njames93 created this revision.
njames93 added reviewers: klimek, aaron.ballman.
Herald added subscribers: llvm-commits, cfe-commits, hiraditya.
Herald added projects: clang, LLVM.
Added new Macros `AST(_POLYMORPHIC)_MATCHER_REGEX(_OVERLOAD)` that define a 
matchers that take a regular expression string and optionally regular 
expression flags. This lets users match against nodes while ignoring the case 
without having to manually use `[Aa]` or `[A-Fa-f]` in their regex. The other 
point this addresses is in the current state, matchers that use regular 
expressions have to compile them for each node they try to match on, Now the 
regular expression is compiled once when you define the matcher and used for 
every node that it tries to match against. If there is an error while compiling 
the regular expression an error will be logged to stderr showing the bad regex 
string and the reason it couldn't be compiled. The old behaviour of this was 
down to the Matcher implementation and some would assert, whereas others just 
would never match. Support for this has been added to the documentation script 
as well. Support for this has been added to dynamic matchers ensuring 
functionality is the same between the 2 use cases.

  rG LLVM Github Monorepo



Index: llvm/lib/Support/Regex.cpp
--- llvm/lib/Support/Regex.cpp
+++ llvm/lib/Support/Regex.cpp
@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@
 Regex::Regex() : preg(nullptr), error(REG_BADPAT) {}
-Regex::Regex(StringRef regex, unsigned Flags) {
+Regex::Regex(StringRef regex, RegexFlags Flags) {
   unsigned flags = 0;
   preg = new llvm_regex();
   preg->re_endp = regex.end();
@@ -39,6 +39,9 @@
   error = llvm_regcomp(preg, regex.data(), flags|REG_PEND);
+Regex::Regex(StringRef regex, unsigned Flags)
+    : Regex(regex, static_cast<RegexFlags>(Flags)) {}
 Regex::Regex(Regex &&regex) {
   preg = regex.preg;
   error = regex.error;
Index: llvm/include/llvm/Support/Regex.h
--- llvm/include/llvm/Support/Regex.h
+++ llvm/include/llvm/Support/Regex.h
@@ -16,6 +16,7 @@
+#include "llvm/ADT/BitmaskEnum.h"
 #include <string>
 struct llvm_regex;
@@ -26,20 +27,22 @@
   class Regex {
-    enum {
-      NoFlags=0,
+    enum RegexFlags : unsigned {
+      NoFlags = 0,
       /// Compile for matching that ignores upper/lower case distinctions.
-      IgnoreCase=1,
+      IgnoreCase = 1,
       /// Compile for newline-sensitive matching. With this flag '[^' bracket
       /// expressions and '.' never match newline. A ^ anchor matches the
       /// null string after any newline in the string in addition to its normal
       /// function, and the $ anchor matches the null string before any
       /// newline in the string in addition to its normal function.
-      Newline=2,
+      Newline = 2,
       /// By default, the POSIX extended regular expression (ERE) syntax is
       /// assumed. Pass this flag to turn on basic regular expressions (BRE)
       /// instead.
-      BasicRegex=4
+      BasicRegex = 4,
@@ -47,7 +50,8 @@
     /// \param Regex - referenced string is no longer needed after this
     /// constructor does finish.  Only its compiled form is kept stored.
