mboehme created this revision.
mboehme added a reviewer: alexfh.
mboehme added a subscriber: cfe-commits.

The check warns if an object is used after it has been moved, without an
intervening reinitialization.

See user-facing documentation for details.



Index: test/clang-tidy/misc-use-after-move.cpp
--- /dev/null
+++ test/clang-tidy/misc-use-after-move.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,1013 @@
+// RUN: %check_clang_tidy %s misc-use-after-move %t
+typedef decltype(nullptr) nullptr_t;
+namespace std {
+typedef unsigned size_t;
+template <typename T>
+struct unique_ptr {
+  unique_ptr();
+  T *get() const;
+template <typename T>
+struct shared_ptr {
+  shared_ptr();
+  T *get() const;
+  template <typename T>                  \
+  struct name {                          \
+    name();                              \
+    void clear();                        \
+    bool empty();                        \
+  }
+  template <typename T>                              \
+  struct name {                                      \
+    name();                                          \
+    void clear();                                    \
+    bool empty();                                    \
+    void assign(size_t, const T &);                  \
+  }
+typedef basic_string<char> string;
+template <typename>
+struct remove_reference;
+template <typename _Tp>
+struct remove_reference {
+  typedef _Tp type;
+template <typename _Tp>
+struct remove_reference<_Tp &> {
+  typedef _Tp type;
+template <typename _Tp>
+struct remove_reference<_Tp &&> {
+  typedef _Tp type;
+template <typename _Tp>
+constexpr typename std::remove_reference<_Tp>::type &&move(_Tp &&__t) noexcept {
+  return static_cast<typename remove_reference<_Tp>::type &&>(__t);
+} // namespace std
+class A {
+  A();
+  A(const A &);
+  A(A &&);
+  A &operator=(const A &);
+  A &operator=(A &&);
+  void foo() const;
+  int getInt() const;
+  operator bool() const;
+  int i;
+// General tests.
+// Simple case.
+void simple() {
+  A a;
+  a.foo();
+  A other_a = std::move(a);
+  a.foo();
+  // CHECK-MESSAGES: [[@LINE-1]]:3: warning: 'a' used after it was moved
+  // CHECK-MESSAGES: [[@LINE-3]]:15: note: move occurred here
+// A warning should only be emitted for one use-after-move.
+void onlyFlagOneUseAfterMove() {
+  A a;
+  a.foo();
+  A other_a = std::move(a);
+  a.foo();
+  // CHECK-MESSAGES: [[@LINE-1]]:3: warning: 'a' used after it was moved
+  // CHECK-MESSAGES: [[@LINE-3]]:15: note: move occurred here
+  a.foo();
+void moveAfterMove() {
+  // Move-after-move also counts as a use.
+  {
+    A a;
+    std::move(a);
+    std::move(a);
+    // CHECK-MESSAGES: [[@LINE-1]]:15: warning: 'a' used after it was moved
+    // CHECK-MESSAGES: [[@LINE-3]]:5: note: move occurred here
+  }
+  // This is also true if the move itself turns into the use on the second loop
+  // iteration.
+  {
+    A a;
+    for (int i = 0; i < 10; ++i) {
+      std::move(a);
+      // CHECK-MESSAGES: [[@LINE-1]]:17: warning: 'a' used after it was moved
+      // CHECK-MESSAGES: [[@LINE-2]]:7: note: move occurred here
+    }
+  }
+// Checks also works on function parameters that have a use-after move.
+void parameters(A a) {
+  std::move(a);
+  a.foo();
+  // CHECK-MESSAGES: [[@LINE-1]]:3: warning: 'a' used after it was moved
+  // CHECK-MESSAGES: [[@LINE-3]]:3: note: move occurred here
+void uniquePtrAndSharedPtr() {
+  // Use-after-moves on std::unique_ptr<> or std::shared_ptr<> aren't flagged.
+  {
+    std::unique_ptr<A> ptr;
+    std::move(ptr);
+    ptr.get();
+  }
+  {
+    std::shared_ptr<A> ptr;
+    std::move(ptr);
+    ptr.get();
+  }
+  // This is also true if the std::unique_ptr<> or std::shared_ptr<> is wrapped
+  // in a typedef.
+  {
+    typedef std::unique_ptr<A> PtrToA;
+    PtrToA ptr;
+    std::move(ptr);
+    ptr.get();
+  }
+  {
+    typedef std::shared_ptr<A> PtrToA;
+    PtrToA ptr;
+    std::move(ptr);
+    ptr.get();
+  }
+  // And it's also true if the template argument is a little more involved.
+  {
+    struct B {
+      typedef A AnotherNameForA;
+    };
+    std::unique_ptr<B::AnotherNameForA> ptr;
+    std::move(ptr);
+    ptr.get();
+  }
+// The check also works in member functions.
+class Container {
+  void useAfterMoveInMemberFunction() {
+    A a;
+    std::move(a);
+    a.foo();
+    // CHECK-MESSAGES: [[@LINE-1]]:5: warning: 'a' used after it was moved
+    // CHECK-MESSAGES: [[@LINE-3]]:5: note: move occurred here
+  }
+// We see the std::move() if it's inside a declaration.
+void moveInDeclaration() {
+  A a;
+  A another_a(std::move(a));
+  a.foo();
+  // CHECK-MESSAGES: [[@LINE-1]]:3: warning: 'a' used after it was moved
+  // CHECK-MESSAGES: [[@LINE-3]]:5: note: move occurred here
+// We see the std::move if it's inside an initializer list. Initializer lists
+// are a special case because they cause ASTContext::getParents() to return
+// multiple parents for certain nodes in their subtree. This is because
+// RecursiveASTVisitor visits both the syntactic and semantic forms of
+// InitListExpr, and the parent-child relationships are different between the
+// two forms.
+void moveInInitList() {
+  struct S {
+    A a;
+  };
+  A a;
+  S s{std::move(a)};
+  a.foo();
+  // CHECK-MESSAGES: [[@LINE-1]]:3: warning: 'a' used after it was moved
+  // CHECK-MESSAGES: [[@LINE-3]]:6: note: move occurred here
+void lambdas() {
+  // Use-after-moves inside a lambda should be detected.
+  {
+    A a;
+    auto lambda = [a] {
+      std::move(a);
+      a.foo();
+      // CHECK-MESSAGES: [[@LINE-1]]:7: warning: 'a' used after it was moved
+      // CHECK-MESSAGES: [[@LINE-3]]:7: note: move occurred here
+    };
+  }
+  // This is just as true if the variable was declared inside the lambda.
+  {
+    auto lambda = [] {
+      A a;
+      std::move(a);
+      a.foo();
+      // CHECK-MESSAGES: [[@LINE-1]]:7: warning: 'a' used after it was moved
+      // CHECK-MESSAGES: [[@LINE-3]]:7: note: move occurred here
+    };
+  }
+  // But don't warn if the move happened inside the lambda but the use happened
+  // outside -- because
+  // - the 'a' inside the lambda is a copy, and
+  // - we don't know when the lambda will get called anyway
+  {
+    A a;
+    auto lambda = [a] {
+      std::move(a);
+    };
+    a.foo();
+  }
+  // Warn if the use consists of a capture that happens after a move.
+  {
+    A a;
+    std::move(a);
+    auto lambda = [a]() { a.foo(); };
+    // CHECK-MESSAGES: [[@LINE-1]]:20: warning: 'a' used after it was moved
+    // CHECK-MESSAGES: [[@LINE-3]]:5: note: move occurred here
+  }
+  // ...even if the capture was implicit.
+  {
+    A a;
+    std::move(a);
+    auto lambda = [=]() { a.foo(); };
+    // CHECK-MESSAGES: [[@LINE-1]]:27: warning: 'a' used after it was moved
+    // CHECK-MESSAGES: [[@LINE-3]]:5: note: move occurred here
+  }
+  // But don't warn if the move happened after the capture.
+  {
+    A a;
+    auto lambda = [a]() { a.foo(); };
+    std::move(a);
+  }
+  // ...and again, same thing with an implicit move.
+  {
+    A a;
+    auto lambda = [=]() { a.foo(); };
+    std::move(a);
+  }
+// Use-after-moves are detected in uninstantiated templates if the moved type
+// is not a dependent type.
