rsmith added a comment.

In D124221#3467467 <>, @erichkeane 

> I generally just question the usefulness of this.  Despite its shortcomings, 
> the 'dump struct' has the capability of runtime introspection into a type, 
> whereas this seems to require that the user 'know' a significant amount about 
> the type that they are introspecting (number of bases, number of fields, 
> field TYPES).

I think you've misunderstood; that is not required. Though with the design 
as-is, it might make sense to restrict this to being C++-only, given that 
there's not really a way to effectively use this from C.

Comment at: clang/docs/LanguageExtensions.rst:2434
+     bool print(int arg1, int arg2, std::initializer_list<Field> fields) {
+       for (auto f : fields) {
erichkeane wrote:
> I'm curious as to the need for the 'arg1' and 'arg2'?  Also, what is the type 
> of the 'fields' array that works in C?
This is aimed to fix a major deficiency in `__builtin_dump_struct`, that 
there's no way to pass information into its callback (other than stashing it in 

As noted in the patch description, this builtin is not especially usable in C. 
I'm not sure whether that's fixable, given the very limited metaprogramming 
support in C.

Comment at: clang/docs/LanguageExtensions.rst:2437
+         std::cout <<;
+         if (f.bitwidth)
+           std::cout << " : " << f.bitwidth;
erichkeane wrote:
> Hmm... what is the type of f.bitwidth?  A zero-length bitwidth is a valid 
> thing, so having it just be an 'int' doesn't seem workable.
It's a `size_t`. There are no zero-size bitfield members. (Unnamed bitfield 
aren't members, so are excluded here.) In any case, you can tell the difference 
between a bitfield and a regular member by the length of the initialiser list; 
we don't pass a bit width for non-bit-field members.

Comment at: clang/docs/LanguageExtensions.rst:2462
+to the type to reflect. The second argument ``f`` should be some callable
+expression, and can be a function object or an overload set. The builtin calls
+``f``, passing any further arguments ``args...`` followed by an initializer
erichkeane wrote:
> Is the purpose of the overload set/functor so you can support multiple types 
> (seeing how the 'base' below works)?  How does this all work in C? (or do we 
> just do fields in C, since they cannot have the rest?
> I wonder if we would be better if we treated this function as a 'callback' or 
> a 'callback set' that returned a discriminated union of a pre-defined type 
> that describes what is being returned.  That way it could handle member 
> functions, static variables, etc.
This doesn't really work well in C, as noted in the patch description. A set of 
callbacks might work a bit better across both languages, but I don't think it 
solves the larger problem that there's no good way to pass type information 
into a callback in C.

Comment at: clang/docs/LanguageExtensions.rst:2471
+The initializer list contains the following components:
erichkeane wrote:
> I find myself wishing this was a more complete list.
What else do you want? My goal here was to be able to do what 
`__builtin_dump_struct` does but without its many arbitrary limitations. From 
C++, this is enough for that.

Comment at: clang/docs/LanguageExtensions.rst:2473
+* For each direct base class, the address of the base class, in declaration
+  order.
erichkeane wrote:
> I wonder if bases should include their virtualness or access specifier.
I mean, maybe, but I don't have a use case for either. For access in general my 
leaning is to say that the built-in doesn't get special access rights -- either 
it can access everything or you'll get an access error if you use it -- in 
which case including the access for bases and fields doesn't seem likely to be 
super useful.

Comment at: clang/lib/Sema/SemaChecking.cpp:420
+    auto *FD = IFD ? IFD->getAnonField() : dyn_cast<FieldDecl>(D);
+    if (!FD || (FD->isUnnamedBitfield() || FD->isAnonymousStructOrUnion()))
+      continue;
erichkeane wrote:
> Losing the unnamed bitfield is unfortunate, and I the 'dump struct' handles.  
> As is losing the anonymous struct/union.
> Also, how does this handle 'record type' members?  Does the user have to know 
> the inner type already?  If they already know that much information about the 
> type, they wouldn't really need this, right?
If `__builtin_dump_struct` includes unnamed bitfields, that's a bug in that 

In general, the user function gets given the bases and members with the right 
types, so they can use an overload set or a template to dispatch based on that 
type. See the SemaCXX test for a basic example of that.

Comment at: clang/test/CodeGenCXX/builtin-reflect-struct.cpp:24
+int consume(int, Expected);
erichkeane wrote:
> OH! I see now.  This is unfortunately quite limiting by doing it this way.  
> At this point the user of this builtin is required to know the layout of the 
> struct before calling the builtin, which seems unfortunate. Despite the 
> downsides of being just a 'dump function', the other builtin had the benefit 
> of working on an arbitrary type.
Well, no, this is set up this way to test code generation. See the SemaCXX test 
for an example of using this to dump an arbitrary type.

  rG LLVM Github Monorepo


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