-    Regex(StringRef Regex, unsigned Flags = NoFlags);
+    Regex(StringRef Regex, RegexFlags Flags = NoFlags);
+    Regex(StringRef Regex, unsigned Flags);
     Regex(const Regex &) = delete;
     Regex &operator=(Regex regex) {
       std::swap(preg, regex.preg);
Index: clang/unittests/ASTMatchers/Dynamic/ParserTest.cpp
--- clang/unittests/ASTMatchers/Dynamic/ParserTest.cpp
+++ clang/unittests/ASTMatchers/Dynamic/ParserTest.cpp
@@ -259,6 +259,15 @@
   EXPECT_TRUE(matches("unsigned X = sizeof(int);", MStmt));
   EXPECT_FALSE(matches("unsigned X = alignof(int);", MStmt));
+  Code =
+      R"query(namedDecl(matchesName("^::[ABC]*$", "IgnoreCase | BasicRegex")))query";
+  llvm::Optional<DynTypedMatcher> MatchesName(
+      Parser::parseMatcherExpression(Code, nullptr, nullptr, &Error));
+  EXPECT_EQ("", Error.toStringFull());
+  M = MatchesName->unconditionalConvertTo<Decl>();
+  EXPECT_TRUE(matches("unsigned AAACCBB;", M));
+  EXPECT_TRUE(matches("unsigned aaaccbb;", M));
   Code = "hasInitializer(\n    binaryOperator(hasLHS(\"A\")))";
   EXPECT_TRUE(!Parser::parseMatcherExpression(Code, &Error).hasValue());
   EXPECT_EQ("1:1: Error parsing argument 1 for matcher hasInitializer.\n"
@@ -348,6 +357,26 @@
             "1:14: Incorrect type for arg 1. (Expected = string) != (Actual = "
+  EXPECT_EQ("1:1: Error parsing argument 1 for matcher namedDecl.\n"
+            "1:11: Error building matcher matchesName.\n"
+            "1:33: Incorrect type for arg 2. (Expected = string) != (Actual = "
+            "String)",
+            ParseMatcherWithError(
+                R"query(namedDecl(matchesName("[ABC]*", "Ignorecase")))query"));
+      "1:1: Error parsing argument 1 for matcher namedDecl.\n"
+      "1:11: Error building matcher matchesName.\n"
+      "1:33: Incorrect type for arg 2. (Expected = string) != (Actual = "
+      "String)",
+      ParseMatcherWithError(
+          R"query(namedDecl(matchesName("[ABC]*", "IgnoreCase & BasicRegex")))query"));
+      "1:1: Error parsing argument 1 for matcher namedDecl.\n"
+      "1:11: Error building matcher matchesName.\n"
+      "1:33: Incorrect type for arg 2. (Expected = string) != (Actual = "
+      "String)",
+      ParseMatcherWithError(
+          R"query(namedDecl(matchesName("[ABC]*", "IgnoreCase | Basicregex")))query"));
 TEST(ParserTest, OverloadErrors) {
Index: clang/unittests/ASTMatchers/ASTMatchersNodeTest.cpp
--- clang/unittests/ASTMatchers/ASTMatchersNodeTest.cpp
+++ clang/unittests/ASTMatchers/ASTMatchersNodeTest.cpp
@@ -77,6 +77,12 @@
   EXPECT_TRUE(matches("namespace x { int kTest; }", StartsWithK));
   EXPECT_TRUE(matches("class C { int k; };", StartsWithK));
   EXPECT_TRUE(notMatches("class C { int ckc; };", StartsWithK));
+  EXPECT_TRUE(notMatches("int K;", StartsWithK));
+  DeclarationMatcher StartsWithKIgnoreCase =
+      namedDecl(matchesName(":k[^:]*$", llvm::Regex::IgnoreCase));
+  EXPECT_TRUE(matches("int k;", StartsWithKIgnoreCase));
+  EXPECT_TRUE(matches("int K;", StartsWithKIgnoreCase));
 TEST(DeclarationMatcher, MatchClass) {
Index: clang/lib/ASTMatchers/Dynamic/Registry.cpp
--- clang/lib/ASTMatchers/Dynamic/Registry.cpp
+++ clang/lib/ASTMatchers/Dynamic/Registry.cpp
@@ -90,6 +90,9 @@
     REGISTER_MATCHER_OVERLOAD(name);                                           \
   } while (false)
+#define REGISTER_REGEX_MATCHER(name)                                           \
+  registerMatcher(#name, internal::makeMatcherRegexMarshall(name, name))
 /// Generate a registry map with all the known matchers.
 /// Please keep sorted alphabetically!