+template <class T>
+void movedTypeIsNotDependentType() {
+  T t;
+  A a;
+  std::move(a);
+  a.foo();
+  // CHECK-MESSAGES: [[@LINE-1]]:3: warning: 'a' used after it was moved
+  // CHECK-MESSAGES: [[@LINE-3]]:3: note: move occurred here
+// And if the moved type is a dependent type, the use-after-move is detected if
+// the template is instantiated.
+template <class T>
+void movedTypeIsDependentType() {
+  T t;
+  std::move(t);
+  t.foo();
+  // CHECK-MESSAGES: [[@LINE-1]]:3: warning: 't' used after it was moved
+  // CHECK-MESSAGES: [[@LINE-3]]:3: note: move occurred here
+template void movedTypeIsDependentType<A>();
+// Using decltype on an expression is not a use.
+void decltypeIsNotUse() {
+  A a;
+  std::move(a);
+  decltype(a) other_a;
+// Ignore moves or uses that occur as part of template arguments.
+template <int>
+class ClassTemplate {
+  void foo(A a);
+template <int>
+void functionTemplate(A a);
+void templateArgIsNotUse() {
+  {
+    // A pattern like this occurs in the EXPECT_EQ and ASSERT_EQ macros in
+    // Google Test.
+    A a;
+    ClassTemplate<sizeof(A(std::move(a)))>().foo(std::move(a));
+  }
+  {
+    A a;
+    functionTemplate<sizeof(A(std::move(a)))>(std::move(a));
+  }
+// Ignore moves of global variables.
+A global_a;
+void ignoreGlobalVariables() {
+  std::move(global_a);
+  global_a.foo();
+// Ignore moves of member variables.
+class IgnoreMemberVariables {
+  A a;
+  static A static_a;
+  void f() {
+    std::move(a);
+    a.foo();
+    std::move(static_a);
+    static_a.foo();
+  }
+// Tests involving control flow.
+void useAndMoveInLoop() {
+  // Warn about use-after-moves if they happen in a later loop iteration than
+  // the std::move().
+  {
+    A a;
+    for (int i = 0; i < 10; ++i) {
+      a.foo();
+      // CHECK-MESSAGES: [[@LINE-1]]:7: warning: 'a' used after it was moved
+      // CHECK-MESSAGES: [[@LINE+1]]:7: note: move occurred here
+      std::move(a);
+    }
+  }
+  // However, this case shouldn't be flagged -- the scope of the declaration of
+  // 'a' is important.
+  {
+    for (int i = 0; i < 10; ++i) {
+      A a;
+      a.foo();
+      std::move(a);
+    }
+  }
+  // Same as above, except that we have an unrelated variable being declared in
+  // the same declaration as 'a'. This case is interesting because it tests that
+  // the synthetic DeclStmts generated by the CFG are sequenced correctly
+  // relative to the other statements.
+  {
+    for (int i = 0; i < 10; ++i) {
+      A a, other;
+      a.foo();
+      std::move(a);
+    }
+  }
+  // Don't warn if we return after the move.
+  {
+    A a;
+    for (int i = 0; i < 10; ++i) {
+      a.foo();
+      if (a.getInt() > 0) {
+        std::move(a);
+        return;
+      }
+    }
+  }
+void differentBranches(int i) {
+  // Don't warn if the use is in a different branch from the move.
+  {
+    A a;
+    if (i > 0) {
+      std::move(a);
+    } else {
+      a.foo();
+    }
+  }
+  // Same thing, but with a ternary operator.
+  {
+    A a;
+    i > 0 ? (void)std::move(a) : a.foo();
+  }
+  // A variation on the theme above.
+  {
+    A a;
+    a.getInt() > 0 ? a.getInt() : A(std::move(a)).getInt();
+  }
+  // Same thing, but with a switch statement.
+  {
+    A a;
+    switch (i) {
+    case 1:
+      std::move(a);
+      break;
+    case 2:
+      a.foo();
+      break;
+    }
+  }
+  // However, if there's a fallthrough, we do warn.
+  {
+    A a;
+    switch (i) {
+    case 1:
+      std::move(a);
+    case 2:
+      a.foo();
+      // CHECK-MESSAGES: [[@LINE-1]]:7: warning: 'a' used after it was moved
+      // CHECK-MESSAGES: [[@LINE-4]]:7: note: move occurred here
+      break;
+    }
+  }
+// False positive: A use-after-move is flagged even though the "if (b)" and
+// "if (!b)" are mutually exclusive.
+void mutuallyExclusiveBranchesFalsePositive(bool b) {
+  A a;
+  if (b) {
+    std::move(a);
+  }
+  if (!b) {
+    a.foo();
+    // CHECK-MESSAGES: [[@LINE-1]]:5: warning: 'a' used after it was moved
+    // CHECK-MESSAGES: [[@LINE-5]]:5: note: move occurred here
+  }
+// Destructors marked [[noreturn]] are handled correctly in the control flow
+// analysis. (These are used in some styles of assertion macros.)
+class FailureLogger {
+  FailureLogger();
+  [[noreturn]] ~FailureLogger();
+  void log(const char *);
+#define ASSERT(x) \
+  while (x)       \
+  FailureLogger().log(#x)
+bool operationOnA(A);
+void noreturnDestructor() {
+  A a;
+  // The while loop in the ASSERT() would ordinarily have the potential to cause
+  // a use-after-move because the second iteration of the loop would be using a
+  // variable that had been moved from in the first iteration. Check that the
+  // CFG knows that the second iteration of the loop is never reached because
+  // the FailureLogger destructor is marked [[noreturn]].
+  ASSERT(operationOnA(std::move(a)));
+#undef ASSERT
+// Tests for reinitializations
+template <class T>
+void swap(T &a, T &b) {
+  T tmp = std::move(a);
+  a = std::move(b);
+  b = std::move(tmp);
+void assignments(int i) {
+  // Don't report a use-after-move if the variable was assigned to in the
+  // meantime.
+  {
+    A a;
+    std::move(a);
+    a = A();
+    a.foo();
+  }
+  // The assignment should also be recognized if move, assignment and use don't
+  // all happen in the same block (but the assignment is still guaranteed to
+  // prevent a use-after-move).
+  {
+    A a;
+    if (i == 1) {
+      std::move(a);
+      a = A();
+    }
+    if (i == 2) {
+      a.foo();
+    }
+  }
+  {
+    A a;
+    if (i == 1) {
+      std::move(a);
+    }
+    if (i == 2) {
+      a = A();
+      a.foo();
+    }
+  }
+  // The built-in assignment operator should also be recognized as a
+  // reinitialization. (std::move() may be called on built-in types in template
+  // code.)
+  {
+    int a1 = 1, a2 = 2;
+    swap(a1, a2);
+  }
+  // A std::move() after the assignment makes the variable invalid again.
+  {
+    A a;
+    std::move(a);
+    a = A();
+    std::move(a);
+    a.foo();
+    // CHECK-MESSAGES: [[@LINE-1]]:5: warning: 'a' used after it was moved
+    // CHECK-MESSAGES: [[@LINE-3]]:5: note: move occurred here
+  }
+  // Report a use-after-move if we can't be sure that the variable was assigned
+  // to.
+  {
+    A a;
+    std::move(a);
+    if (i < 10) {
+      a = A();
+    }
+    if (i > 5) {
+      a.foo();
+      // CHECK-MESSAGES: [[@LINE-1]]:7: warning: 'a' used after it was moved
+      // CHECK-MESSAGES: [[@LINE-7]]:5: note: move occurred here
+    }
+  }
+// Passing the object to a function through a non-const pointer or refernce
+// counts as a re-initialization.
+void passByNonConstPointer(A *);
+void passByNonConstReference(A &);
+void passByNonConstPointerIsReinit() {
+  {
+    A a;
+    std::move(a);
+    passByNonConstPointer(&a);
+    a.foo();
+  }
+  {
+    A a;
+    std::move(a);
+    passByNonConstReference(a);
+    a.foo();
+  }
+// Passing the object through a const pointer or reference counts as a use --
+// since the called function cannot reinitialize the object.
+void passByConstPointer(const A *);
+void passByConstReference(const A &);
+void passByConstPointerIsUse() {
+  {
+    // Declaring 'a' as const so that no ImplicitCastExpr is inserted into the
+    // AST -- we wouldn't want the check to rely solely on that to detect a
+    // const pointer argument.
