rymiel updated this revision to Diff 463773.
rymiel added a comment.

Missed a spot when re-sorting

  rG LLVM Github Monorepo




Index: clang/unittests/Format/FormatTest.cpp
--- clang/unittests/Format/FormatTest.cpp
+++ clang/unittests/Format/FormatTest.cpp
@@ -24984,6 +24984,123 @@
+TEST_F(FormatTest, RequiresExpressionIndentation) {
+  auto Style = getLLVMStyle();
+  EXPECT_EQ(Style.RequiresExpressionIndentation, FormatStyle::REI_Keyword);
+  verifyFormat("template <typename T>\n"
+               "concept C = requires(T t) {\n"
+               "              typename T::value;\n"
+               "              requires requires(typename T::value v) {\n"
+               "                         { t == v } -> std::same_as<bool>;\n"
+               "                       };\n"
+               "            };",
+               Style);
+  verifyFormat(
+      "template <typename T>\n"
+      "void bar(T)\n"
+      "  requires Foo<T> && requires(T t) {\n"
+      "                       { t.foo() } -> std::same_as<int>;\n"
+      "                     } && requires(T t) {\n"
+      "                            { t.bar() } -> std::same_as<bool>;\n"
+      "                            --t;\n"
+      "                          };",
+      Style);
+  verifyFormat("template <typename T>\n"
+               "  requires Foo<T> &&\n"
+               "           requires(T t) {\n"
+               "             { t.foo() } -> std::same_as<int>;\n"
+               "           } && requires(T t) {\n"
+               "                  { t.bar() } -> std::same_as<bool>;\n"
+               "                  --t;\n"
+               "                }\n"
+               "void bar(T);",
+               Style);
+  verifyFormat("template <typename T> void f() {\n"
+               "  if constexpr (requires(T t) {\n"
+               "                  { t.bar() } -> std::same_as<bool>;\n"
+               "                }) {\n"
+               "  }\n"
+               "}",
+               Style);
+  verifyFormat(
+      "template <typename T> void f() {\n"
+      "  if constexpr (condition && requires(T t) {\n"
+      "                               { t.bar() } -> std::same_as<bool>;\n"
+      "                             }) {\n"
+      "  }\n"
+      "}",
+      Style);
+  verifyFormat("template <typename T> struct C {\n"
+               "  void f()\n"
+               "    requires requires(T t) {\n"
+               "               { t.bar() } -> std::same_as<bool>;\n"
+               "             };\n"
+               "};",
+               Style);
+  Style.RequiresExpressionIndentation = FormatStyle::REI_OuterScope;
+  verifyFormat("template <typename T>\n"
+               "concept C = requires(T t) {\n"
+               "  typename T::value;\n"
+               "  requires requires(typename T::value v) {\n"
+               "    { t == v } -> std::same_as<bool>;\n"
+               "  };\n"
+               "};",
+               Style);
+  verifyFormat("template <typename T>\n"
+               "void bar(T)\n"
+               "  requires Foo<T> && requires(T t) {\n"
+               "    { t.foo() } -> std::same_as<int>;\n"
+               "  } && requires(T t) {\n"
+               "    { t.bar() } -> std::same_as<bool>;\n"
+               "    --t;\n"
+               "  };",
+               Style);
+  verifyFormat("template <typename T>\n"
+               "  requires Foo<T> &&\n"
+               "           requires(T t) {\n"
+               "             { t.foo() } -> std::same_as<int>;\n"
+               "           } && requires(T t) {\n"
+               "             { t.bar() } -> std::same_as<bool>;\n"
+               "             --t;\n"
+               "           }\n"
+               "void bar(T);",
+               Style);
+  verifyFormat("template <typename T> void f() {\n"
+               "  if constexpr (requires(T t) {\n"
+               "                  { t.bar() } -> std::same_as<bool>;\n"
+               "                }) {\n"
+               "  }\n"
+               "}",
+               Style);
+  verifyFormat("template <typename T> void f() {\n"
+               "  if constexpr (condition && requires(T t) {\n"
+               "                  { t.bar() } -> std::same_as<bool>;\n"
+               "                }) {\n"
+               "  }\n"
+               "}",
+               Style);
+  verifyFormat("template <typename T> struct C {\n"
+               "  void f()\n"
+               "    requires requires(T t) {\n"
+               "      { t.bar() } -> std::same_as<bool>;\n"
+               "    };\n"
+               "};",
+               Style);
 TEST_F(FormatTest, StatementAttributeLikeMacros) {
   FormatStyle Style = getLLVMStyle();
   StringRef Source = "void Foo::slot() {\n"
Index: clang/lib/Format/Format.cpp
--- clang/lib/Format/Format.cpp
+++ clang/lib/Format/Format.cpp
@@ -99,6 +99,15 @@
+template <>
+struct ScalarEnumerationTraits<FormatStyle::RequiresExpressionIndentationKind> {