 RegistryMaps::RegistryMaps() {
@@ -121,6 +124,11 @@
+  REGISTER_REGEX_MATCHER(isExpansionInFileMatching);
+  REGISTER_REGEX_MATCHER(matchesSelector);
@@ -374,7 +382,6 @@
-  REGISTER_MATCHER(isExpansionInFileMatching);
@@ -429,8 +436,6 @@
-  REGISTER_MATCHER(matchesName);
-  REGISTER_MATCHER(matchesSelector);
Index: clang/lib/ASTMatchers/Dynamic/Marshallers.h
--- clang/lib/ASTMatchers/Dynamic/Marshallers.h
+++ clang/lib/ASTMatchers/Dynamic/Marshallers.h
@@ -35,6 +35,7 @@
 #include "llvm/ADT/StringRef.h"
 #include "llvm/ADT/StringSwitch.h"
 #include "llvm/ADT/Twine.h"
+#include "llvm/Support/Regex.h"
 #include <cassert>
 #include <cstddef>
 #include <iterator>
@@ -192,6 +193,26 @@
   static llvm::Optional<std::string> getBestGuess(const VariantValue &Value);
+template <> struct ArgTypeTraits<llvm::Regex::RegexFlags> {
+  static Optional<llvm::Regex::RegexFlags> getFlags(llvm::StringRef Flags);
+  static bool is(const VariantValue &Value) {
+    return Value.isString() && getFlags(Value.getString());
+  }
+  static llvm::Regex::RegexFlags get(const VariantValue &Value) {
+    return *getFlags(Value.getString());
+  }
+  static ArgKind getKind() { return ArgKind(ArgKind::AK_String); }
+  static llvm::Optional<std::string> getBestGuess(const VariantValue &Value) {
+    return llvm::None;
+  }
 template <> struct ArgTypeTraits<OpenMPClauseKind> {
   static Optional<OpenMPClauseKind> getClauseKind(llvm::StringRef ClauseKind) {
@@ -711,6 +732,63 @@
   std::vector<std::unique_ptr<MatcherDescriptor>> Overloads;
+template <typename ReturnType>
+class RegexMatcherDescriptor : public MatcherDescriptor {
+  RegexMatcherDescriptor(ReturnType (*WithFlags)(StringRef,
+                                                 llvm::Regex::RegexFlags),
+                         ReturnType (*NoFlags)(StringRef),
+                         ArrayRef<ASTNodeKind> RetKinds)
+      : WithFlags(WithFlags), NoFlags(NoFlags),
+        RetKinds(RetKinds.begin(), RetKinds.end()) {}
+  bool isVariadic() const override { return true; }
+  unsigned getNumArgs() const override { return 0; }
+  void getArgKinds(ASTNodeKind ThisKind, unsigned ArgNo,
+                   std::vector<ArgKind> &Kinds) const override {
+    assert(ArgNo < 2);
+    Kinds.push_back(ArgKind::AK_String);
+  }
+  bool isConvertibleTo(ASTNodeKind Kind, unsigned *Specificity,
+                       ASTNodeKind *LeastDerivedKind) const override {
+    return isRetKindConvertibleTo(RetKinds, Kind, Specificity,
+                                  LeastDerivedKind);
+  }
+  VariantMatcher create(SourceRange NameRange, ArrayRef<ParserValue> Args,
+                        Diagnostics *Error) const override {
+    if (Args.size() < 1 || Args.size() > 2) {
+      Error->addError(NameRange, Diagnostics::ET_RegistryWrongArgCount)
+          << "1 or 2" << Args.size();
+      return VariantMatcher();
+    }
+    if (!ArgTypeTraits<StringRef>::is(Args[0].Value)) {
+      Error->addError(Args[0].Range, Error->ET_RegistryWrongArgType)
+          << 1 << ArgTypeTraits<StringRef>::getKind().asString()
+          << Args[0].Value.getTypeAsString();
+    }
+    if (Args.size() == 1) {
+      return outvalueToVariantMatcher(
+          NoFlags(ArgTypeTraits<StringRef>::get(Args[0].Value)));
+    }
+    if (!ArgTypeTraits<llvm::Regex::RegexFlags>::is(Args[1].Value)) {
+      Error->addError(Args[1].Range, Error->ET_RegistryWrongArgType)
+          << 2 << ArgTypeTraits<llvm::Regex::RegexFlags>::getKind().asString()
+          << Args[1].Value.getTypeAsString();
+      return VariantMatcher();
+    }
+    return outvalueToVariantMatcher(
+        WithFlags(ArgTypeTraits<StringRef>::get(Args[0].Value),
+                  ArgTypeTraits<llvm::Regex::RegexFlags>::get(Args[1].Value)));
+  }
+  ReturnType (*const WithFlags)(StringRef, llvm::Regex::RegexFlags);
+  ReturnType (*const NoFlags)(StringRef);
+  const std::vector<ASTNodeKind> RetKinds;
 /// Variadic operator marshaller function.
 class VariadicOperatorMatcherDescriptor : public MatcherDescriptor {
@@ -814,6 +892,16 @@
       reinterpret_cast<void (*)()>(Func), MatcherName, RetTypes, AKs);
+template <typename ReturnType>
+std::unique_ptr<MatcherDescriptor> makeMatcherRegexMarshall(
+    ReturnType (*FuncFlags)(llvm::StringRef, llvm::Regex::RegexFlags),
+    ReturnType (*Func)(llvm::StringRef)) {
+  std::vector<ASTNodeKind> RetTypes;
+  BuildReturnTypeVector<ReturnType>::build(RetTypes);
+  return std::make_unique<RegexMatcherDescriptor<ReturnType>>(FuncFlags, Func,
+                                                              RetTypes);
 /// Variadic overload.