+    const A a;
+    std::move(a);
+    passByConstPointer(&a);
+    // CHECK-MESSAGES: [[@LINE-1]]:25: warning: 'a' used after it was moved
+    // CHECK-MESSAGES: [[@LINE-3]]:5: note: move occurred here
+  }
+  const A a;
+  std::move(a);
+  passByConstReference(a);
+  // CHECK-MESSAGES: [[@LINE-1]]:24: warning: 'a' used after it was moved
+  // CHECK-MESSAGES: [[@LINE-3]]:3: note: move occurred here
+// Clearing a standard container using clear() is treated as a
+// re-initialization.
+void standardContainerClearIsReinit() {
+  {
+    std::string container;
+    std::move(container);
+    container.clear();
+    container.empty();
+  }
+  {
+    std::vector<int> container;
+    std::move(container);
+    container.clear();
+    container.empty();
+  }
+  {
+    std::deque<int> container;
+    std::move(container);
+    container.clear();
+    container.empty();
+  }
+  {
+    std::forward_list<int> container;
+    std::move(container);
+    container.clear();
+    container.empty();
+  }
+  {
+    std::list<int> container;
+    std::move(container);
+    container.clear();
+    container.empty();
+  }
+  {
+    std::set<int> container;
+    std::move(container);
+    container.clear();
+    container.empty();
+  }
+  {
+    std::map<int> container;
+    std::move(container);
+    container.clear();
+    container.empty();
+  }
+  {
+    std::multiset<int> container;
+    std::move(container);
+    container.clear();
+    container.empty();
+  }
+  {
+    std::multimap<int> container;
+    std::move(container);
+    container.clear();
+    container.empty();
+  }
+  {
+    std::unordered_set<int> container;
+    std::move(container);
+    container.clear();
+    container.empty();
+  }
+  {
+    std::unordered_map<int> container;
+    std::move(container);
+    container.clear();
+    container.empty();
+  }
+  {
+    std::unordered_multiset<int> container;
+    std::move(container);
+    container.clear();
+    container.empty();
+  }
+  {
+    std::unordered_multimap<int> container;
+    std::move(container);
+    container.clear();
+    container.empty();
+  }
+  // This should also work for typedefs of standard containers.
+  {
+    typedef std::vector<int> IntVector;
+    IntVector container;
+    std::move(container);
+    container.clear();
+    container.empty();
+  }
+  // But it shouldn't work for non-standard containers.
+  {
+    // This might be called "vector", but it's not in namespace "std".
+    struct vector {
+      void clear() {}
+    } container;
+    std::move(container);
+    container.clear();
+    // CHECK-MESSAGES: [[@LINE-1]]:5: warning: 'container' used after it was
+    // CHECK-MESSAGES: [[@LINE-3]]:5: note: move occurred here
+  }
+  // An intervening clear() on a different container does not reinitialize.
+  {
+    std::vector<int> container1, container2;
+    std::move(container1);
+    container2.clear();
+    container1.empty();
+    // CHECK-MESSAGES: [[@LINE-1]]:5: warning: 'container1' used after it was
+    // CHECK-MESSAGES: [[@LINE-4]]:5: note: move occurred here
+  }
+// Clearing a standard container using assign() is treated as a
+// re-initialization.
+void standardContainerAssignIsReinit() {
+  {
+    std::string container;
+    std::move(container);
+    container.assign(0, ' ');
+    container.empty();
+  }
+  {
+    std::vector<int> container;
+    std::move(container);
+    container.assign(0, 0);
+    container.empty();
+  }
+  {
+    std::deque<int> container;
+    std::move(container);
+    container.assign(0, 0);
+    container.empty();
+  }
+  {
+    std::forward_list<int> container;
+    std::move(container);
+    container.assign(0, 0);
+    container.empty();
+  }
+  {
+    std::list<int> container;
+    std::move(container);
+    container.clear();
+    container.empty();
+  }
+  // But it doesn't work for non-standard containers.
+  {
+    // This might be called "vector", but it's not in namespace "std".
+    struct vector {
+      void assign(std::size_t, int) {}
+    } container;
+    std::move(container);
+    container.assign(0, 0);
+    // CHECK-MESSAGES: [[@LINE-1]]:5: warning: 'container' used after it was
+    // CHECK-MESSAGES: [[@LINE-3]]:5: note: move occurred here
+  }
+  // An intervening assign() on a different container does not reinitialize.
+  {
+    std::vector<int> container1, container2;
+    std::move(container1);
+    container2.assign(0, 0);
+    container1.empty();
+    // CHECK-MESSAGES: [[@LINE-1]]:5: warning: 'container1' used after it was
+    // CHECK-MESSAGES: [[@LINE-4]]:5: note: move occurred here
+  }
+// Tests related to order of evaluation within expressions
+// Relative sequencing of move and use.
+void passByRvalueReference(int i, A &&a);
+void passByValue(int i, A a);
+void passByValue(A a, int i);
+A g(A, A &&);
+int intFromA(A &&);
+int intFromInt(int);
+void sequencingOfMoveAndUse() {
+  // This case is fine because the move only happens inside
+  // passByRvalueReference(). At this point, a.getInt() is guaranteed to have
+  // been evaluated.
+  {
+    A a;
+    passByRvalueReference(a.getInt(), std::move(a));
+  }
+  // However, if we pass by value, the move happens when the move constructor is
+  // called to create a temporary, and this happens before the call to
+  // passByValue(). Because the order in which arguments are evaluated isn't
+  // defined, the move may happen before the call to a.getInt().
+  //
+  // Check that we warn about a potential use-after move for both orderings of
+  // a.getInt() and std::move(a), independent of the order in which the
+  // arguments happen to get evaluated by the compiler.
+  {
+    A a;
+    passByValue(a.getInt(), std::move(a));
+    // CHECK-MESSAGES: [[@LINE-1]]:17: warning: 'a' used after it was moved
+    // CHECK-MESSAGES: [[@LINE-2]]:29: note: move occurred here
+    // CHECK-MESSAGES: [[@LINE-3]]:17: note: the use and move are unsequenced
+  }
+  {
+    A a;
+    passByValue(std::move(a), a.getInt());
+    // CHECK-MESSAGES: [[@LINE-1]]:31: warning: 'a' used after it was moved
+    // CHECK-MESSAGES: [[@LINE-2]]:17: note: move occurred here
+    // CHECK-MESSAGES: [[@LINE-3]]:31: note: the use and move are unsequenced
+  }
+  // An even more convoluted example.
+  {
+    A a;
+    g(g(a, std::move(a)), g(a, std::move(a)));
+    // CHECK-MESSAGES: [[@LINE-1]]:9: warning: 'a' used after it was moved
+    // CHECK-MESSAGES: [[@LINE-2]]:27: note: move occurred here
+    // CHECK-MESSAGES: [[@LINE-3]]:9: note: the use and move are unsequenced
+    // CHECK-MESSAGES: [[@LINE-4]]:29: warning: 'a' used after it was moved
+    // CHECK-MESSAGES: [[@LINE-5]]:7: note: move occurred here
+    // CHECK-MESSAGES: [[@LINE-6]]:29: note: the use and move are unsequenced
+  }
+  // This case is fine because the actual move only happens inside the call to
+  // operator=(). a.getInt(), by necessity, is evaluated before that call.
+  {
+    A a;
+    A vec[1];
+    vec[a.getInt()] = std::move(a);
+  }
+  // However, in the following case, the move happens before the assignment, and
+  // so the order of evaluation is not guaranteed.
+  {
+    A a;
+    int v[3];
+    v[a.getInt()] = intFromA(std::move(a));
+    // CHECK-MESSAGES: [[@LINE-1]]:7: warning: 'a' used after it was moved
+    // CHECK-MESSAGES: [[@LINE-2]]:21: note: move occurred here
+    // CHECK-MESSAGES: [[@LINE-3]]:7: note: the use and move are unsequenced
+  }
+  {
+    A a;
+    int v[3];
+    v[intFromA(std::move(a))] = intFromInt(a.i);
+    // CHECK-MESSAGES: [[@LINE-1]]:44: warning: 'a' used after it was moved
+    // CHECK-MESSAGES: [[@LINE-2]]:7: note: move occurred here
+    // CHECK-MESSAGES: [[@LINE-3]]:44: note: the use and move are unsequenced
+  }
+// Relative sequencing of move and reinitialization. If the two are unsequenced,
+// we conservatively assume that the move happens after the reinitialization,
+// i.e. the that object does not get reinitialized after the move.
