kbobyrev added inline comments.

Comment at: clang-tools-extra/clangd/CodeComplete.cpp:1715
+                        CCContextKind, Opts, !IsUsingDeclaration,
+                        NextTokenKind);
sammccall wrote:
> now you've got the "should we generate snippets" logic split a different way 
> :-) No-snippets-for-using-decl is expressed here, but no-args-if-parens-exist 
> is inside the builder.
> I think it's slightly neater (less plumbing) to compute it here - it's safe 
> to do so based on the current item because we won't produce a bundle 
> containing functions together with other things.
> Also fine to pass in IsUsingDeclaration, but it should be to a parameter 
> called "IsUsingDeclaration" rather than one called GenerateSnippets, as it's 
> only part of the equation.
> Also fine to pass in IsUsingDeclaration, but it should be to a parameter 
> called "IsUsingDeclaration" rather than one called GenerateSnippets, as it's 
> only part of the equation.

Yeah I thought it might be a bit confusing to split this up, but couldn't 
figure out what would be best option. This sounds logical, will do!

> I think it's slightly neater (less plumbing) to compute it here - it's safe 
> to do so based on the current item because we won't produce a bundle 
> containing functions together with other things.

I'm a bit confused: I moved the `l_brace` token detection logic into the 
builder because it resolves the completion kind, so computing it here would 
require the completion item kind to be resolved at this point. So are you 
suggesting moving the completion kind resolution out of the builder here and 
then passing it to the builder along with `GenerateSnippets`?

  rG LLVM Github Monorepo



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