 template <typename ResultT, typename ArgT,
           ResultT (*Func)(ArrayRef<const ArgT *>)>
Index: clang/lib/ASTMatchers/Dynamic/Marshallers.cpp
--- clang/lib/ASTMatchers/Dynamic/Marshallers.cpp
+++ clang/lib/ASTMatchers/Dynamic/Marshallers.cpp
@@ -110,3 +110,27 @@
   return llvm::None;
+    llvm::Regex::RegexFlags>::getFlags(llvm::StringRef Flags) {
+  llvm::Regex::RegexFlags Flag = llvm::Regex::NoFlags;
+  SmallVector<StringRef, 4> Split;
+  Flags.split(Split, '|', -1, false);
+  for (StringRef OrFlag : Split) {
+    OrFlag = OrFlag.trim();
+    if (OrFlag.empty())
+      continue;
+    if (OrFlag == "IgnoreCase")
+      Flag |= llvm::Regex::IgnoreCase;
+    else if (OrFlag == "NewLine")
+      Flag |= llvm::Regex::Newline;
+    else if (OrFlag == "BasicRegex")
+      Flag |= llvm::Regex::BasicRegex;
+    else if (OrFlag == "NoFlags")
+      continue;
+    else
+      return None;
+  }
+  return Flag;
Index: clang/include/clang/ASTMatchers/ASTMatchersMacros.h
--- clang/include/clang/ASTMatchers/ASTMatchersMacros.h
+++ clang/include/clang/ASTMatchers/ASTMatchersMacros.h
@@ -438,4 +438,133 @@
       ReturnTypesF>::Func MatcherName##Loc;                                    \
   AST_TYPE_TRAVERSE_MATCHER(MatcherName, FunctionName##Type, ReturnTypesF)
+/// AST_MATCHER_REGEX(Type, DefineMatcher, Param) { ... }
+/// defines a function named DefineMatcher() that takes a regular expression
+/// string paramater and an optional RegexFlags parameter and returns a
+/// Matcher<Type> object.
+/// The code between the curly braces has access to the following variables:
+///   Node:                  the AST node being matched; its type is Type.
+///   Param:                 a pointer to an \ref llvm::Regex object
+///   Finder:                an ASTMatchFinder*.
+///   Builder:               a BoundNodesTreeBuilder*.
+/// The code should return true if 'Node' matches.
+#define AST_MATCHER_REGEX(Type, DefineMatcher, Param)                          \
+  AST_MATCHER_REGEX_OVERLOAD(Type, DefineMatcher, Param, 0)
+#define AST_MATCHER_REGEX_OVERLOAD(Type, DefineMatcher, Param, OverloadId)     \
+  namespace internal {                                                         \
+  class matcher_##DefineMatcher##OverloadId##Matcher                           \
+      : public ::clang::ast_matchers::internal::MatcherInterface<Type> {       \
+  public:                                                                      \
+    explicit matcher_##DefineMatcher##OverloadId##Matcher(                     \
+        std::shared_ptr<llvm::Regex> RE)                                       \
+        : Param(std::move(RE)) {}                                              \
+    bool matches(const Type &Node,                                             \
+                 ::clang::ast_matchers::internal::ASTMatchFinder *Finder,      \
+                 ::clang::ast_matchers::internal::BoundNodesTreeBuilder        \
+                     *Builder) const override;                                 \
+                                                                               \
+  private:                                                                     \
+    std::shared_ptr<llvm::Regex> const Param;                                  \
+  };                                                                           \
+  }                                                                            \
+  inline ::clang::ast_matchers::internal::Matcher<Type> DefineMatcher(         \
+      llvm::StringRef Param, llvm::Regex::RegexFlags RegexFlags) {             \
+    assert(!Param.empty() && "Empty regex string");                            \
+    auto SharedRegex = std::make_shared<llvm::Regex>(Param, RegexFlags);       \
+    std::string Error;                                                         \
+    if (!SharedRegex->isValid(Error)) {                                        \
+      llvm::errs() << "error: " << Error << "\nnote: input was '" << Param     \
+                   << "'\n";                                                   \
+    }                                                                          \
+    return ::clang::ast_matchers::internal::makeMatcher(                       \
+        new internal::matcher_##DefineMatcher##OverloadId##Matcher(            \
+            std::move(SharedRegex)));                                          \
+  }                                                                            \
+  inline ::clang::ast_matchers::internal::Matcher<Type> DefineMatcher(         \
+      llvm::StringRef Param) {                                                 \
+    return DefineMatcher(Param, llvm::Regex::NoFlags);                         \
+  }                                                                            \
+                                                                               \
+  typedef ::clang::ast_matchers::internal::Matcher<Type> (                     \
+      &DefineMatcher##_Type##OverloadId##Flags)(llvm::StringRef,               \
+                                                llvm::Regex::RegexFlags);      \
+  typedef ::clang::ast_matchers::internal::Matcher<Type> (                     \
+      &DefineMatcher##_Type##OverloadId)(llvm::StringRef);                     \
+  inline bool internal::matcher_##DefineMatcher##OverloadId##Matcher::matches( \
+      const Type &Node,                                                        \
+      ::clang::ast_matchers::internal::ASTMatchFinder *Finder,                 \
+      ::clang::ast_matchers::internal::BoundNodesTreeBuilder *Builder) const
+/// AST_POLYMORPHIC_MATCHER_REGEX(DefineMatcher, ReturnTypesF, Param) { ... }
+/// defines a function named DefineMatcher() that takes a regular expression
+/// string paramater and an optional RegexFlags parameter that is polymorphic in
+/// the return type.