+A MutateA(A a);
+void passByValue(A a1, A a2);
+void sequencingOfMoveAndReinit() {
+  // Move and reinitialization as function arguments (which are indeterminately
+  // sequenced). Again, check that we warn for both orderings.
+  {
+    A a;
+    passByValue(std::move(a), (a = A()));
+    a.foo();
+    // CHECK-MESSAGES: [[@LINE-1]]:5: warning: 'a' used after it was moved
+    // CHECK-MESSAGES: [[@LINE-3]]:17: note: move occurred here
+  }
+  {
+    A a;
+    passByValue((a = A()), std::move(a));
+    a.foo();
+    // CHECK-MESSAGES: [[@LINE-1]]:5: warning: 'a' used after it was moved
+    // CHECK-MESSAGES: [[@LINE-3]]:28: note: move occurred here
+  }
+  // Common usage pattern: Move the object to a function that mutates it in some
+  // way, then reassign the result to the object. This pattern is fine.
+  {
+    A a;
+    a = MutateA(std::move(a));
+    a.foo();
+  }
+// Relative sequencing of reinitialization and use. If the two are unsequenced,
+// we conservatively assume that the reinitialization happens after the use,
+// i.e. that the object is not reinitialized at the point in time when it is
+// used.
+void sequencingOfReinitAndUse() {
+  // Reinitialization and use in function arguments. Again, check both possible
+  // orderings.
+  {
+    A a;
+    std::move(a);
+    passByValue(a.getInt(), (a = A()));
+    // CHECK-MESSAGES: [[@LINE-1]]:17: warning: 'a' used after it was moved
+    // CHECK-MESSAGES: [[@LINE-3]]:5: note: move occurred here
+  }
+  {
+    A a;
+    std::move(a);
+    passByValue((a = A()), a.getInt());
+    // CHECK-MESSAGES: [[@LINE-1]]:28: warning: 'a' used after it was moved
+    // CHECK-MESSAGES: [[@LINE-3]]:5: note: move occurred here
+  }
+// The comma operator sequences its operands.
+void commaOperatorSequences() {
+  {
+    A a;
+    A(std::move(a))
+    , (a = A());
+    a.foo();
+  }
+  {
+    A a;
+    (a = A()), A(std::move(a));
+    a.foo();
+    // CHECK-MESSAGES: [[@LINE-1]]:5: warning: 'a' used after it was moved
+    // CHECK-MESSAGES: [[@LINE-3]]:16: note: move occurred here
+  }
+// An initializer list sequences its initialization clauses.
+void initializerListSequences() {
+  {
+    struct S1 {
+      int i;
+      A a;
+    };
+    A a;
+    S1 s1{a.getInt(), std::move(a)};
+  }
+  {
+    struct S2 {
+      A a;
+      int i;
+    };
+    A a;
+    S2 s2{std::move(a), a.getInt()};
+    // CHECK-MESSAGES: [[@LINE-1]]:25: warning: 'a' used after it was moved
+    // CHECK-MESSAGES: [[@LINE-2]]:11: note: move occurred here
+  }
+// A declaration statement containing multiple declarations sequences the
+// initializer expressions.
+void declarationSequences() {
+  {
+    A a;
+    A a1 = a, a2 = std::move(a);
+  }
+  {
+    A a;
+    A a1 = std::move(a), a2 = a;
+    // CHECK-MESSAGES: [[@LINE-1]]:31: warning: 'a' used after it was moved
+    // CHECK-MESSAGES: [[@LINE-2]]:12: note: move occurred here
+  }
+// The logical operators && and || sequence their operands.
+void logicalOperatorsSequence() {
+  {
+    A a;
+    if (a.getInt() > 0 && A(std::move(a)).getInt() > 0) {
+      A().foo();
+    }
+  }
+  // A variation: Negate the result of the && (which pushes the && further down
+  // into the AST).
+  {
+    A a;
+    if (!(a.getInt() > 0 && A(std::move(a)).getInt() > 0)) {
+      A().foo();
+    }
+  }
+  {
+    A a;
+    if (A(std::move(a)).getInt() > 0 && a.getInt() > 0) {
+      // CHECK-MESSAGES: [[@LINE-1]]:41: warning: 'a' used after it was moved
+      // CHECK-MESSAGES: [[@LINE-2]]:9: note: move occurred here
+      A().foo();
+    }
+  }
+  {
+    A a;
+    if (a.getInt() > 0 || A(std::move(a)).getInt() > 0) {
+      A().foo();
+    }
+  }
+  {
+    A a;
+    if (A(std::move(a)).getInt() > 0 || a.getInt() > 0) {
+      // CHECK-MESSAGES: [[@LINE-1]]:41: warning: 'a' used after it was moved
+      // CHECK-MESSAGES: [[@LINE-2]]:9: note: move occurred here
+      A().foo();
+    }
+  }
+// A range-based for sequences the loop variable declaration before the body.
+void forRangeSequences() {
+  A v[2] = {A(), A()};
+  for (A &a : v) {
+    std::move(a);
+  }
+// If a variable is declared in an if statement, the declaration of the variable
+// (which is treated like a reinitialization by the check) is sequenced before
+// the evaluation of the condition (which constitutes a use).
+void ifStmtSequencesDeclAndCondition() {
+  for (int i = 0; i < 10; ++i) {
+    if (A a = A()) {
+      std::move(a);
+    }
+  }
Index: docs/clang-tidy/checks/misc-use-after-move.rst
--- /dev/null
+++ docs/clang-tidy/checks/misc-use-after-move.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,196 @@
+.. title:: clang-tidy - misc-use-after-move
+Warns if an object is used after it has been moved, for example:
+  .. code-block:: c++
+    std::string str = "Hello, world!\n";
+    std::vector<std::string> messages;
+    messages.emplace_back(std::move(str));
+    std::cout << str;
+The last line will trigger a warning that ``str`` is used after it has been
+The check does not trigger a warning if the object is reinitialized after the
+move and before the use. For example, no warning will be output for this code:
+  .. code-block:: c++
+    messages.emplace_back(std::move(str));
+    str = "Greetings, stranger!\n";
+    std::cout << str;
+The check takes control flow into account. A warning is only emitted if the use
+can be reached from the move. This means that the following code does not
+produce a warning:
+  .. code-block:: c++
+    if (condition) {
+      messages.emplace_back(std::move(str));
+    } else {
+      std::cout << str;
+    }
+On the other hand, the following code does produce a warning:
+  .. code-block:: c++
+    for (int i = 0; i < 10; ++i) {
+      std::cout << str;
+      messages.emplace_back(std::move(str));
+    }
+(The use-after-move happens on the second iteration of the loop.)
+In some cases, the check may not be able to detect that two branches are
+mutually exclusive. For example (assuming that ``i`` is an int):
+  .. code-block:: c++
+    if (i == 1) {
+      messages.emplace_back(std::move(str));
+    }
+    if (i == 2) {
+      std::cout << str;
+    }
+In this case, the check will erroneously produce a warning, even though it is
+not possible for both the move and the use to be executed.
+An erroneous warning can be silenced by reinitializing the object after the
+  .. code-block:: c++
+    if (i == 1) {
+      messages.emplace_back(std::move(str));
+      str = "";
+    }
+    if (i == 2) {
+      std::cout << str;
+    }
+No warnings are emitted for objects of type std::unique_ptr and std::shared_ptr,
+as they have defined move behavior. (Objects of these classes are guaranteed to
+be empty after they have been moved from.)
+Subsections below explain more precisely what exactly the check considers to be
+a move, use, and reinitialization.
+Unsequenced moves, uses, and reinitializations
+In many cases, C++ does not make any guarantees about the order in which
+sub-expressions of a statement are evaluated. This means that in code like the
+following, it is not guaranteed whether the use will happen before or after the
+  .. code-block:: c++
+    void f(int i, std::vector<int> v);
+    std::vector<int> v = { 1, 2, 3 };
+    f(v[1], std::move(v));
+In this kind of situation, the check will note that the use and move are
+The check will also take sequencing rules into account when reinitializations
+occur in the same statement as moves or uses. A reinitialization is only
+considered to reinitialize a variable if it is guaranteed to be evaluated after
+the move and before the use.
+The check currently only considers calls of ``std::move`` on local variables or
+function parameters. It does not check moves of member variables or global
+Any call of ``std::move`` on a variable is considered to cause a move of that
+variable, even if the result of ``std::move`` is not passed to an rvalue
+reference parameter.
