sammccall accepted this revision.
sammccall marked an inline comment as done.
sammccall added a comment.

Ship it!

Comment at: clang-tools-extra/clangd/CodeComplete.cpp:1715
+                        CCContextKind, Opts, !IsUsingDeclaration,
+                        NextTokenKind);
kbobyrev wrote:
> sammccall wrote:
> > now you've got the "should we generate snippets" logic split a different 
> > way :-) No-snippets-for-using-decl is expressed here, but 
> > no-args-if-parens-exist is inside the builder.
> > 
> > I think it's slightly neater (less plumbing) to compute it here - it's safe 
> > to do so based on the current item because we won't produce a bundle 
> > containing functions together with other things.
> > 
> > Also fine to pass in IsUsingDeclaration, but it should be to a parameter 
> > called "IsUsingDeclaration" rather than one called GenerateSnippets, as 
> > it's only part of the equation.
> > Also fine to pass in IsUsingDeclaration, but it should be to a parameter 
> > called "IsUsingDeclaration" rather than one called GenerateSnippets, as 
> > it's only part of the equation.
> Yeah I thought it might be a bit confusing to split this up, but couldn't 
> figure out what would be best option. This sounds logical, will do!
> > I think it's slightly neater (less plumbing) to compute it here - it's safe 
> > to do so based on the current item because we won't produce a bundle 
> > containing functions together with other things.
> I'm a bit confused: I moved the `l_brace` token detection logic into the 
> builder because it resolves the completion kind, so computing it here would 
> require the completion item kind to be resolved at this point. So are you 
> suggesting moving the completion kind resolution out of the builder here and 
> then passing it to the builder along with `GenerateSnippets`?
Yeah, I didn't see that we don't yet have access to the kind here.

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