+Or even combine it:
-Alternatively, old name / new name pairs can be put into a YAML file:
+.. code-block:: console
+  $ clang-rename -offset=42 -new-name=whatever -qualified-name=foo -new-name=bar test.cpp
+Alternatively, {offset | qualified-name} / new-name pairs can be put into a YAML
 .. code-block:: yaml
-  - OldName:        foo
+  - Offset:         42
     NewName:        bar
+  - QualifiedName:  foo
+    NewName:        something
@@ -76,90 +84,34 @@
   $ clang-rename rename-all -input=test.yaml test.cpp
-The YAML file also supports offsets:
-.. code-block:: yaml
-  ---
-  - Offset:         42
-    NewName:        foo
-  ...
 :program:`clang-rename` offers the following options:
 .. code-block:: console
-  $ clang-rename -help
-  Usage: clang-rename {rename-at|rename-all} [OPTION]...
-  A tool to rename symbols in C/C++ code.
-  Subcommands:
-    rename-at:  Perform rename off of a location in a file. (This is the default.)
-    rename-all: Perform rename of all symbols matching one or more fully qualified names.
+  $ clang-rename --help
+  USAGE: clang-rename [subcommand] [options] <source0> [... <sourceN>]
-.. code-block:: console
-  $ clang-rename rename-at -help
-  OVERVIEW: A tool to rename symbols in C/C++ code.
-  clang-rename renames every occurrence of a symbol found at <offset> in
-  <source0>. If -i is specified, the edited files are overwritten to disk.
-  Otherwise, the results are written to stdout.
-  USAGE: clang-rename rename-at [subcommand] [options] <source0> [... <sourceN>]
   Generic Options:
     -help                      - Display available options (-help-hidden for more)
     -help-list                 - Display list of available options (-help-list-hidden for more)
     -version                   - Display the version of this program
-  clang-rename rename-at options:
+  clang-rename common options:
     -export-fixes=<filename>   - YAML file to store suggested fixes in.
-    -extra-arg=<string>        - Additional argument to append to the compiler command line.
-    -extra-arg-before=<string> - Additional argument to prepend to the compiler command line.
+    -extra-arg=<string>        - Additional argument to append to the compiler command line
+    -extra-arg-before=<string> - Additional argument to prepend to the compiler command line
     -i                         - Overwrite edited <file>s.
+    -input=<string>            - YAML file to load oldname-newname pairs from.
     -new-name=<string>         - The new name to change the symbol to.
     -offset=<uint>             - Locates the symbol by offset as opposed to <line>:<column>.
-    -p=<string>                - Build path.
+    -p=<string>                - Build path
     -pl                        - Print the locations affected by renaming to stderr.
     -pn                        - Print the found symbol's name prior to renaming to stderr.
-.. code-block:: console
-  $ clang-rename rename-all -help
-  OVERVIEW: A tool to rename symbols in C/C++ code.
-  clang-rename renames every occurrence of a symbol named <old-name>.
-  USAGE: clang-rename rename-all [subcommand] [options] <source0> [... <sourceN>]
-  Generic Options:
-    -help                      - Display available options (-help-hidden for more).
-    -help-list                 - Display list of available options (-help-list-hidden for more).
-    -version                   - Display the version of this program.
-  clang-rename rename-all options:
-    -export-fixes=<filename>   - YAML file to store suggested fixes in.
-    -extra-arg=<string>        - Additional argument to append to the compiler command line.
-    -extra-arg-before=<string> - Additional argument to prepend to the compiler command line.
-    -i                         - Overwrite edited <file>s.
-    -input=<string>            - YAML file to load oldname-newname pairs from.
-    -new-name=<string>         - The new name to change the symbol to.
-    -offset=<uint>             - Locates the symbol by offset as opposed to <line>:<column>.
-    -old-name=<string>         - The fully qualified name of the symbol, if -offset is not used.
-    -p=<string>                - Build path.
+    -qualified-name=<string>   - The fully qualified name of the symbol.
 Vim Integration
Index: clang-tools-extra/trunk/test/clang-rename/NoNewName.cpp
--- clang-tools-extra/trunk/test/clang-rename/NoNewName.cpp
+++ clang-tools-extra/trunk/test/clang-rename/NoNewName.cpp
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
 // Check for an error while -new-name argument has not been passed to
 // clang-rename.
 // RUN: not clang-rename -offset=133 %s 2>&1 | FileCheck %s
-// CHECK: clang-rename: for the -new-name option: must be specified
+// CHECK: clang-rename: -new-name must be specified.
Index: clang-tools-extra/trunk/test/clang-rename/ClassTestMulti.cpp
--- clang-tools-extra/trunk/test/clang-rename/ClassTestMulti.cpp
+++ clang-tools-extra/trunk/test/clang-rename/ClassTestMulti.cpp
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
 // Test 1.
-// RUN: clang-rename rename-all -offset=6 -new-name=Bar1 -offset=76 -new-name=Bar2 %s -- | sed 's,//.*,,' | FileCheck %s
+// RUN: clang-rename -offset=6 -new-name=Bar1 -offset=76 -new-name=Bar2 %s -- | sed 's,//.*,,' | FileCheck %s
 // To find offsets after modifying the file, use:
 //   grep -Ubo 'Foo.*' <file>
Index: clang-tools-extra/trunk/test/clang-rename/ClassTestMultiByName.cpp
--- clang-tools-extra/trunk/test/clang-rename/ClassTestMultiByName.cpp
+++ clang-tools-extra/trunk/test/clang-rename/ClassTestMultiByName.cpp
@@ -5,4 +5,4 @@
 // Test 1.
-// RUN: clang-rename rename-all -old-name=Foo1 -new-name=Bar1 -old-name=Foo2 -new-name=Bar2 %s -- | sed 's,//.*,,' | FileCheck %s
+// RUN: clang-rename -qualified-name=Foo1 -new-name=Bar1 -qualified-name=Foo2 -new-name=Bar2 %s -- | sed 's,//.*,,' | FileCheck %s
Index: clang-tools-extra/trunk/test/clang-rename/FunctionWithClassFindByName.cpp
--- clang-tools-extra/trunk/test/clang-rename/FunctionWithClassFindByName.cpp
+++ clang-tools-extra/trunk/test/clang-rename/FunctionWithClassFindByName.cpp
@@ -9,4 +9,4 @@
   return 0;
-// RUN: clang-rename rename-all -old-name=Foo -new-name=Bar %s -- | sed 's,//.*,,' | FileCheck %s
+// RUN: clang-rename -qualified-name=Foo -new-name=Bar %s -- | sed 's,//.*,,' | FileCheck %s
Index: clang-tools-extra/trunk/test/clang-rename/ClassFindByName.cpp
--- clang-tools-extra/trunk/test/clang-rename/ClassFindByName.cpp
+++ clang-tools-extra/trunk/test/clang-rename/ClassFindByName.cpp
@@ -7,4 +7,4 @@
 // Test 1.
-// RUN: clang-rename rename-all -old-name=Foo -new-name=Bar %s -- | sed 's,//.*,,' | FileCheck %s
+// RUN: clang-rename -qualified-name=Foo -new-name=Bar %s -- | sed 's,//.*,,' | FileCheck %s
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