+This means that the check will flag a use-after-move even on a type that does
+not define a move constructor or move assignment operator. This is intentional.
+Developers may use ``std::move`` on such a type in the expectation that the type
+will add move semantics in the future. If such a ``std::move`` has the potential
+to cause a use-after-move, we want to warn about it even if the type does not
+implement move semantics yet.
+Furthermore, if the result of ``std::move`` *is* passed to an rvalue reference
+parameter, this will always be considered to cause a move, even if the function
+that consumes this parameter does not move from it, or if it does so only
+conditionally. For example, in the following situation, the check will assume
+that a move always takes place:
+  .. code-block:: c++
+    std::vector<std::string> messages;
+    void f(std::string &&str) {
+      // Only remember the message if it isn't empty.
+      if (!str.empty()) {
+        messages.emplace_back(std::move(str));
+      }
+    }
+    std::string str = "";
+    f(std::move(str));
+The check will assume that the last line causes a move, even though, in this
+particular case, it does not. Again, this is intentional.
+When analyzing the order in which moves, uses and reinitializations happen (see
+section `Unsequenced moves, uses, and reinitializations`_), the move is assumed
+to occur in whichever function the result of the ``std::move`` is passed to.
+Any occurrence of the moved variable that is not a reinitialization (see below)
+is considered to be a use.
+If multiple uses occur after a move, only the first of these is flagged.
+The check considers a variable to be reinitialized in the following cases:
+  - The variable occurs on the left-hand side of an assignment.
+  - The variable is passed to a function as a non-const pointer or non-const
+    lvalue reference. (It is assumed that the variable may be an out-parameter
+    for the function.)
+  - ``clear()`` or ``assign()`` is called on the variable and the variable is of
+    one of the standard container types ``basic_string``, ``vector``, ``deque``,
+    ``forward_list``, ``list``, ``set``, ``map``, ``multiset``, ``multimap``,
+    ``unordered_set``, ``unordered_map``, ``unordered_multiset``,
+    ``unordered_multimap``.
+If the variable in question is a struct and an individual member variable of
+that struct is written to, the check does not consider this to be a
+reinitialization -- even if, eventually, all member variables of the struct are
+written to. For example:
+  .. code-block:: c++
+  struct S {
+    std::string str;
+    int i;
+  };
+  S s = { "Hello, world!\n", 42 };
+  S s_other = std::move(s);
+  s.str = "Lorem ipsum";
+  s.i = 99;
+The check will not consider ``s`` to be reinitialized after the last line;
+instead, the line that assigns to ``s.str`` will be flagged as a use-after-move.
+This is intentional as this pattern of reinitializing a struct is error-prone.
+For example, if an additional member variable is added to ``S``, it is easy to
+forget to add the reinitialization for this additional member. Instead, it is
+safer to assign to the entire struct in one go, and this will also avoid the
+use-after-move warning.
Index: docs/clang-tidy/checks/list.rst
--- docs/clang-tidy/checks/list.rst
+++ docs/clang-tidy/checks/list.rst
@@ -92,6 +92,7 @@
+   misc-use-after-move
Index: docs/ReleaseNotes.rst
--- docs/ReleaseNotes.rst
+++ docs/ReleaseNotes.rst
@@ -69,6 +69,12 @@
   Flags classes where some, but not all, special member functions are user-defined.
+- New `misc-use-after-move
+  <http://clang.llvm.org/extra/clang-tidy/checks/misc-use-after-move.html>`_ check
+  This check warns if an object is used after it has been moved, without an
+  intervening reinitialization.
 - New `performance-inefficient-string-concatenation
   <http://clang.llvm.org/extra/clang-tidy/checks/performance-inefficient-string-concatenation.html>`_ check
Index: clang-tidy/misc/UseAfterMoveCheck.h
--- /dev/null
+++ clang-tidy/misc/UseAfterMoveCheck.h
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+//===--- UseAfterMoveCheck.h - clang-tidy ---------------------------------===//
+//                     The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
+// This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
+// License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
+#include "../ClangTidy.h"
+namespace clang {
+namespace tidy {
+namespace misc {
+/// The check warns if an object is used after it has been moved, without an
+/// intervening reinitialization.
+/// For details, see the user-facing documentation:
+/// http://clang.llvm.org/extra/clang-tidy/checks/misc-use-after-move.html
+class UseAfterMoveCheck : public ClangTidyCheck {
+  UseAfterMoveCheck(StringRef Name, ClangTidyContext *Context)
+      : ClangTidyCheck(Name, Context) {}
+  void registerMatchers(ast_matchers::MatchFinder *Finder) override;
+  void check(const ast_matchers::MatchFinder::MatchResult &Result) override;
+} // namespace misc
+} // namespace tidy
+} // namespace clang
Index: clang-tidy/misc/UseAfterMoveCheck.cpp
--- /dev/null
+++ clang-tidy/misc/UseAfterMoveCheck.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,670 @@
+//===--- UseAfterMoveCheck.cpp - clang-tidy -------------------------------===//
+//                     The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
+// This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
+// License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
+#include "UseAfterMoveCheck.h"
+#include "clang/Analysis/CFG.h"
+#include "clang/Lex/Lexer.h"
+#include "llvm/ADT/DenseMap.h"
+#include "llvm/ADT/SmallPtrSet.h"
+#include "llvm/ADT/SmallVector.h"
+#include <algorithm>
+using namespace clang::ast_matchers;
+namespace clang {
+namespace tidy {
+namespace misc {
+namespace {
+/// Provides information about the evaluation order of (sub-)expressions within
+/// a CFGBlock.
+/// While a CFGBlock does contain individual CFGElements for some
+/// sub-expressions, the order in which those CFGElements appear reflects only
+/// one possible order in which the sub-expressions may be evaluated. However,
+/// we want to warn if any of the potential evaluation orders can lead to a
+/// use-after-move, not just the one contained in the CFGBlock.
+/// This class implements only a simplified version of the C++ sequencing rules
+/// that is, however, sufficient for the purposes of this check. The main
+/// limitation is that we do not distinguish between value computation and side
+/// effect -- see the "Implementation" section for more details.
+/// Note: SequenceChecker from SemaChecking.cpp does a similar job (and much
+/// more thoroughly), but using it would require
+/// - Pulling SequenceChecker out into a header file (i.e. making it part of the
+///   API),
+/// - Removing the dependency of SequenceChecker on Sema, and
+/// - (Probably) modifying SequenceChecker to make it suitable to be used in
+///   this context.
+/// For the moment, it seems preferable to re-implement our own version of
+/// sequence checking that is special-cased to what we need here.
+/// Implementation
+/// --------------
+/// ExprSequence uses two types of sequencing edges between nodes in the
+/// AST:
+/// - Every Stmt is assumed to be sequenced after its children. This is overly
+///   optimistic because the standard only states that value computations of
+///   operands are sequenced before the value computation of the operator,
+///   making no guarantees about side effects (in general).
+///   For our purposes, this rule is sufficient, however, because this check is
+///   interested in operations on objects, which are generally performed through
+///   function calls (whether explicit and implicit). Function calls guarantee
+///   that the value computations and side effects for all function arguments
+///   are sequenced before the execution fo the function.
+/// - In addition, some Stmts are known to be sequenced before or after their
+///   siblings. For example, the Stmts that make up a CompoundStmt are all
+///   sequenced relative to each other. The function getSequenceSuccessor()
+///   implements these sequencing rules.
+class ExprSequence {
+  /// Initializes this ExprSequence with sequence information for the given CFG.
+  ExprSequence(const CFG *TheCFG, ASTContext *TheContext);
+  /// Returns whether \p Before is sequenced before \p After.
+  bool inSequence(const Stmt *Before, const Stmt *After) const;
+  /// Returns whether \p After can potentially be evaluated after \p Before.
+  /// This is exactly equivalent to `!inSequence(After, Before)` but makes some
+  /// conditions read more naturally.
+  bool potentiallyAfter(const Stmt *After, const Stmt *Before) const;
+  // Returns the sibling of 'S' (if any) that is directly sequenced after 'S',
+  // or nullptr if no such sibling exists. For example, if 'S' is the child of
+  // a CompoundStmt, this would return the Stmt that directly follows 'S' in the
+  // CompoundStmt.