+/// The variables are the same as for
+/// AST_MATCHER_REGEX, with the addition of NodeType, which specifies the node
+/// type of the matcher Matcher<NodeType> returned by the function matcher().
+#define AST_POLYMORPHIC_MATCHER_REGEX(DefineMatcher, ReturnTypesF, Param)      \
+  AST_POLYMORPHIC_MATCHER_REGEX_OVERLOAD(DefineMatcher, ReturnTypesF, Param, 0)
+#define AST_POLYMORPHIC_MATCHER_REGEX_OVERLOAD(DefineMatcher, ReturnTypesF,    \
+                                               Param, OverloadId)              \
+  namespace internal {                                                         \
+  template <typename NodeType, typename ParamT>                                \
+  class matcher_##DefineMatcher##OverloadId##Matcher                           \
+      : public ::clang::ast_matchers::internal::MatcherInterface<NodeType> {   \
+  public:                                                                      \
+    explicit matcher_##DefineMatcher##OverloadId##Matcher(                     \
+        std::shared_ptr<llvm::Regex> RE)                                       \
+        : Param(std::move(RE)) {}                                              \
+    bool matches(const NodeType &Node,                                         \
+                 ::clang::ast_matchers::internal::ASTMatchFinder *Finder,      \
+                 ::clang::ast_matchers::internal::BoundNodesTreeBuilder        \
+                     *Builder) const override;                                 \
+                                                                               \
+  private:                                                                     \
+    std::shared_ptr<llvm::Regex> const Param;                                  \
+  };                                                                           \
+  }                                                                            \
+  inline ::clang::ast_matchers::internal::PolymorphicMatcherWithParam1<        \
+      internal::matcher_##DefineMatcher##OverloadId##Matcher,                  \
+      std::shared_ptr<llvm::Regex>, ReturnTypesF>                              \
+  DefineMatcher(llvm::StringRef Param, llvm::Regex::RegexFlags RegexFlags) {   \
+    assert(!Param.empty() && "Empty regex string");                            \
+    auto SharedRegex = std::make_shared<llvm::Regex>(Param, RegexFlags);       \
+    std::string Error;                                                         \
+    if (!SharedRegex->isValid(Error)) {                                        \
+      llvm::errs() << "error: " << Error << "\nnote: input was '" << Param     \
+                   << "'\n";                                                   \
+    }                                                                          \
+    return ::clang::ast_matchers::internal::PolymorphicMatcherWithParam1<      \
+        internal::matcher_##DefineMatcher##OverloadId##Matcher,                \
+        std::shared_ptr<llvm::Regex>, ReturnTypesF>(std::move(SharedRegex));   \
+  }                                                                            \
+  inline ::clang::ast_matchers::internal::PolymorphicMatcherWithParam1<        \
+      internal::matcher_##DefineMatcher##OverloadId##Matcher,                  \
+      std::shared_ptr<llvm::Regex>, ReturnTypesF>                              \
+  DefineMatcher(llvm::StringRef Param) {                                       \
+    return DefineMatcher(Param, llvm::Regex::NoFlags);                         \
+  }                                                                            \
+  typedef ::clang::ast_matchers::internal::PolymorphicMatcherWithParam1<       \
+      internal::matcher_##DefineMatcher##OverloadId##Matcher,                  \
+      std::shared_ptr<llvm::Regex>, ReturnTypesF> (                            \
