rjmccall added a comment.

In D96418#2780687 <https://reviews.llvm.org/D96418#2780687>, @leonardchan wrote:

> Hi all, it looks like this commit led to some unexpected behavior in our 
> build. When compiling something like:
>   // clang++ -c -S -o - /tmp/test.cc -std=c++17 -O1
>   static int do_nothing(void* unused) {
>     for (;;) {
>     }
>     return 0;
>   }
>   typedef int (*func_t)(void *);
>   void call(func_t);
>   void func() {
>     call(&do_nothing);
>   }
> we get the following assembly for `do_nothing`:
>       .p2align        4, 0x90                         # -- Begin function 
> _ZL10do_nothingPv
>       .type   _ZL10do_nothingPv,@function
>   _ZL10do_nothingPv:                      # @_ZL10do_nothingPv
>       .cfi_startproc
>   # %bb.0:
>   .Lfunc_end1:
>       .size   _ZL10do_nothingPv, .Lfunc_end1-_ZL10do_nothingPv
>       .cfi_endproc
>                                           # -- End function
>       .ident  "Fuchsia clang version 13.0.0 
> (https://llvm.googlesource.com/a/llvm-project 
> 6555e53ab0f2bca3dc30f5ab3a2d6872d50b6ff8)"
>       .section        ".note.GNU-stack","",@progbits
>       .addrsig
>       .addrsig_sym _ZL10do_nothingPv
> It seems that the function doesn't have a return statement or halting 
> instruction and it would just jump into the next function. While I do follow 
> what this patch is trying to do, this behavior seems pretty unexpected from a 
> C++ user perspective. I could be wrong, but it doesn't seem clear in this 
> case that the infinite loop results in UB which would justify this assembly.

Well, no, I'm afraid it is actually clear that that code does have UB according 
to the C++ standard.  Perhaps you mean that it *shouldn't* have UB, or that 
Clang should define its behavior despite the standard.

I might agree with you that I don't see the value in using this stronger rule 
in C++, but I think it would help to understand the problem a little better.  I 
assume this is causing problems for a less trivial test case?  Or do you really 
have code that's relying on that loop not terminating?

  rG LLVM Github Monorepo



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