+  //
+  // As the sequencing of many constructs that change control flow is already
+  // encoded in the CFG, this function only implements the sequencing rules
+  // for those constructs where sequencing cannot be inferred from the CFG.
+  const Stmt *getSequenceSuccessor(const Stmt *S) const;
+  const Stmt *resolveSyntheticStmt(const Stmt *S) const;
+  ASTContext *Context;
+  llvm::DenseMap<const Stmt *, const Stmt *> SyntheticStmtSourceMap;
+/// Maps Stmts to the CFGBlock that contains them. Some Stmts may be contained
+/// in more than one CFGBlock; in this case, they are mapped to the innermost
+/// block (i.e. the one that is furthest from the root of the tree).
+class StmtToBlockMap {
+  /// Initializes the map for the given CFG.
+  StmtToBlockMap(const CFG *TheCFG, ASTContext *TheContext);
+  /// Returns the block that 'S' is contained in. Some Stmts may be contained
+  /// in more than one CFGBlock; in this case, this function returns the
+  /// innermost block (i.e. the one that is furthest from the root of the tree).
+  const CFGBlock *blockContainingStmt(const Stmt *S) const;
+  ASTContext *Context;
+  llvm::DenseMap<const Stmt *, const CFGBlock *> Map;
+/// Contains information about a use-after-move.
+struct UseAfterMove {
+  // The DeclRefExpr that constituted the use of the object.
+  const DeclRefExpr *DeclRef;
+  // Is the order in which the move and the use are evaluated undefined?
+  bool EvaluationOrderUndefined;
+/// Finds uses of a variable after a move (and maintains state required by the
+/// various internal helper functions).
+class UseAfterMoveFinder {
+  UseAfterMoveFinder(ASTContext *TheContext);
+  // Within the given function body, finds the first use of 'MovedVariable' that
+  // occurs after 'MovingCall' (the expression that performs the move). If a
+  // use-after-move is found, writes information about it to 'TheUseAfterMove'.
+  // Returns whether a use-after-move was found.
+  bool find(Stmt *FunctionBody, const Expr *MovingCall,
+            const ValueDecl *MovedVariable, UseAfterMove *TheUseAfterMove);
+  bool findInternal(const CFGBlock *Block, const Expr *MovingCall,
+                    const ValueDecl *MovedVariable,
+                    UseAfterMove *TheUseAfterMove);
+  void getUsesAndReinits(const CFGBlock *Block, const ValueDecl *MovedVariable,
+                         llvm::SmallVectorImpl<const DeclRefExpr *> *Uses,
+                         llvm::SmallPtrSetImpl<const Stmt *> *Reinits);
+  void getDeclRefs(const CFGBlock *Block, const Decl *MovedVariable,
+                   llvm::SmallPtrSetImpl<const DeclRefExpr *> *DeclRefs);
+  void getReinits(const CFGBlock *Block, const ValueDecl *MovedVariable,
+                  llvm::SmallPtrSetImpl<const Stmt *> *Stmts,
+                  llvm::SmallPtrSetImpl<const DeclRefExpr *> *DeclRefs);
+  ASTContext *Context;
+  std::unique_ptr<ExprSequence> Sequence;
+  std::unique_ptr<StmtToBlockMap> BlockMap;
+  llvm::SmallPtrSet<const CFGBlock *, 8> Visited;
+} // namespace
+// Returns the Stmt nodes that are parents of 'S', skipping any potential
+// intermediate non-Stmt nodes.
+// In almost all cases, this function returns a single parent or no parents at
+// all.
+// The case that a Stmt has multiple parents is rare but does actually occur in
+// the parts of the AST that we're interested in. Specifically, InitListExpr
+// nodes cause ASTContext::getParent() to return multiple parents for certain
+// nodes in their subtree because RecursiveASTVisitor visits both the syntactic
+// and semantic forms of InitListExpr, and the parent-child relationships are
+// different between the two forms.
+static SmallVector<const Stmt *, 1> getParentStmts(const Stmt *S,
+                                                   ASTContext *Context) {
+  SmallVector<const Stmt *, 1> Result;
+  ASTContext::DynTypedNodeList Parents = Context->getParents(*S);
+  SmallVector<ast_type_traits::DynTypedNode, 1> NodesToProcess(Parents.begin(),
+                                                               Parents.end());
+  while (!NodesToProcess.empty()) {
+    ast_type_traits::DynTypedNode Node = NodesToProcess.back();
+    NodesToProcess.pop_back();
+    if (const Stmt *S = Node.get<Stmt>()) {
+      Result.push_back(S);
+    } else {
+      Parents = Context->getParents(Node);
+      NodesToProcess.append(Parents.begin(), Parents.end());
+    }
+  }
+  return Result;
+bool isDescendantOrEqual(const Stmt *Descendant, const Stmt *Ancestor,
+                         ASTContext *Context) {
+  if (Descendant == Ancestor)
+    return true;
+  for (const Stmt *Parent : getParentStmts(Descendant, Context)) {
+    if (isDescendantOrEqual(Parent, Ancestor, Context))
+      return true;
+  }
+  return false;
+ExprSequence::ExprSequence(const CFG *TheCFG, ASTContext *TheContext)
+    : Context(TheContext) {
+  for (CFG::synthetic_stmt_iterator I = TheCFG->synthetic_stmt_begin(),
+                                    E = TheCFG->synthetic_stmt_end();
+       I != E; ++I) {
+    SyntheticStmtSourceMap[I->first] = I->second;
+  }
+bool ExprSequence::inSequence(const Stmt *Before, const Stmt *After) const {
+  Before = resolveSyntheticStmt(Before);
+  After = resolveSyntheticStmt(After);
+  // If 'After' is in the subtree of the siblings that follow 'Before' in the
+  // chain of successors, we know that 'After' is sequenced after 'Before'.
+  for (const Stmt *Successor = getSequenceSuccessor(Before); Successor;
+       Successor = getSequenceSuccessor(Successor)) {
+    if (isDescendantOrEqual(After, Successor, Context)) {
+      return true;
+    }
+  }
+  // If 'After' is a parent of 'Before' or is sequenced after one of these
+  // parents, we know that it is sequenced after 'Before'.
+  for (const Stmt *Parent : getParentStmts(Before, Context)) {
+    if (Parent == After || inSequence(Parent, After)) {
+      return true;
+    }
+  }
+  return false;
+bool ExprSequence::potentiallyAfter(const Stmt *After,
+                                    const Stmt *Before) const {
+  return !inSequence(After, Before);
+const Stmt *ExprSequence::getSequenceSuccessor(const Stmt *S) const {
+  for (const Stmt *Parent : getParentStmts(S, Context)) {
+    if (const auto *BO = dyn_cast<BinaryOperator>(Parent)) {
+      // Comma operator: Right-hand side is sequenced after the left-hand side.
+      if (BO->getLHS() == S && BO->getOpcode() == BO_Comma) {
+        return BO->getRHS();
+      }
+    } else if (const auto *InitList = dyn_cast<InitListExpr>(Parent)) {
+      // Initializer list: Each initializer clause is sequenced after the
+      // clauses that precede it.
+      for (unsigned I = 1; I < InitList->getNumInits(); ++I) {
+        if (InitList->getInit(I - 1) == S) {
+          return InitList->getInit(I);
+        }
+      }
+    } else if (const auto *Compound = dyn_cast<CompoundStmt>(Parent)) {
+      // Compound statement: Each sub-statement is sequenced after the
+      // statements that precede it.
+      const Stmt *Previous = nullptr;
+      for (const auto *Child : Compound->body()) {
+        if (Previous == S) {
+          return Child;
+        }
+        Previous = Child;
+      }
+    } else if (const auto *TheDeclStmt = dyn_cast<DeclStmt>(Parent)) {
+      // Declaration: Every initializer expression is sequenced after the
+      // initializer expressions that precede it.
+      const Expr *PreviousInit = nullptr;
+      for (const Decl *TheDecl : TheDeclStmt->decls()) {
+        if (const auto *TheVarDecl = dyn_cast<VarDecl>(TheDecl)) {
+          if (const Expr *Init = TheVarDecl->getInit()) {
+            if (PreviousInit == S) {
+              return Init;
+            }
+            PreviousInit = Init;
+          }
+        }
+      }
+    } else if (const auto *ForRange = dyn_cast<CXXForRangeStmt>(Parent)) {
+      // Range-based for: Loop variable declaration is sequenced before the
+      // body. (We need this rule because these get placed in the same
+      // CFGBlock.)