+      &DefineMatcher##_Type##OverloadId##Flags)(                               \
+      llvm::StringRef Param, llvm::Regex::RegexFlags RegexFlags);              \
+  typedef ::clang::ast_matchers::internal::PolymorphicMatcherWithParam1<       \
+      internal::matcher_##DefineMatcher##OverloadId##Matcher,                  \
+      std::shared_ptr<llvm::Regex>, ReturnTypesF> (                            \
+      &DefineMatcher##_Type##OverloadId)(llvm::StringRef Param);               \
+  template <typename NodeType, typename ParamT>                                \
+  bool internal::                                                              \
+      matcher_##DefineMatcher##OverloadId##Matcher<NodeType, ParamT>::matches( \
+          const NodeType &Node,                                                \
+          ::clang::ast_matchers::internal::ASTMatchFinder *Finder,             \
+          ::clang::ast_matchers::internal::BoundNodesTreeBuilder *Builder)     \
+          const
Index: clang/include/clang/ASTMatchers/ASTMatchers.h
--- clang/include/clang/ASTMatchers/ASTMatchers.h
+++ clang/include/clang/ASTMatchers/ASTMatchers.h
@@ -283,9 +283,10 @@
 /// \endcode
 /// Usable as: Matcher<Decl>, Matcher<Stmt>, Matcher<TypeLoc>
-                          AST_POLYMORPHIC_SUPPORTED_TYPES(Decl, Stmt, TypeLoc),
-                          std::string, RegExp) {
+                              AST_POLYMORPHIC_SUPPORTED_TYPES(Decl, Stmt,
+                                                              TypeLoc),
+                              RegExp) {
   auto &SourceManager = Finder->getASTContext().getSourceManager();
   auto ExpansionLoc = SourceManager.getExpansionLoc(Node.getBeginLoc());
   if (ExpansionLoc.isInvalid()) {
@@ -298,8 +299,7 @@
   auto Filename = FileEntry->getName();
-  llvm::Regex RE(RegExp);
-  return RE.match(Filename);
+  return RegExp->match(Filename);
 /// Matches statements that are (transitively) expanded from the named macro.
@@ -2748,11 +2748,9 @@
 /// \code
 ///   namespace foo { namespace bar { class X; } }
 /// \endcode
-AST_MATCHER_P(NamedDecl, matchesName, std::string, RegExp) {
-  assert(!RegExp.empty());
+AST_MATCHER_REGEX(NamedDecl, matchesName, RegExp) {
   std::string FullNameString = "::" + Node.getQualifiedNameAsString();
-  llvm::Regex RE(RegExp);
-  return RE.match(FullNameString);
+  return RegExp->match(FullNameString);
 /// Matches overloaded operator names.
@@ -3373,11 +3371,9 @@
 /// \code
 ///     [self.bodyView loadHTMLString:html baseURL:NULL];
 /// \endcode
-AST_MATCHER_P(ObjCMessageExpr, matchesSelector, std::string, RegExp) {
-  assert(!RegExp.empty());
+AST_MATCHER_REGEX(ObjCMessageExpr, matchesSelector, RegExp) {
   std::string SelectorString = Node.getSelector().getAsString();
-  llvm::Regex RE(RegExp);
-  return RE.match(SelectorString);
+  return RegExp->match(SelectorString);
 /// Matches when the selector is the empty selector
Index: clang/docs/tools/dump_ast_matchers.py
--- clang/docs/tools/dump_ast_matchers.py
+++ clang/docs/tools/dump_ast_matchers.py
@@ -230,6 +230,28 @@
         add_matcher(result_type, name, args, comment)
+    m = re.match(r"""^\s*AST_POLYMORPHIC_MATCHER_REGEX(?:_OVERLOAD)?\(
+                          \s*([^\s,]+)\s*,
+                          \s*AST_POLYMORPHIC_SUPPORTED_TYPES\(([^)]*)\),
+                          \s*([^\s,]+)\s*
+                       (?:,\s*\d+\s*)?
+                      \)\s*{\s*$""", declaration, flags=re.X)
+    if m:
+      name, results, arg_name = m.groups()[0:3]
+      result_types = [r.strip() for r in results.split(',')]
+      if allowed_types and allowed_types != result_types:
+        raise Exception('Inconsistent documentation for: %s' % name)
+      arg = "StringRef %s, Regex::RegexFlags Flags = NoFlags" % arg_name
+      comment += """
+If the matcher is used in clang-query, RegexFlags parameter
+should be passed as a quoted string. e.g: "NoFlags".
