LokiAstari added a comment.

Hope you don't mind me chiming in:

> Roughly go ahead with what you are suggesting, although the option should not 
> be called AccessModifierStandardIndent, as that carries no meaning and 
> actually is far from the "standard" way. Reasonable names that spring to mind 
> are:

Though I personally disagree on the more standard technique :-)  Since I am the 
newbie to this I am not going to fight on that point (though I suspect if we 
meet up for some beers we could have a spirited debate).

> AccessModifiersCauseAdditionalIndent or 
> (Additional)IndentAfterAccessModifiers.

How about "AccessModifiersUseNormaIndent" as we are indenting by a normal 
indent width. But I am not going to fight over the name when it comes down to 

> Be even more "clever" with AccessModifierOffset (I can come up with various 
> ways from negative numbers to special numbers, none of them really good).

I don't think this is a good idea (but as the newbie no strong feelings). 
Unfortunately a lot of large projects have stated using this is a standard part 
of their formatting; got to this project too late to prevent that :-O

> Deprecate AccessModifierOffset and instead use an enum with a few dedicated 
> settings.

The issue with this is getting all projects to update their settings with the 
new version. Not sure this is a great user experience.


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