+      if (S == ForRange->getLoopVarStmt()) {
+        return ForRange->getBody();
+      }
+    } else if (const auto *TheIfStmt = dyn_cast<IfStmt>(Parent)) {
+      // If statement: If a variable is declared inside the condition, the
+      // expression used to initialize the variable is sequenced before the
+      // evaluation of the condition.
+      if (S == TheIfStmt->getConditionVariableDeclStmt()) {
+        return TheIfStmt->getCond();
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  return nullptr;
+const Stmt *ExprSequence::resolveSyntheticStmt(const Stmt *S) const {
+  if (SyntheticStmtSourceMap.count(S)) {
+    return SyntheticStmtSourceMap.lookup(S);
+  } else {
+    return S;
+  }
+StmtToBlockMap::StmtToBlockMap(const CFG *TheCFG, ASTContext *TheContext)
+    : Context(TheContext) {
+  for (CFG::const_iterator I = TheCFG->begin(), E = TheCFG->end(); I != E;
+       ++I) {
+    for (CFGBlock::const_iterator BI = (*I)->begin(), BE = (*I)->end();
+         BI != BE; ++BI) {
+      if (Optional<CFGStmt> S = BI->getAs<CFGStmt>()) {
+        Map[S->getStmt()] = *I;
+      }
+    }
+  }
+const CFGBlock *StmtToBlockMap::blockContainingStmt(const Stmt *S) const {
+  while (!Map.count(S)) {
+    SmallVector<const Stmt *, 1> Parents = getParentStmts(S, Context);
+    if (Parents.empty())
+      return nullptr;
+    S = Parents[0];
+  }
+  return Map.lookup(S);
+// Matches nodes that are
+// - Part of a decltype argument or class template argument (we check this by
+//   seeing if they are children of a TypeLoc), or
+// - Part of a function template argument (we check this by seeing if they are
+//   children of a DeclRefExpr that references a function template).
+// DeclRefExprs that fulfill these conditions should not be counted as a use or
+// move.
+static StatementMatcher inDecltypeOrTemplateArg() {
+  return anyOf(hasAncestor(typeLoc()),
+               hasAncestor(declRefExpr(
+                   to(functionDecl(ast_matchers::isTemplateInstantiation())))));
+UseAfterMoveFinder::UseAfterMoveFinder(ASTContext *TheContext)
+    : Context(TheContext) {}
+bool UseAfterMoveFinder::find(Stmt *FunctionBody, const Expr *MovingCall,
+                              const ValueDecl *MovedVariable,
+                              UseAfterMove *TheUseAfterMove) {
+  // Generate the CFG manually instead of through an AnalysisDeclContext because
+  // it seems the latter can't be used to generate a CFG for the body of a
+  // labmda.
+  //
+  // We include implicit and temporary destructors in the CFG so that
+  // destructors marked [[noreturn]] are handled correctly in the control flow
+  // analysis. (These are used in some styles of assertion macros.)
+  CFG::BuildOptions Options;
+  Options.AddImplicitDtors = true;
+  Options.AddTemporaryDtors = true;
+  std::unique_ptr<CFG> TheCFG =
+      CFG::buildCFG(nullptr, FunctionBody, Context, Options);
+  if (!TheCFG)
+    return false;
+  Sequence.reset(new ExprSequence(TheCFG.get(), Context));
+  BlockMap.reset(new StmtToBlockMap(TheCFG.get(), Context));
+  Visited.clear();
+  const CFGBlock *Block = BlockMap->blockContainingStmt(MovingCall);
+  if (!Block)
+    return false;
+  return findInternal(Block, MovingCall, MovedVariable, TheUseAfterMove);
+bool UseAfterMoveFinder::findInternal(const CFGBlock *Block,
+                                      const Expr *MovingCall,
+                                      const ValueDecl *MovedVariable,
+                                      UseAfterMove *TheUseAfterMove) {
+  if (Visited.count(Block))
+    return false;
+  // Mark the block as visited (except if this is the block containing the
+  // std::move() and it's being visited the first time).
+  if (!MovingCall)
+    Visited.insert(Block);
+  // Get all uses and reinits in the block.
+  llvm::SmallVector<const DeclRefExpr *, 1> Uses;
+  llvm::SmallPtrSet<const Stmt *, 1> Reinits;
+  getUsesAndReinits(Block, MovedVariable, &Uses, &Reinits);
+  // Ignore all reinitializations where the move potentially comes after the
+  // reinit.
+  llvm::SmallVector<const Stmt *, 1> ReinitsToDelete;
+  for (const Stmt *Reinit : Reinits) {
+    if (MovingCall && Sequence->potentiallyAfter(MovingCall, Reinit)) {
+      ReinitsToDelete.push_back(Reinit);
+    }
+  }
+  for (const Stmt *Reinit : ReinitsToDelete) {
+    Reinits.erase(Reinit);
+  }
+  // Find all uses that potentially come after the move.
+  for (const DeclRefExpr *Use : Uses) {
+    if (!MovingCall || Sequence->potentiallyAfter(Use, MovingCall)) {
+      // Does the use have a saving reinit? A reinit is saving if it definitely
+      // comes before the use, i.e. if there's no potential that the reinit is
+      // after the use.
+      bool HaveSavingReinit = false;
+      for (const Stmt *Reinit : Reinits) {
+        if (!Sequence->potentiallyAfter(Reinit, Use)) {
+          HaveSavingReinit = true;
+        }
+      }
+      if (!HaveSavingReinit) {
+        TheUseAfterMove->DeclRef = Use;
+        // Is this a use-after-move that depends on order of evaluation?
+        // This is the case if the move potentially comes after the use (and we
+        // already know that use potentially comes after the move, which taken
+        // together tells us that the ordering is unclear).
+        TheUseAfterMove->EvaluationOrderUndefined =
+            MovingCall != nullptr &&
+            Sequence->potentiallyAfter(MovingCall, Use);
+        return true;
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  // If the object wasn't reinitialized, call ourselves recursively on all
+  // successors.
+  if (Reinits.empty()) {
+    for (CFGBlock::const_succ_iterator I = Block->succ_begin(),
+                                       E = Block->succ_end();
+         I != E; ++I) {
+      if (*I) {
+        if (findInternal(*I, nullptr, MovedVariable, TheUseAfterMove)) {
+          return true;
+        }
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  return false;
+void UseAfterMoveFinder::getUsesAndReinits(
+    const CFGBlock *Block, const ValueDecl *MovedVariable,
+    llvm::SmallVectorImpl<const DeclRefExpr *> *Uses,
+    llvm::SmallPtrSetImpl<const Stmt *> *Reinits) {
+  llvm::SmallPtrSet<const DeclRefExpr *, 1> DeclRefs;
+  llvm::SmallPtrSet<const DeclRefExpr *, 1> ReinitDeclRefs;
+  getDeclRefs(Block, MovedVariable, &DeclRefs);
+  getReinits(Block, MovedVariable, Reinits, &ReinitDeclRefs);
+  // All references to the variable that aren't reinitializations are uses.
+  Uses->clear();
+  for (const DeclRefExpr *DeclRef : DeclRefs) {
+    if (!ReinitDeclRefs.count(DeclRef)) {
+      Uses->push_back(DeclRef);
+    }
+  }
+  // Sort the uses by their occurrence in the source code.