+Flags can be combined with '|' example \"IgnoreCase | BasicRegex\"
+      for result_type in result_types:
+        add_matcher(result_type, name, arg, comment)
+      return
     m = re.match(r"""^\s*AST_MATCHER_FUNCTION(_P)?(.?)(?:_OVERLOAD)?\(
@@ -275,6 +297,31 @@
         add_matcher(result_type, name, args, comment)
+    m = re.match(r"""^\s*AST_MATCHER_REGEX(?:_OVERLOAD)?\(
+                       \s*([^\s,]+)\s*,
+                       \s*([^\s,]+)\s*,
+                       \s*([^\s,]+)\s*
+                       (?:,\s*\d+\s*)?
+                      \)\s*{""", declaration, flags=re.X)
+    if m:
+      result, name, arg_name = m.groups()[0:3]
+      if not result:
+        if not allowed_types:
+          raise Exception('Did not find allowed result types for: %s' % name)
+        result_types = allowed_types
+      else:
+        result_types = [result]
+      arg = "StringRef %s, Regex::RegexFlags Flags = NoFlags" % arg_name
+      comment += """
+If the matcher is used in clang-query, RegexFlags parameter
+should be passed as a quoted string. e.g: "NoFlags".
+Flags can be combined with '|' example \"IgnoreCase | BasicRegex\"
+      for result_type in result_types:
+        add_matcher(result_type, name, arg, comment)
+      return
     # Parse ArgumentAdapting matchers.
     m = re.match(
Index: clang/docs/LibASTMatchersReference.html
--- clang/docs/LibASTMatchersReference.html
+++ clang/docs/LibASTMatchersReference.html
@@ -3007,7 +3007,7 @@
-<tr><td>Matcher&lt;<a href="https://clang.llvm.org/doxygen/classclang_1_1Decl.html";>Decl</a>&gt;</td><td class="name" onclick="toggle('isExpansionInFileMatching0')"><a name="isExpansionInFileMatching0Anchor">isExpansionInFileMatching</a></td><td>std::string RegExp</td></tr>
+<tr><td>Matcher&lt;<a href="https://clang.llvm.org/doxygen/classclang_1_1Decl.html";>Decl</a>&gt;</td><td class="name" onclick="toggle('isExpansionInFileMatching0')"><a name="isExpansionInFileMatching0Anchor">isExpansionInFileMatching</a></td><td>StringRef RegExp, Regex::RegexFlags Flags = NoFlags</td></tr>
 <tr><td colspan="4" class="doc" id="isExpansionInFileMatching0"><pre>Matches AST nodes that were expanded within files whose name is
 partially matching a given regex.
@@ -3019,6 +3019,10 @@
   class Y {};
 Usable as: Matcher&lt;<a href="https://clang.llvm.org/doxygen/classclang_1_1Decl.html";>Decl</a>&gt;, Matcher&lt;<a href="https://clang.llvm.org/doxygen/classclang_1_1Stmt.html";>Stmt</a>&gt;, Matcher&lt;<a href="https://clang.llvm.org/doxygen/classclang_1_1TypeLoc.html";>TypeLoc</a>&gt;
+If the matcher is used in clang-query, RegexFlags parameter
+should be passed as a quoted string. e.g: "NoFlags".
+Flags can be combined with '|' example "IgnoreCase | BasicRegex"
@@ -3725,7 +3729,7 @@
-<tr><td>Matcher&lt;<a href="https://clang.llvm.org/doxygen/classclang_1_1NamedDecl.html";>NamedDecl</a>&gt;</td><td class="name" onclick="toggle('matchesName0')"><a name="matchesName0Anchor">matchesName</a></td><td>std::string RegExp</td></tr>
+<tr><td>Matcher&lt;<a href="https://clang.llvm.org/doxygen/classclang_1_1NamedDecl.html";>NamedDecl</a>&gt;</td><td class="name" onclick="toggle('matchesName0')"><a name="matchesName0Anchor">matchesName</a></td><td>StringRef RegExp, Regex::RegexFlags Flags = NoFlags</td></tr>
 <tr><td colspan="4" class="doc" id="matchesName0"><pre>Matches NamedDecl nodes whose fully qualified names contain
 a substring matched by the given RegExp.
@@ -3738,6 +3742,10 @@
 Example matches X (regexp is one of "::X", "^foo::.*X", among others)
   namespace foo { namespace bar { class X; } }
+If the matcher is used in clang-query, RegexFlags parameter
+should be passed as a quoted string. e.g: "NoFlags".