+  static void
+  enumeration(IO &IO, FormatStyle::RequiresExpressionIndentationKind &Value) {
+    IO.enumCase(Value, "Keyword", FormatStyle::REI_Keyword);
+    IO.enumCase(Value, "OuterScope", FormatStyle::REI_OuterScope);
+  }
 template <> struct ScalarEnumerationTraits<FormatStyle::UseTabStyle> {
   static void enumeration(IO &IO, FormatStyle::UseTabStyle &Value) {
     IO.enumCase(Value, "Never", FormatStyle::UT_Never);
@@ -853,6 +862,8 @@
     IO.mapOptional("ReflowComments", Style.ReflowComments);
     IO.mapOptional("RemoveBracesLLVM", Style.RemoveBracesLLVM);
     IO.mapOptional("RequiresClausePosition", Style.RequiresClausePosition);
+    IO.mapOptional("RequiresExpressionIndentation",
+                   Style.RequiresExpressionIndentation);
     IO.mapOptional("SeparateDefinitionBlocks", Style.SeparateDefinitionBlocks);
     IO.mapOptional("ShortNamespaceLines", Style.ShortNamespaceLines);
     IO.mapOptional("SortIncludes", Style.SortIncludes);
@@ -1289,6 +1300,7 @@
   LLVMStyle.PointerAlignment = FormatStyle::PAS_Right;
   LLVMStyle.ReferenceAlignment = FormatStyle::RAS_Pointer;
   LLVMStyle.RequiresClausePosition = FormatStyle::RCPS_OwnLine;
+  LLVMStyle.RequiresExpressionIndentation = FormatStyle::REI_Keyword;
   LLVMStyle.SeparateDefinitionBlocks = FormatStyle::SDS_Leave;
   LLVMStyle.ShortNamespaceLines = 1;
   LLVMStyle.SpacesBeforeTrailingComments = 1;
Index: clang/lib/Format/ContinuationIndenter.cpp
--- clang/lib/Format/ContinuationIndenter.cpp
+++ clang/lib/Format/ContinuationIndenter.cpp
@@ -1403,8 +1403,10 @@
     CurrentState.NestedBlockIndent = State.Column + Current.ColumnWidth + 1;
   if (Current.isOneOf(TT_LambdaLSquare, TT_LambdaArrow))
     CurrentState.LastSpace = State.Column;
-  if (Current.is(TT_RequiresExpression))
+  if (Current.is(TT_RequiresExpression) &&
+      Style.RequiresExpressionIndentation == FormatStyle::REI_Keyword) {
     CurrentState.NestedBlockIndent = State.Column;
+  }
   // Insert scopes created by fake parenthesis.
   const FormatToken *Previous = Current.getPreviousNonComment();
Index: clang/include/clang/Format/Format.h
--- clang/include/clang/Format/Format.h
+++ clang/include/clang/Format/Format.h
@@ -3136,6 +3136,32 @@
   /// \version 15
   RequiresClausePositionStyle RequiresClausePosition;
+  /// Indentation logic for requires expression bodies.
+  enum RequiresExpressionIndentationKind : int8_t {
+    /// Align requires expression body relative to the `requires` keyword.
+    /// This is the default.
+    /// \code
+    ///    template <typename T>
+    ///    concept C = requires(T t) {
+    ///                  ...
+    ///                }
+    /// \endcode
+    REI_Keyword,
+    /// Align requires expression body relative to the indentation level of the
+    /// outer scope the requires expression resides in.
+    /// \code
+    ///    template <typename T>
+    ///    concept C = requires(T t) {
+    ///      ...
+    ///    }
+    /// \endcode
+    REI_OuterScope,
+  };
+  /// The indentation used for requires expression bodies.
+  /// \version 16
+  RequiresExpressionIndentationKind RequiresExpressionIndentation;
   /// \brief The style if definition blocks should be separated.
   enum SeparateDefinitionStyle : int8_t {
     /// Leave definition blocks as they are.
@@ -3970,6 +3996,7 @@
            ReferenceAlignment == R.ReferenceAlignment &&
            RemoveBracesLLVM == R.RemoveBracesLLVM &&
            RequiresClausePosition == R.RequiresClausePosition &&
+           RequiresExpressionIndentation == R.RequiresExpressionIndentation &&
            SeparateDefinitionBlocks == R.SeparateDefinitionBlocks &&
            ShortNamespaceLines == R.ShortNamespaceLines &&
            SortIncludes == R.SortIncludes &&
Index: clang/docs/ClangFormatStyleOptions.rst
--- clang/docs/ClangFormatStyleOptions.rst
+++ clang/docs/ClangFormatStyleOptions.rst
@@ -3844,6 +3844,35 @@
+**RequiresExpressionIndentation** (``RequiresExpressionIndentationKind``) :versionbadge:`clang-format 16`
+  The indentation used for requires expression bodies.
+  Possible values:
+  * ``REI_Keyword`` (in configuration: ``Keyword``)
+    Align requires expression body relative to the `requires` keyword.
+    This is the default.
+    .. code-block:: c++
+       template <typename T>
+       concept C = requires(T t) {
+                     ...
+                   }
+  * ``REI_OuterScope`` (in configuration: ``OuterScope``)
+    Align requires expression body relative to the indentation level of the
+    outer scope the requires expression resides in.
+    .. code-block:: c++
+       template <typename T>
+       concept C = requires(T t) {
+         ...
+       }
 **SeparateDefinitionBlocks** (``SeparateDefinitionStyle``) :versionbadge:`clang-format 14`
   Specifies the use of empty lines to separate definition blocks, including
   classes, structs, enums, and functions.
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