+  std::sort(Uses->begin(), Uses->end(),
+            [](const DeclRefExpr *d1, const DeclRefExpr *d2) {
+              return d1->getExprLoc() < d2->getExprLoc();
+            });
+void UseAfterMoveFinder::getDeclRefs(
+    const CFGBlock *Block, const Decl *MovedVariable,
+    llvm::SmallPtrSetImpl<const DeclRefExpr *> *DeclRefs) {
+  DeclRefs->clear();
+  for (CFGBlock::const_iterator I = Block->begin(), E = Block->end(); I != E;
+       ++I) {
+    Optional<CFGStmt> S = I->getAs<CFGStmt>();
+    if (!S)
+      continue;
+    SmallVector<BoundNodes, 1> Matches =
+        match(findAll(declRefExpr(hasDeclaration(equalsNode(MovedVariable)),
+                                  unless(inDecltypeOrTemplateArg()))
+                          .bind("declref")),
+              *S->getStmt(), *Context);
+    for (const auto &Match : Matches) {
+      const DeclRefExpr *DeclRef = Match.getNodeAs<DeclRefExpr>("declref");
+      if (DeclRef && BlockMap->blockContainingStmt(DeclRef) == Block) {
+        DeclRefs->insert(DeclRef);
+      }
+    }
+  }
+void UseAfterMoveFinder::getReinits(
+    const CFGBlock *Block, const ValueDecl *MovedVariable,
+    llvm::SmallPtrSetImpl<const Stmt *> *Stmts,
+    llvm::SmallPtrSetImpl<const DeclRefExpr *> *DeclRefs) {
+  auto DeclRefMatcher =
+      declRefExpr(hasDeclaration(equalsNode(MovedVariable))).bind("declref");
+  auto StandardContainerTypeMatcher = hasType(cxxRecordDecl(
+      hasAnyName("::std::basic_string", "::std::vector", "::std::deque",
+                 "::std::forward_list", "::std::list", "::std::set",
+                 "::std::map", "::std::multiset", "::std::multimap",
+                 "::std::unordered_set", "::std::unordered_map",
+                 "::std::unordered_multiset", "::std::unordered_multimap")));
+  // Matches different types of reinitialization.
+  auto ReinitMatcher =
+      stmt(anyOf(
+               // Assignment. In addition to the overloaded assignment operator,
+               // test for built-in assignment as well, since template functions
+               // may be instantiated to use std::move() on built-in types.
+               binaryOperator(hasOperatorName("="), hasLHS(DeclRefMatcher)),
+               cxxOperatorCallExpr(hasOverloadedOperatorName("="),
+                                   hasArgument(0, DeclRefMatcher)),
+               // Declaration. We treat this as a type of reinitialization too,
+               // so we don't need to treat it separately.
+               declStmt(hasDescendant(equalsNode(MovedVariable))),
+               // clear() and assign() on standard containers.
+               cxxMemberCallExpr(
+                   on(allOf(DeclRefMatcher, StandardContainerTypeMatcher)),
+                   // To keep the matcher simple, we check for assign() calls
+                   // on all standard containers, even though only vector,
+                   // deque, forward_list and list have assign(). If assign()
+                   // is called on any of the other containers, this will be
+                   // flagged by a compile error anyway.
+                   callee(cxxMethodDecl(hasAnyName("clear", "assign")))),
+               // Passing variable to a function as a non-const pointer.
+               callExpr(forEachArgumentWithParam(
+                   unaryOperator(hasOperatorName("&"),
+                                 hasUnaryOperand(DeclRefMatcher)),
+                   unless(parmVarDecl(hasType(pointsTo(isConstQualified())))))),
+               // Passing variable to a function as a non-const lvalue reference
+               // (unless that function is std::move()).
+               callExpr(forEachArgumentWithParam(
+                            DeclRefMatcher,
+                            unless(parmVarDecl(hasType(
+                                references(qualType(isConstQualified())))))),
+                        unless(callee(functionDecl(hasName("::std::move")))))))
+          .bind("reinit");
+  Stmts->clear();
+  DeclRefs->clear();
+  for (CFGBlock::const_iterator I = Block->begin(), E = Block->end(); I != E;
+       ++I) {
+    Optional<CFGStmt> S = I->getAs<CFGStmt>();
+    if (!S)
+      continue;
+    SmallVector<BoundNodes, 1> Matches =
+        match(findAll(ReinitMatcher), *S->getStmt(), *Context);
+    for (const auto &Match : Matches) {
+      const auto *TheStmt = Match.getNodeAs<Stmt>("reinit");
+      const auto *TheDeclRef = Match.getNodeAs<DeclRefExpr>("declref");
+      if (TheStmt && BlockMap->blockContainingStmt(TheStmt) == Block) {
+        Stmts->insert(TheStmt);
+        // We count DeclStmts as reinitializations, but they don't have a
+        // DeclRefExpr associated with them -- so we need to check 'TheDeclRef'
+        // before adding it to the set.
+        if (TheDeclRef)
+          DeclRefs->insert(TheDeclRef);
+      }
+    }
+  }
+static void emitDiagnostic(const Expr *MovingCall,
+                           const ValueDecl *MovedVariable,
+                           const UseAfterMove &Use, ClangTidyCheck *Check,
+                           ASTContext *Context) {
+  Check->diag(Use.DeclRef->getExprLoc(), "'%0' used after it was moved")
+      << MovedVariable->getName();
+  Check->diag(MovingCall->getExprLoc(), "move occurred here",
+              DiagnosticIDs::Note);
+  if (Use.EvaluationOrderUndefined) {
+    Check->diag(Use.DeclRef->getExprLoc(),
+                "the use and move are unsequenced, i.e. there is no guarantee "
+                "about the order in which they are evaluated",
+                DiagnosticIDs::Note);
+  }
+void UseAfterMoveCheck::registerMatchers(MatchFinder *Finder) {
+  if (!getLangOpts().CPlusPlus11)
+    return;
+  auto StandardSmartPointerTypeMatcher = hasType(
+      cxxRecordDecl(hasAnyName("::std::unique_ptr", "::std::shared_ptr")));
+  auto CallMoveMatcher =
+      callExpr(
+          callee(functionDecl(hasName("::std::move"))), argumentCountIs(1),
+          hasArgument(
+              0,
+              declRefExpr(unless(StandardSmartPointerTypeMatcher)).bind("arg")),
+          anyOf(hasAncestor(lambdaExpr().bind("containing-lambda")),
+                hasAncestor(functionDecl().bind("containing-func"))),
+          unless(inDecltypeOrTemplateArg()))
+          .bind("call-move");
+  Finder->addMatcher(
+      // To find the Stmt that we assume performs the actual move, we look for
+      // the direct ancestor of the std::move() that isn't one of the node
+      // types ignored by ignoringParenImpCasts().
+      stmt(forEach(expr(ignoringParenImpCasts(CallMoveMatcher))),
+           unless(expr(ignoringParenImpCasts(equalsBoundNode("call-move")))))
+          .bind("moving-call"),
+      this);
+void UseAfterMoveCheck::check(const MatchFinder::MatchResult &Result) {
+  const auto *ContainingLambda =
+      Result.Nodes.getNodeAs<LambdaExpr>("containing-lambda");
+  const auto *ContainingFunc =
+      Result.Nodes.getNodeAs<FunctionDecl>("containing-func");
+  const auto *CallMove = Result.Nodes.getNodeAs<CallExpr>("call-move");
+  const auto *MovingCall = Result.Nodes.getNodeAs<Expr>("moving-call");
+  const auto *Arg = Result.Nodes.getNodeAs<DeclRefExpr>("arg");
+  if (!MovingCall)
+    MovingCall = CallMove;
+  Stmt *FunctionBody = nullptr;
+  if (ContainingLambda) {
+    FunctionBody = ContainingLambda->getBody();
+  } else if (ContainingFunc) {
+    FunctionBody = ContainingFunc->getBody();
+  }
+  if (!FunctionBody)
+    return;
+  const ValueDecl *MovedVariable = Arg->getDecl();
+  // Ignore the std::move if the variable that was passed to it isn't a local
+  // variable.
+  if (!Arg->getDecl()->getDeclContext()->isFunctionOrMethod())
+    return;
+  UseAfterMoveFinder finder(Result.Context);
+  UseAfterMove Use;
+  if (finder.find(FunctionBody, MovingCall, MovedVariable, &Use)) {
+    emitDiagnostic(MovingCall, MovedVariable, Use, this, Result.Context);
+  }
+} // namespace misc
+} // namespace tidy
+} // namespace clang
Index: clang-tidy/misc/MiscTidyModule.cpp
--- clang-tidy/misc/MiscTidyModule.cpp
+++ clang-tidy/misc/MiscTidyModule.cpp
@@ -50,6 +50,7 @@
 #include "UnusedParametersCheck.h"
 #include "UnusedRAIICheck.h"
 #include "UnusedUsingDeclsCheck.h"
+#include "UseAfterMoveCheck.h"
 #include "VirtualNearMissCheck.h"
 namespace clang {
@@ -136,6 +137,7 @@
+    CheckFactories.registerCheck<UseAfterMoveCheck>("misc-use-after-move");
Index: clang-tidy/misc/CMakeLists.txt
--- clang-tidy/misc/CMakeLists.txt
+++ clang-tidy/misc/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -42,6 +42,7 @@
+  UseAfterMoveCheck.cpp
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