+Flags can be combined with '|' example "IgnoreCase | BasicRegex"
@@ -3932,12 +3940,16 @@
-<tr><td>Matcher&lt;<a href="https://clang.llvm.org/doxygen/classclang_1_1ObjCMessageExpr.html";>ObjCMessageExpr</a>&gt;</td><td class="name" onclick="toggle('matchesSelector0')"><a name="matchesSelector0Anchor">matchesSelector</a></td><td>std::string RegExp</td></tr>
+<tr><td>Matcher&lt;<a href="https://clang.llvm.org/doxygen/classclang_1_1ObjCMessageExpr.html";>ObjCMessageExpr</a>&gt;</td><td class="name" onclick="toggle('matchesSelector0')"><a name="matchesSelector0Anchor">matchesSelector</a></td><td>StringRef RegExp, Regex::RegexFlags Flags = NoFlags</td></tr>
 <tr><td colspan="4" class="doc" id="matchesSelector0"><pre>Matches ObjC selectors whose name contains
 a substring matched by the given RegExp.
  matcher = objCMessageExpr(matchesSelector("loadHTMLStringmatches the outer message expr in the code below, but NOT the message
  invocation for self.bodyView.
     [self.bodyView loadHTMLString:html baseURL:NULL];
+If the matcher is used in clang-query, RegexFlags parameter
+should be passed as a quoted string. e.g: "NoFlags".
+Flags can be combined with '|' example "IgnoreCase | BasicRegex"
@@ -4228,7 +4240,7 @@
-<tr><td>Matcher&lt;<a href="https://clang.llvm.org/doxygen/classclang_1_1Stmt.html";>Stmt</a>&gt;</td><td class="name" onclick="toggle('isExpansionInFileMatching1')"><a name="isExpansionInFileMatching1Anchor">isExpansionInFileMatching</a></td><td>std::string RegExp</td></tr>
+<tr><td>Matcher&lt;<a href="https://clang.llvm.org/doxygen/classclang_1_1Stmt.html";>Stmt</a>&gt;</td><td class="name" onclick="toggle('isExpansionInFileMatching1')"><a name="isExpansionInFileMatching1Anchor">isExpansionInFileMatching</a></td><td>StringRef RegExp, Regex::RegexFlags Flags = NoFlags</td></tr>
 <tr><td colspan="4" class="doc" id="isExpansionInFileMatching1"><pre>Matches AST nodes that were expanded within files whose name is
 partially matching a given regex.
@@ -4240,6 +4252,10 @@
   class Y {};
 Usable as: Matcher&lt;<a href="https://clang.llvm.org/doxygen/classclang_1_1Decl.html";>Decl</a>&gt;, Matcher&lt;<a href="https://clang.llvm.org/doxygen/classclang_1_1Stmt.html";>Stmt</a>&gt;, Matcher&lt;<a href="https://clang.llvm.org/doxygen/classclang_1_1TypeLoc.html";>TypeLoc</a>&gt;
+If the matcher is used in clang-query, RegexFlags parameter
+should be passed as a quoted string. e.g: "NoFlags".
+Flags can be combined with '|' example "IgnoreCase | BasicRegex"
@@ -4410,7 +4426,7 @@
-<tr><td>Matcher&lt;<a href="https://clang.llvm.org/doxygen/classclang_1_1TypeLoc.html";>TypeLoc</a>&gt;</td><td class="name" onclick="toggle('isExpansionInFileMatching2')"><a name="isExpansionInFileMatching2Anchor">isExpansionInFileMatching</a></td><td>std::string RegExp</td></tr>
+<tr><td>Matcher&lt;<a href="https://clang.llvm.org/doxygen/classclang_1_1TypeLoc.html";>TypeLoc</a>&gt;</td><td class="name" onclick="toggle('isExpansionInFileMatching2')"><a name="isExpansionInFileMatching2Anchor">isExpansionInFileMatching</a></td><td>StringRef RegExp, Regex::RegexFlags Flags = NoFlags</td></tr>
 <tr><td colspan="4" class="doc" id="isExpansionInFileMatching2"><pre>Matches AST nodes that were expanded within files whose name is
 partially matching a given regex.
@@ -4422,6 +4438,10 @@
   class Y {};
 Usable as: Matcher&lt;<a href="https://clang.llvm.org/doxygen/classclang_1_1Decl.html";>Decl</a>&gt;, Matcher&lt;<a href="https://clang.llvm.org/doxygen/classclang_1_1Stmt.html";>Stmt</a>&gt;, Matcher&lt;<a href="https://clang.llvm.org/doxygen/classclang_1_1TypeLoc.html";>TypeLoc</a>&gt;
+If the matcher is used in clang-query, RegexFlags parameter
+should be passed as a quoted string. e.g: "NoFlags".
+Flags can be combined with '|' example "IgnoreCase | BasicRegex"
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