aaron.ballman added a comment.

Thank you for looking into this! I've also thought that the 
`__builtin_dump_struct` implementation hasn't been quite as robust as it could 
be. However, the primary use case for that builtin has been for kernel folks to 
debug when they have no access to an actual debugger -- it being a super 
limited interface is actually a feature rather than a bug, in some ways.

I think what you're designing here is straight-up reflection, which is a 
different use case. If we're going to get something that's basically only 
usable in C++, I'm not certain there's much value in adding builtins for 
reflection until WG21 decides what reflection looks like, and then we can 
design around that. (Personally, I think designing usable reflection interfaces 
for C would be considerably harder but would provide considerably more benefit 
to users given the lack of reflection capabilities. There's almost no chance 
WG14 and WG21 would come up with the same interfaces for reflection, so I think 
we've got some opportunity for exploration here.)

  rG LLVM Github Monorepo



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