kuhnel marked 6 inline comments as done.
kuhnel added inline comments.

Comment at: clang-tools-extra/clangd/fuzzer/FuzzerClangdMain.cpp:15
+// NOLINTNEXTLINE(readability-identifier-naming)
 extern "C" int LLVMFuzzerTestOneInput(const uint8_t *Data, size_t Size);
sammccall wrote:
> This name is always exempt, and should rather be excluded by config: 
> https://clang.llvm.org/extra/clang-tidy/checks/readability-identifier-naming.html#cmdoption-arg-functionignoredregexp
I tried a couple of variations of the config in the global `.clang-tidy` file, 
however none of them actually ignored the function:

  - key:             readability-identifier-naming.FunctionIgnoredRegexp
    value:           "LLVMFuzzerTest.*"

Any idea what I'm doing wrong?

Comment at: clang-tools-extra/clangd/unittests/BackgroundIndexTests.cpp:39
 ::testing::Matcher<const RefSlab &>
-RefsAre(std::vector<::testing::Matcher<Ref>> Matchers) {
+refsAre(std::vector<::testing::Matcher<Ref>> Matchers) {
   return ElementsAre(::testing::Pair(_, UnorderedElementsAreArray(Matchers)));
sammccall wrote:
> Note that `MATCHER_P(FileURI, F, "") { ... ]` above also defines a function 
> returning a `Matcher`.
> I think it's OK for our functions to have different case than matcher 
> functions from the upstream gtest (different libraries have different 
> styles), but I don't think it's OK for matcher functions to have different 
> case depending on whether `MATCHER_P` was used or not.
> And I agree that `//NOLINT` everywhere is not a good option.
> So as far as I'm concerned:
> - OK: change these functions and also all the MATCHER, MATCHER_P etc 
> instances to lowerCamelCase
> - OK: ignore this style rule and check results for matcher names
> - Not OK: follow the rule for explicitly-defined function but ignore it for 
> - Not OK: ignore the rule and add // NOLINT to enough exceptions to silence 
> the checker
> - Bonus: teach the tidy check to flag violations introduced through macros 
> (probably with an allowlist of macro names)
> (I'm not quite sure how our convention of using UpperCamelCase for matcher 
> factory functions got started, but I suspect it's from following upstream 
> recipes without thinking hard about whether the new symbol is a function or a 
> type).
My proposal here is to stick with the gtest naming convention for more 
consistency in the naming: Matchers start with upper case letters.

Thus I added //NOLINT to all matchers I encountered.

  rG LLVM Github Monorepo



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